Get Your Late Backhand Technique Done Properly, It Can Save You A Point Or Two!

Get Your Late Backhand Technique Done Properly, It Can Save You A Point Or Two!

Play B with H

1 год назад

3,429 Просмотров

Always be ready to take shots with your forehand. If you're caught off guard, do learn the proper technique to master the late backhand. You can refer to the tutorial below.

Master The Late Backhand - Step-By-Step Badminton Tutorial


It is very hard for us to imagine how we play badminton if it's not on video. This is because we can't see ourselves playing. The purpose of this channel is to help all of us to improve our game.

Together we can give positive feedback to help improve each others game. These videos are not meant to discourage or to shame the players or to brag about winning.

It is so that we can see for ourselves how we play, only then we can improve our skills hence to have a better quality game in the future.

#Badminton #Smashing #Doubles

Music :


#late_backhand #doubles #net_kill #badminton #backhand_clear #mix_doubles #women's_doubles #mens_doubles #backhand_shot #backhand_cross #backhand_smash
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