Top 15 Tools EVERY Homeowner Needs / New Homeowner Tools to Have / BUY THESE FIRST

Top 15 Tools EVERY Homeowner Needs / New Homeowner Tools to Have / BUY THESE FIRST

Debt-Free DIY

3 года назад

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@BassadorWoodworking - 23.07.2021 16:04

Great video and really cool list of items. There were a few on there that I would have never considered! I would probably add a multimeter to list.

@justinopinion1455 - 30.09.2021 20:57

The jelly bean story with the movie clip is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣

@glumberty1 - 20.11.2021 05:07

You have a beautiful house. Instead of a stud finder, I use a magnet to locate the wall fasteners.

@Just_A_Guy156 - 23.01.2022 02:03

Thanks for the laughs.

@briardan9226 - 04.06.2022 09:28

You must have a 5-1 or the 7-1 painter's tool! It's a must have for every tool box. I also recommend a bucket organizer for the tools. They are made of canvas with a bunch of pockets and fit inside (& outside) of a 5 gallon Homer bucket. Ryobi and Milwaukee sell drill and driver bit sets all nicely contained in plastic case. Those are very handy to have in your tool bucket.

@nd4110 - 19.06.2022 03:25

Duct tape and crazy glue

@philliphinkle2812 - 25.08.2022 21:12

Some type of wood cutting device. Hand saw, jig saw or circ saw. Maybe a hack saw too

@rhern44 - 20.12.2022 21:56

Well done video!

@thatRBX - 24.01.2023 04:20

Socket set would be good to have.

@noonedude101 - 19.05.2023 06:15

I’m fixing up my house to sell. That has propelled me into the DIY realm. I don’t want to spend thousands on contract labor when, really, I think that I can figure out just about anything if I need to.

The singular most valuable tool that I have bought so far is a 14 in one Pittsburgh Tools ratcheting screwdriver from Harbor Freight. I use that thing for every project. Best $15 I ever spent. That and a set of Allen wrenches - probably the first two things any homeowner should buy.

Also expanding spray foam. That stuff has somehow, with no explanation, been used in damn near everything.

@TetraSamurai - 28.06.2023 16:19

pipe wrench and pry bar i would add. Not saying you should fix complex plumbing problems behind the walls on your own, but I had to remove a sink clog from a basement pipe my first day of moving in, and needed a pry bar multiple times (which is especially important if you're doing minor renovating)

@khanbasharat - 24.08.2023 18:12

Great video!

@bobk.1428 - 11.09.2023 02:19

Those Knipex pliers are the best.

@Sitharos - 12.09.2023 03:46

Pretty good list!

@edgybarbie77 - 15.11.2023 06:23

The only thing that immediately comes to mind that everyone else hasn't said would be small, medium, & large metal putty knife. I use them for other things besides patching drywall. Like removing old caulk, wood patching/repair, etc.

Also a good caulking gun. And I have a hack for caulking like a pro. A set of painter's/art spatulas. I use these when caulking because I'm not an expert at laying caulk or silicone smooth 😂 I can work magic though with my set of spatulas.

@TheRroberson123 - 11.12.2023 07:15

I use a lot outlet checker with my tool ti check live wires. A dvm is needed in my tool box. Tks, Randy

@bb55555555 - 01.01.2024 10:30

Need a good Allen wrench set both standard and metric. If you’re putting together your own furniture you need a set of Allen wrenches.

@bb55555555 - 01.01.2024 10:32

Need a drain snake for unclogging drains. It’s going to happen eventually. Just get one.

@bb55555555 - 01.01.2024 10:32

A multitool is a great tool to have around. I would add that to the list as well.

@Anikanoteven - 19.03.2024 13:23

You two are adorable! I never thought watching a home tool video would be amusing❤

@joelman1989 - 01.05.2024 01:04

My dad wasn’t around to teach me this stuff. I find myself with a family and home now. This stuff may seam basic to you but for me it’s needed.

@jasonweishaupt1828 - 30.05.2024 00:05

Let’s not corn fuse slips with locks unless they DO have a lock on them. 😊

@jjsifo1 - 30.05.2024 05:31

Just found a nice uncomplicated channel , thank you.

@dardourcacaww - 02.07.2024 20:11


@mikebunner3498 - 05.07.2024 01:24

Good video you two. Concise and informative.. Thank you, you two! Keep 'em coming......

@jWx93 - 12.08.2024 02:58

What’s a nut driver?

@XanderSherry - 04.09.2024 02:25

Great list! The two things I'd add are a good allen wrench set which come in handy for assembling furniture and often set screws in bathroom hardware, and one of any variety of those 2-foot long plastic drain snakes/drain cleaners which are so handy for mechanically unclogging bathroom sinks, tubs, and showers.

@gabrielhollar7446 - 13.10.2024 23:25

The klein 11 in 1 is the same thing as the 10 in 1 but they have an extra nut driver size. Also they have a micro 14 in 1 that's also pretty nice if you're working on small things.

@larrycroft470 - 20.10.2024 15:56

Y'all have a Great channel!!! New sub here...Great communication skills & your positive helpful attitude comes right through the computer screen!! Jess you are So pretty - but I am going to tell you like I told both of my adult daughters (young still like you) get that nose ring out....those things are not attractive - they are a negative distraction & first thought when meeting those who wear them for those who know where nose rings basically started in history

@jtfrederick1652 - 13.01.2025 06:22

Maybe a miter box and saw for trim

@woofy548 - 11.02.2025 10:25

Waffle head hammers are framing. Smooth faced hammers are better for finish/ homeowner work.
