Non-Binary People Confront Piers Over Gender-Neutral Controversy | Good Morning Britain

Non-Binary People Confront Piers Over Gender-Neutral Controversy | Good Morning Britain

Good Morning Britain

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David Globerman
David Globerman - 18.11.2023 05:34

They are clinically insane.

Teresa Humphrey
Teresa Humphrey - 18.11.2023 00:49

Poor kids getting brain washed shamefull

Josh Marcus
Josh Marcus - 17.11.2023 08:02

FML. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Dale Thomas
Dale Thomas - 17.11.2023 03:42

I love piers coz he makes absolute sense

Dale Thomas
Dale Thomas - 17.11.2023 03:41

Listen to what he says at the end it’s disgusting my grandfather who died in war my father was a serving soldier I’m a serving soldier to here this with a 3 year old daughter disgusts me

Carl Wilson
Carl Wilson - 16.11.2023 20:43

If your non binary and don't identify as male or female why would you transition from female to male and vice versa!! Makes no sense

Hopeakoru - 16.11.2023 19:39

When people's skeletons are studied in the future, there will be no genders other than female and male.

Danny - 15.11.2023 16:27

Why don't we have a Piers Morgan in the Netherlands? Every country needs a Piers.

Seriously - 14.11.2023 06:22

So laughable

Clint Foreal
Clint Foreal - 08.11.2023 09:05

I identify as an astronaut so im pushing for equal pay rights. Its my choice to identify this way so you HAVE to respect it!

SophieSarka - 08.11.2023 00:48

I am trans and i despise the "non binary" cause it is really just people who found out that being homosexual or trans is not special anymore, so kids just found a new way to be "different"

Chickengenius420 - 07.11.2023 09:31

I live in a city of about 200,000 and there is about 5 of these running around

Grace Senior Care P/L
Grace Senior Care P/L - 06.11.2023 10:43

Satana, satana….prince of darkness and lies😢

KFoP - 06.11.2023 01:53

Too bad their claims could never back it up with facts!

Carmen Costea
Carmen Costea - 05.11.2023 05:07

The thing with Piers he has a good very good point but he talks tooo much he doesn’t let his partners of discussion a word in And I’m
Dying to know the truth about him trying to date Meghan Is it true? If yes I’d lose all my respect for him

Carmen Costea
Carmen Costea - 05.11.2023 05:05

Ridiculous my my my my

J Dub
J Dub - 04.11.2023 07:16

If there was no social media this would not even be a thing . Just ignore them and not give them any platforms.

charlie - 04.11.2023 05:59

Never thought I'd agree with Morgan. Sick of this movement ramming it down our throats. Yell get called mate and that's the end of it

Maria Maria
Maria Maria - 03.11.2023 17:14

Why do we feel the need to refuse to be identified as male or female? I don't understand. You need to be identified as male or female if a surgeon's going to operate you, to confirm when you're taking a license exam, to make sure you're not a terrorist getting on a plane. Why is that so hard to rationalize? We don't need to change the entire planet's gender. We need to educate society on acceptance. It does not mean we have to start making up these terms of binary, neutral gender. That doesn't fix the problem.

BD Ale
BD Ale - 01.11.2023 07:01

We exist in a very binary world ? 😂 ajajaa thérapie

freedom - 30.10.2023 00:32

Who cares these people cause there own problems by constantly waffling on about what name they wanna call themselves give it a rest will ya it's old news call yourself what you like

hellocolor101 - 29.10.2023 04:46

Aaaaand, here we go again : Piers invites people on his show and doesn't let them answer HIS questions or answer theirs. What a bleep. Piers need to go... he is a terrible interviewer. "Me, me, me and my opinion is all that matters". He is literally unable to actually listen to his guests. Is he challenged mentally?

youdontknowme - 28.10.2023 21:51

These people live in a different planet

JR Ryan
JR Ryan - 25.10.2023 18:54

What does it even mean to "feel like a man" or "feel like a woman?"

n0cr3w5ad3r - 25.10.2023 01:23

Dear transwoman.

If being a woman has nothing to do with b-sex, why should being a penguin have anything to do with species?

B - 23.10.2023 07:15

I’m not calling anyone out but it honestly seems like the majority of “non-binary” and other “transgender” people are just people who didn’t fit in anywhere so they have to make their own group of literally nobody’s. They’re identifying as nothing it makes absolutely no fking sense at least transgender people are the other gender . That makes a bit more sense

S - 21.10.2023 10:13

Its funny how the lib channels turn their comments off.... but the center or right wing dont.. interesting now!!

dustyttrain - 21.10.2023 01:11

Once this ridiculous platform they are on
Goes away do will their mental issues

Catherine TO and Toronto Real Estate
Catherine TO and Toronto Real Estate - 19.10.2023 17:53

I think piers Morgan should slow down when he is conducting an interview. He speaks more than others all the time…

Dahlia AL
Dahlia AL - 19.10.2023 16:29

Hes written book for 3 plus children. Wow groomer alert.

Georgio nw
Georgio nw - 18.10.2023 02:23

The goal of nature is to reproduce. Something is bad to me if everybody does it and it has a negative impact. If we were all gay there wouldnt be ppl. So its not a great thing.
1st world thinking if i have no problems make 1

Georgio nw
Georgio nw - 18.10.2023 02:19

Ppl should live and dare whoever they want but without imposing on others. Demanding ppl recognise them as whatever they feel like that day is imposing.
We are animals. Out of 8 billion ppl some will have gender issues, some will have cancer some will have every problem.

DANE MOISAN - 17.10.2023 15:38

Is this a joke or are PEOPLE going crazy!!!! What's next non-binary animals???

Yulu Date
Yulu Date - 16.10.2023 21:45

Both sides really are not listening, nothing was clear this wasn’t even a debate.

chris donnelly
chris donnelly - 16.10.2023 21:28

what colour balloons do they have for there gender reveal,

Paularized - 16.10.2023 21:26

People should be able to identify as whatever gender they wish. However, other people should be able to identify as someone that disagrees.

Brolin B
Brolin B - 15.10.2023 18:14

Good morning 😃 today I’ll be a hairless cat and tomorrow a monkey 🙈

Brolin B
Brolin B - 15.10.2023 18:09

Lunatics wanting acceptance 😅

Amit UP
Amit UP - 15.10.2023 12:34

These confused people need a teaching.

Michael David Sorensen junior
Michael David Sorensen junior - 15.10.2023 08:49

The sickness is so obvious. Why do we have to participate in there delusion.

Damian Butterworth
Damian Butterworth - 13.10.2023 23:36

They can do as they like in the UK. We don`t have a problem here. Just don`t go on about it for years. We get bored and it drives a divide.

sherry Polkosnik
sherry Polkosnik - 12.10.2023 19:20

if you want to be looked at as a woman when born as man then you should be treated in all aspects of a man..not man and woman

Franco Rodrigo De Quentino
Franco Rodrigo De Quentino - 12.10.2023 00:48

This is crazy. Nope.

Tyrah Read
Tyrah Read - 11.10.2023 02:21

The prison line piers said was the best thing

Respect Ultra
Respect Ultra - 11.10.2023 00:52

Why cant people just live a normal life...its either a woman or a man, female or male, girl or boy...if you dont want to be either of those than you can think that you are none of both but dont think of telling everyone of what you think because people will identity you as one of those two either a man or a woman full stop.

Riza Evangelista
Riza Evangelista - 10.10.2023 11:41

If they get unwell and get admitted to a ward, which bay/unit they go to if a side room is not available? Male or female?

P.M - 10.10.2023 05:10


Riley McCormick
Riley McCormick - 08.10.2023 23:38

Whenever Humans start getting called Theykind the world is over.

Christine Anderson
Christine Anderson - 08.10.2023 01:42

Oh dear they were at the end of the queue when brains were being given out......
