5 CLEAR SIGNS YOU ARE A TRUE INFJ (Rarest Personality Type)

5 CLEAR SIGNS YOU ARE A TRUE INFJ (Rarest Personality Type)


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@Wenzes - 26.11.2023 13:48

What has helped you narrow down that you are an INFJ?

@torqueson - 05.02.2024 10:07

WTF is an INFJ? If you don't already know, then this vid is fuckin' useless.

@iamhaga - 05.02.2024 03:27

You are reaylly good at explain this things (y) Thanks for your content.

@themountainsandthesea4121 - 02.02.2024 00:28


@drjonesco - 31.01.2024 17:23

Holy crap!! This is dead nuts on point for so many thoughts and things that have happened to me. Wow, can't believe some of the random points you've made, that I thought nobody else was thinking as well. Just crazy.

@jobsarmiento160 - 31.01.2024 11:03

I believe only infjs would go this far to make sure they are infj....

@agrillhasnoname - 31.01.2024 03:49

So many videos like this, it's hard to get past the copy & paste bs. But you lady, are trying to SELL your products, your programs, your bootcamps, your guides. So yeah. I'll take everything you say with a grain of salt. You're a manipulator, you're trying to extract money from your viewers like milk from cows, you tell people what they want to hear and you're good at communication. Big deal, but that's it. Not a noble cause, by a long shot. A "LIFE COACH"? Lol. Suuuuuure. Another one of those sketchy expressions some ppl came up with to pretend are real jobs. The level of honesty isn't far from MLM pyramid schemes.

@jamessanders145 - 29.01.2024 17:32

number 5 is the ultimate experience

@prschuster - 29.01.2024 01:59

Other people don't understand themselves as much as i can understand them? People can be that much in the dark about themselves? That's wild.

@ferenjianboard - 28.01.2024 19:07

Thanks for the awesome info! Huggies, keep up the good work and stay awesome!

@chayanchakrabortyvlogs - 26.01.2024 20:39

Since last night I am watching videos related with INFJ.

@cct2825 - 25.01.2024 04:22

This channel is so helpful. There were so many things I wasn't really aware of in myself until I watched your videos. INFJ's are so keenly aware of what's going on within other people, but so clueless about themselves. 😅

I hope someday to hear you talk about what psychological and emotional traumas create empaths (becoming an empath is essentially a trauma response) and how we can successfully navigate this blurse (blessing + curse) in a way that isn't harmful to us! I've had to dramatically limit my interactions with other people and live by myself because of this.

Thank you for your wonderful content! 🙏

@williamkoscielniak7871 - 23.01.2024 10:56

My 2 clear signs are my left and my right eyes. No but seriously, INFJ's collectively have the most beautiful damned eyes.

@pjuliano9000 - 22.01.2024 02:56

Not sure I believe Jungs Arcehtypes ... but and F & J .... eww ... as a supposed ENTP this personality type is VERY unappealing. You're fated to be terrible with money and investing.

@annwatson1146 - 21.01.2024 13:22

I'm INTJ, but I also understand you and find your videos relatable and helpful, so not only INFJs can benefit from your videos✨

@penneyburgess5431 - 17.01.2024 21:54

Understanding others insecurities and irrational acting out is an INFJ narcissist trap.
At least for me.

@trumpwon2240 - 17.01.2024 20:01

It's almost creepy how someone who has never meet me can understand me better then my own family.

@bumblebee_mrs - 17.01.2024 10:04

Some days are harder than others. As an INFJ we see the micro-expressions on everyone around us. They can't hide from us. Simple!

@JesP77 - 15.01.2024 09:24

I see you've put a lot of work into identifying with the INFJ type. That said, it is incredibly obvious to me that you are describing an ENFJ.
Not to burst your bubble, but you definitely, undoubtedly, come across as an ENFJ.
I am only commenting to assist you in your understanding, especially if you are creating content to teach others.
I have noticed that ENFJs that suffered much rejection or bullying in youth, often think they are introverts and often relate to being more shy than a healthy extravert would appear.
There is actually a formula that determines the MBTI type. Ni dominant is what makes the two INJ types labeled introverted.
I am an INTJ. I make appear extroverted when using my Te parent function, or Se shadow. The four letters don't exactly show overall behavior.

-You seem Fe Ni Se Ti, the ENFJ.
-Not Ni Fe Ti Se, the INFJ.

That is as clear as I can make sense to you in a comment. However, I implore you to understand how you might be an ENFJ and not INFJ, as not to mislead others with your videos. You are very clearly Fe dominant, focused on others. Not Fe, parent function with Ni dominant, as the INFJ is.
It's ok if you've gotten attached to the misinformation and thought of being rare. But please don't continue to misinform based on ego attachment.

Carl Jung, an INJ type, created this system. I would implore you to directly read his books and quotes. He explains this very clearly.
Thanks. Have a fine day. Good luck to you.

@hugmc - 13.01.2024 03:05

Haven’t been on this channel off your for a few years you really have found your peace internally ❤

@SteveLevy-ld7hl - 12.01.2024 12:43

Hi there...I took an tests online...at the end...it...gave me a scoar...t...INFJ-t...I now tis...not...A..page...of....diagnosis...sunset...dreaming...

@carloscedillo5081 - 12.01.2024 08:50

I just learned about personalities and INFJs and found this channel. All you described is spot on, I can’t believe there are others thinking the same way I do. All the things you said OMG I need to find time alone and think thru this and put order to all these thoughts, the pink elephant or the yellow rabbit…

@tlembro - 11.01.2024 06:53

Never heard this explained like this! You pegged it!

@aibhilin1211 - 09.01.2024 22:07

Can one with high functioning autism still be INFJ-T? I realize the similarities and the differences, but at 59 recently diagnosed with autism. I've been researching and am just trying to figure out what's going on in my brain 🧠 🥴

@Atadistance70 - 09.01.2024 17:32

Yeah just understanding your videos proves that yeah I'm INFJ with one exception I can read people's Minds and I know what they're going to do before they do and I can predict their movements what they're going to do. And so far I've never been wrong ever which is truly spooky and scary and somewhat comforting all-in-one

@RunningNotStopping - 09.01.2024 14:55

In the beginning when u said ppl and ur husband dont get ur videos i actually started laughing, cuz as an infj I think nobody understands me, i constantly say i must be speaking Korean. I think im gonna be watching a lot of your channel 💜

@Adele_36 - 08.01.2024 11:02

What if you're like this but not only with people but with nature and animals as well?

@salihaahmud6173 - 07.01.2024 20:40

The coldness aspect..
I'm confused because for me it's like I'm outwardly tuned into another's emotions, but inwardly not. This makes me feel two-faced, which makes me overcompensate because I feel bad for being "two-faced", as if I'm trying to internalise and make it real inside...?
Is that what is being spoken of here?

@skybee001 - 07.01.2024 13:09

I often have these hyper realistic dreams wnere I am a different person living a completely different life. Different opinions to my own, situations I would never be in in my real life... like I understand that person completely to the core... i feel like this is probably something only INFJ's go through 😂

@cookiekitty8122 - 06.01.2024 23:38

What does INF mean ? Definition of the accronym.

@JasonConort - 05.01.2024 22:33

Thank you,

@furqanfarooq4989 - 05.01.2024 10:36

I agree with most of your points regarding INFJs...

@jcjackson4446 - 05.01.2024 08:47

Yep. I'm 63 yrs old and finally got free of infj habits that were, oh let's be honest Screwed me out of my life.
I had to dump all the baggage and people. Yes Ive have that cold feeling inside. Had it from a young age. I thought it was from being an orphan and growing up with no love.. But yeah an everyone I know couldnt take a miniscule of what I been through and put up with and come out sane and not on drugs. But I retired myself from a lot of people cause I missed my life overcompensating and caring about weak people for years. Always helping and being there for everyone and everything but myself. Because I felt I should care..... But faith got me through. I however love the life lessons I learned despite the time I lost. Now I enjoy my time alone and I say no.
My time is short and its mine now.....oh joy

@JesusLovesBest - 04.01.2024 16:36

So....codependency as a main personality?? I might find a friend at a CA meeting?! hmmmm

@kalebfw8319 - 04.01.2024 10:24

1. motive and agenda - I know through pattern that they showed in front of me
2. absorb - sometime this ability overwhelmed me.
3. mentallity reselient - no bully can hurt me. at some point friends stop bully, and become depending - coz I help them a lot. maybe they afraid that I help them no more if they hurt/ bully me.
4. cool inside: true
5. responsibility: just wonder why others cant understand themself, coz it so clearly for me

@janemuses3031 - 04.01.2024 08:56

#1 - with experience makes us un-manipulate-able (not a word LOL) coz we have the best BS meter around #2 yeah a young INFJ can experience deep hurt when the love they have for someone is not returned once we empty ourselves for them #3 the paradox of never being understood by others around us (as other INFJs are so rare so to find a friend that is the same type is very unlikely) while needing. to be deeply understood is a very lonely experience. But it has built internal resilience and does make us our own best friend. I tend to enjoy my own company the best so am never lonely LOL. #4 that is so true - while it doesn't bother me now as I know who I am, when I was growing up it always made me feel uncomfortable when I could not reach the depth of emotion that I knew someone in front of me was going through. It's a weird emotional detachment and empathy combination that is hard to explain. #5 yeah especially in relationships which unfortunately can become an enabler. And I agree with another commenter - being a mature INFJ ROCKS!!! Growing up and learning how to live in one's own skin, not so much LOL.

@n7nms - 03.01.2024 18:17

Love your videos Wenzes. It has really helped me understand myself.

@Sonder194 - 03.01.2024 06:03

Btw, it’s not the ‘rarest’ type, it’s the reason people keep
Identifying as an INFJ, when they are not an INFJ. The test result of INFj does not mean you are an INFJ, lol. So many people running around believing the BS.

@Nick-su4ip - 03.01.2024 05:35

Santa want you to survive court if you are judge mental, you don’t have to be ashamed of yourself, I’m knowledge of tree of life guy I don’t beleive in shame, you are beautiful withought the makeup, cold is good for the rain, I like you already, I can love unconditionally, regardless of body type, yet I’m still trying this perfect body that rejects original sin, please don’t be a martyr, Santa is happy if you survive, people like me learn cpr if I have to save, people don’t need to be fixed by you, the may need forgiveness, you are lovable and needed, even if you’re cold, I’m happy in the rain, the rain rains on all kinds of various people, I saw rite this as the unconditionally loving guy and it’s raining right now. I am parked in my car by a creek.

@keithgraham9547 - 01.01.2024 23:29

Mmm, INFJ is #14 of 16, not the smallest group of the MBTI sets. But carry on, plesse.

@galespressos - 01.01.2024 17:10

😂 Shock. This was completely true for me. All of this matched.

*❤Number five was a key, especially the way it was phrased. Also thought that to do nothing is like watching a crime and letting it happen. That is even how I had phrased it to myself.

All matched strongly though.

😅About number one, I’m not always right about motives and such but much better than average apparently, so accurate that people think i must have been told and am breaking a confidence. I have had trouble seeing how other people don’t see things though.

🤔Number three is interesting. It is also correct. It is painful being different; I’m aware of it and know I may be left out. I am going to keep being me, sorry. To help people feel a bit more comfortable, I certainly do change many of my actions and behaviours, but not essentially who I am.

(*I’ve landed both in INFJ and INFP at times so was wondering which was closer to correct.)

@AnnafiArt - 01.01.2024 07:32

I really care I'm not cold I am a volcano of feelings

@AnnafiArt - 01.01.2024 07:28

You really understand

@AnnafiArt - 01.01.2024 07:27

Problem is that people don't except it

@AnnafiArt - 01.01.2024 07:25

It's like we se tru them and it's hurts very much sometimes

@AnnafiArt - 01.01.2024 07:23

Yes we se them

@nancybartley4610 - 31.12.2023 06:02

What happens to an INFJ that is not seen and encouraged as a child? If we are so unusual, we will find ourselves isolated, removed, and misunderstood. We will not fit in and will need parents that are very healthy and able to support our uniqueness even if they don't understand us. It seems INFJs would be very at risk in toxic families and in many environments.

@melanae23 - 31.12.2023 02:04

I think I have all those !! I feel I’m not lovable. I like working alone, working after office hours as a salaried employee ended up written up. 🥲🥲🥲
