Top 10 Disturbing Fallout Vault-Tec Experiments

Top 10 Disturbing Fallout Vault-Tec Experiments

Creeps Plays

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XThexReaperX - 11.02.2023 20:53

You would think some people, especially Americans, would have seen about making their own vaults/bunkers. It would have been an interesting bit of lore to come across half built and failed bunkers that dotted the wastes. It would have explained how various factions survived the initial years outside of the Vault-Tec vaults.

AboutTenNinjas - 09.02.2023 11:39

Man.. Vault 95 having access to post-war dope has gotta be the biggest oversight about it's story. It wouldn't have had post-war Jet. Myron made Jet a bit before the Chosen One leaves Arroyo. That always annoyed me. Thank you for talking about that. They wouldn't have Jet. Alternatively, I just imagine V-95 just having a ton of actual meth.

Will Hibbard
Will Hibbard - 03.11.2022 07:07

My thought with Vault 95 with Jet was that VaultTech invented it. Like, they first created the Jet formula and threw it in to see if people would get existed to a drug they knew nothing about?

Rita Rogers
Rita Rogers - 16.10.2022 08:26

Lol this is still ...6 years later a great video and one of my faves

M.O.D.U.S - 09.10.2022 03:57

Man when I herd vault 11s auto play I cried

Cynthia Darkthorn
Cynthia Darkthorn - 08.10.2022 21:19

Has anyone ever gotten Vault 666 or Vault 777 in the fallout games?
If so……. Please tell your story with those Vaults.

grE3n_ - 25.09.2022 05:49

Vault 112 is just Undertale

DrunkenAmericanWithAMachete - 10.09.2022 21:42

Did anyone REALLY expect Vault-Tec to make a innocent Vault with no experiments? I didn't think so.

{Edit}: And no, Vault 81 doesn't count.

Miss Raye
Miss Raye - 04.08.2022 13:25

I'm curious... do we know if super mutants -- mutate only men? Or women too? If so.., where are the female mutants? Despite being sterile.. youd imagine they would/could still have some of their more... "natural anatomies" in the upper area?? 🤔 or am I overthinking? Lol

phantomhurricane666 - 01.08.2022 17:40

in the fallout universe, nukes were more powerful then real-life ones. beth esda herself confirmed that vault-tec started the war. vault 101, a vault never to open. the resulting experiment would eventually lead to the dwellers all being related and very inbred.

DylanArrington1052 - 09.06.2022 06:48

A good question is how the residents of vault 11 were supposed to reach the Mainframe considering it was guarded by a handful of hostile robots(even possibly sentry bots, I believe that depends on player level) and 6 ceiling mounts turrets. Maybe most of them arm up and act as if someone was to be sacrificed and take out the defenses. Unless the robots were programmed to assault only the person deemed as the sacrifice and became passive to others. If not, they would surely suffer heavy casualties with their best armor being vault security armor(not very effective) though they were decently armed putting the tons of ammunition into consideration.

Amber Kat
Amber Kat - 29.04.2022 00:24

Vault 75 doesn't makes sense, you have to let them live long enough to breed to do any sort of eugenics program. As for the one with the Garies, why not just STOP CLONING GARY? They should never have gotten beyond the third or fourth Gary, once the pattern was clearly established. Then they should have just killed the Garies. It's only common sense to not literally create a force hostile to you when it gives you no benefit.

BlueDude - 01.04.2022 15:48

I wanna Make My Own Vault So...

Vault 420-- Everything is wrong, You Got Bitches? You Pay 20$ Each, You bite something Give 1$ to the vault overseer, You drink Water? You Give 1$ to The Vault Overseer, Your Gonna Kill The Overseer, k then Pay 1,000,000,000 Dollars, You Sleep? then pay 100$ or we get your bed, You Have Kids? Pay 50$ each then bi-

Basically EA Made It and The Ceo is The overseer

Vanillastump - 20.03.2022 14:07

You can't trust Fallout 4 when it comes to canon, or you have to ignore quite a bit from earlier games. It's pretty clear a lot of the new game devs don't have a firm grasp of the lore, and are trying to make a decent game, not a decent Fallout game. And then they made 76, not giving a shit about quality and trying to make fans hate Fallout to Todd can ruin something else.

Abhishek Chaudhry
Abhishek Chaudhry - 05.03.2022 12:41

I have heard that one where there were 100 straight women and 1 homosexual guy lock. I mean if any government agencies are looking I am extremely homosexual and would hate to be locked voluptuous, beautiful woman preferably brunettes. Seriously if you do that would really teach me.
And now we wait.

godfunk - 11.02.2022 16:19

Seems pretty far fetched until you read about the Tuskegee Experiments

Your Dads Other Family
Your Dads Other Family - 05.02.2022 00:40

The Fiend Vault and Vault 22 are among my favorites

Bruce Aitken
Bruce Aitken - 24.01.2022 22:10

Vault 95 - "Jet" is already being sold on the streets today, we just call it "Meth". All of the drugs in Fallout are called their street names and not their scientific terminology in case you haven't noticed. Psyco, Med-X and the such are named more by classifications rather than the actual formula. So while some kid in Chicago may be credited with the current popular formula, rest assured that it's equivalents would have existed far before that. And even after that, with what we have as prescriptions, do you really expect anyone to know what they mean 300+ years without advanced education? People would find out the old survival-school way: they test it on themselves (or others) to see what it is.

David Ortiz
David Ortiz - 12.01.2022 06:58

This game is sick.

DC initials 31
DC initials 31 - 22.12.2021 22:06

This year i started playing the fallouts on ps now. I finished 4 and have started 3 but im focused on new Vegas right now. After these games i can see governments doing exactly the same. Hopefully the rich underground bunkers are made this way or like a saw movie.

_Wanderlustminded - 06.12.2021 05:28


Fault 75 is literally The Promised Neverland.

Kick A/s/s and Chew Bubblegum
Kick A/s/s and Chew Bubblegum - 04.12.2021 10:15

fallout 6 needs to have evil gnomes and a huge underground cave network system that leads to hell...where the gnomes are and the gnome god who is basically satan but gnome style and its fallout's version of a hellgate

Brian Mcgill
Brian Mcgill - 18.10.2021 20:23

i wish they would do a fallout with the master vault in it.

Big Daddy Dons
Big Daddy Dons - 15.10.2021 00:11

God damnit, I haven't watched creeps since like 2013 and now I get tricked into watching him through fallout, pleasant surprise

Kodi Leigh
Kodi Leigh - 11.10.2021 20:29

Vault 22 is like scp world gone beautiful. Got it.

SuperJohn1011 - 01.10.2021 00:03

What was the result of the super eugenics program of vault 75? Do we know, I can't imagine it's good, probably just a bunch of nazis.

Rhoku - 07.09.2021 17:02

It's just a prank bro

bobjim245 - 23.08.2021 22:46

Vault-its just a prank bro-tec

Notpoop - 16.08.2021 21:31

the JET in vault 95 will always just be an oversight from the developers IMO. It's none of the same people who wrote the previous games.

Big Slappy
Big Slappy - 06.08.2021 09:24

To me, 11 and 95 were the most fucked up ones.

Reintroducing drugs back into a successfully rehabbed community just to watch them kill each other over it is some downright evil shit and hearing the story of vault 11 and what Catherine and the overseers went through left a bad taste in my mouth.

⸸XDeathMetalThrasherX⸸ - 25.07.2021 21:49

Vault tech can go to hell

Bryon Tester
Bryon Tester - 09.07.2021 05:18

Just remember the vaults were never designed to save anyone

Sergeant Door
Sergeant Door - 27.06.2021 04:32

The most saddest part about Vault 22 is that not even the overseer knew about turning the dwellers into monsters, the only people who knew was Vault-Tec because all the workers did was just research stuff.

Artsy Hoodies
Artsy Hoodies - 15.06.2021 08:25

One of the vaults I find to be the worst is Vault 11.

The people had to vote someone to be sacrificed every year, and they chose overseers. If they did not, they humans would be killed.


It was all a lie. The vault would be opened if they didn't vote someone to die. This vault made me feel angry and sad.

Edit: This one was number 1. Holy crap. Deservingly so.

Conversation Strangler Steven
Conversation Strangler Steven - 31.05.2021 03:50

I'd love it if the next fallout starts you off as one of the genetically enhanced kids that survived vault 75 or maybe the child of one of them.

Mr.Gaming - 30.05.2021 08:18

I think 101 inbreeding

tewam67 - 28.05.2021 18:16

Let's not forget that there was a vault full of just men, in luchador costumes, where all disputes were solved by wrestling.

Ricreus Aurelius
Ricreus Aurelius - 27.05.2021 20:19

I hope for a TV series with each episode being a the story of a vault like the twilight zone or black mirror.

Yerin Anon
Yerin Anon - 17.05.2021 05:41


Butter Dog
Butter Dog - 12.05.2021 04:06

Puppet Man and his Ant. SO CUTE

Michael Smith
Michael Smith - 09.04.2021 07:47

The gov did not plan, vaulttech did

Tacoville MC
Tacoville MC - 09.04.2021 01:58

You know it's gonna be good when trapping a group of people forever underground is considered to be casual.

sewermutt - 07.04.2021 00:58

Can you please do more fallout videos

markmagician2 - 24.03.2021 01:48

Ok how did the crazy puppet guy survive?

Mabra - 11.03.2021 19:10

The jet's date of creation was retconned by Fallout 4 for this reason alone.

Cutey Jonah
Cutey Jonah - 09.03.2021 07:08

Can you talk any slower. Geez lol
