Quinton Rampage Burger King Jackson - bro, ya let yaself go big time!
ОтветитьAll the Bellator heavyweight look like they drink too much beer and eat too much Fried Chicken
ОтветитьIt's rough seeing the guys I grew up watching get knocked out. These guys were so dominant at one point
ОтветитьFedor the legend!
ОтветитьFedor is too humble. You will always be great Emperor.
ОтветитьGood muzic in end !!!
ОтветитьDid rampage take a dive wtf was that lol toxic
ОтветитьFedor 💥💥💥💥💥
ОтветитьThe way Mitrione goes back to check on Fedor after beasting him with that hook.. total respect for a legend
ОтветитьCongo still looking humongous.
ОтветитьI love rampage but wow wtf was he thinking taking that fight.
Bellator should be ashamed for putting some of those fights on tbh. I know they haven't got a deep hw division but wow some of these fights are total mismatches
Fedor was so fucking good. Wish we coulda seen a prime Fedor v prime Cain
ОтветитьFedor might be the GOAT. . . Fast twitch beast
Ответитьfedor the greatest gentleman
did rampage do his best roberto duran " no mas"?
Rampage definitely fakes
ОтветитьI feel like uppercuts are super effective
ОтветитьХведя 😢😢😢анпиратар веух😂😂😂
ОтветитьThe power of these giants is insane! Truly the most powerful men on earth! Scary
ОтветитьI didn't know bellator took the UFC's washed up refs too
ОтветитьBom esporte para quem gosta de apanhar,no fim todos apanham,até os melhores.
ОтветитьI want to be your SLEDGEHAMMER, SWEET DREAMS, DOG'S!!!
Ответить6.17.22 no ww3 nk
ОтветитьI think all fedors loses, could be won if they played again
ОтветитьRampage is no longer rampage. He is Quentin.
ОтветитьIs it a requirement in the heavyweight division to be be 44+ years of age lol?
ОтветитьI'm sorry rampage but u gotta retire it ain't looking 2 good for you
ОтветитьBelator only gets them once they're past their prime
ОтветитьUfc vs bellator who wins ????
ОтветитьFedor after weignt Cut wouls fight at mw Like Romero or Costa and Imagine Prime fedor fighting Guys Like that He would be the greatest of all time without doubt inklusive Mirko Cro cop
ОтветитьTHIS WAS COOL..............
Ответить은퇴 했어야할 나이에..젊은 투사들이 필요하다
ОтветитьWOW ! Never seen that before . double knock almost out
ОтветитьFedor is so crazy cuz despite his old age, he never "fell off"
ОтветитьRampage? More like Flabpage😂
ОтветитьFedor/Tim Johnson highlight/lowlight compilation. Fixed the title.
ОтветитьVitaly Minakov, Valentin Moldavsky, Linton Vassell, Kongo, Ryan Bader, Fedor, Rampage, Sergei Kharitonov, Steve Mowry, Jake Hager, Meathead... the HW Division was looking good for awhile there.
Ответитьlook like ugly boxing
tyson at his prime would have made pieces of meat of these guys
When you're at that weight and height, it's just comes down to who lands the best. Won't be taking those blows easy.
ОтветитьJackson Paul Taylor Amy Lee Jason
ОтветитьJohnson Jose Brown Paul Garcia Steven