Does FFXIV Need DPS Meters? (officially?)

Does FFXIV Need DPS Meters? (officially?)

Zepla HQ

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Parker - 27.11.2022 18:27

It would be really good to know how well I'm doing with my rotation tho at least

B A - 05.07.2022 05:32

I wish they would install a parser of some sort in a training ground instance that you can load into that will give you feedback on how well you are playing. Even if it's just simply an F thru S ranking after a short single player fight/dungeon or something. I don't WANT to use ACT or any 3rd party tools for that matter, but I would like to know if I'm playing well or not. DPS players have no way to know if they're playing well since party wipes rarely are directly caused by DPS not doing enough damage. Stone, Sky, Sea doesn't give enough info nor does it give a practical environment. If you had to dodge mechanics that would be at least a little bit better, but hitting a dummy has no pressure which is often the problem for me. Hitting my rotation while doing mechanics is tough.

James Harris
James Harris - 01.07.2022 13:52

I really like your personal grade idea.

Brandon Kruse
Brandon Kruse - 26.04.2022 18:13

How is DBM and better raid organization competitive? I expect all of my raid members to have add-ons that help themselves and the raid excel and stay out of danger during the fights.

Jason - 14.04.2022 14:22

why cant I just see my OWN stats? no other people's stats? no harassment.

Christopher Charles Realist
Christopher Charles Realist - 27.03.2022 18:08

I think it would be good if the tracker only told you your possible max DPS and what you achieved 🤔

L8Megatron - 20.03.2022 23:01

As someone who’s played dcuo from the beginning do not add a score board if you want the Community to stay positive I’ve just started back playing ff14 and ran into a toxic person already he/she called us derps Bc me the other dps & tank died yet that person wasn’t healing anyone I mainly had to use self healing as a Melee ninja dps

Shuna_UwU (Blank)
Shuna_UwU (Blank) - 11.03.2022 10:37

Eso has battle logs and cmx reports and imo its quite successful

Rapp Scallion
Rapp Scallion - 08.02.2022 00:06

I can live with out DPS meters, boss mods, rotation optimization mods etc. Back in WoW I often felt players abused those mods or used them as a weapon against others. But what I sorely miss from WoW is mods to change the UI. I loved tinkering with the UI, trying to make it both beautiful and functional. I really, really miss mouse over healing and more compact and simpler party/raid frames.

RezaQin - 31.01.2022 21:05

I just want to know how much damage I'm doing. That's all.

Jin - 25.01.2022 23:01

Yes FF14 needs an official dps meter! Don't wanna get kicked out of the party because you have a gray parser? Then go back to the dummies and practice until you're good enough, thats the mentality that people should have instead of being really sensitive snowflakes.

Gerrit Wiesner
Gerrit Wiesner - 11.01.2022 19:26

Coming from being WoW Player since Vanilla, i really find it so enjoyable to not to worry about this bullshit of having specific types of addons to actually play the game. It's such a bad game design to have a need for this type of stuff. And to think that the players wont getting more toxic, especially with all these ex wow players and their toxic mentality coming into ff14, when performance based addons like dps meters will be officially implemented or allowed is just pure naivety. Why do numbers matter so much? If i clear a dungeon, trial or whatever type of content it may be, the group and myself did a good job. Why does it matter if the other healer healed more or that i am not the top dps. And not knowing how to use your toolkit is the players problem in the first place, for being too lazy in reading the tooltips and do some research. There are so many good guides for every job, that alone can help you improve and the rest is practice, practice and more practice. I personally hope that the developers stay with their current take on third party tools, especially tools like dps meters that can be used to harrase other players, which will absolutely happen.

doc B
doc B - 27.12.2021 02:13

i vote no add ons ever.

Safyre - 22.12.2021 13:04

I do not think healer parc's even matter. In WoW or otherwise. Some people pad meters with overhealing when DPS would be better to clear.

PasserBySatisfied - 13.12.2021 08:42

I’m on console. I wish I had, at the very least, a personal dps tracker. I don’t see how that can hurt.

Ungegurkt - 30.11.2021 00:20

they should add a personal dps meter only for yourself moderate it like you said

SniperPanda - 19.11.2021 03:42

I'm honestly fine with the no mods or dps meters. I don't want FFXIV to be like WoW when it comes to running dungeons and raids with players boasting or giving other players grief if they feel they are not pulling their weight. I never liked that part of WoW.

LightBurn - 13.11.2021 10:28

why say It's a big problem, why try to make it out to be a problem? It's not.
No matter how you cut it, it would ultimately lead to players bickering & hating one another.
Don't try to turn this game into wow, ff14 is fine the way it is. Reject that old mindset.

xaphiero - 01.11.2021 01:56

Stay away from DPS meters and the like - theorycrafting the numbers just kills a game unless you are some super l33t gamer type. Not what I'd like. Fun is more important than making your numbers. All the math just killed WoW for me.

Konglomerat - 30.10.2021 21:14

DPS meters would take this supposed "nice" community and turn it toxic very quickly. No longer can you play your class to have fun playing your class if you want to find a group. You'll be harassed endlessly and kicked if you do ONE pull/run with SLIGHTLY lower dps. This happens all the time in GW2. It would happen here too.

Edit: This is weird. I've played MMOs for over 20 years and I've never seen someone so desperate for validation that she's playing her class right. I've never played an MMO and been unable to tell, simply by comparing myself to others, if I have room to improve or not. The answer is usually yes and I can always figure out how to improve simply by playing with other players of the same class. Never has this been a problem in any game. Is FF14 combat just so unimpactful you can't figure any of this out? Do you actually NEED 3rd party validation to improve in this game? Sounds like a bad game if that's the case, but it's probably more of a personal problem.

xavier blaze
xavier blaze - 29.10.2021 20:47

Damage meters, party ilvl restrictions , and raider IO contributed a lot to wow's toxic player base. Maybe a tier system where you can pug all of the content, but you're grouped with people at your skill level.

alrdye - 29.10.2021 04:48

I'm a long time wow player that has just started FF. I can't believe the game doesn't have a build in damage meter. How are people supposed to tell if they are improving? And I love combat logging in wow. It's incredible for see insane detail for what's going on in a fight and where you can improve or what other people are doing that are doing more dps so you can learn from them. It's invaluable. And in WoW, I love Weakauras. But from what I've seen in FF, I def dont' think addons should be allowed. The game should build in a damage meter and parser and limit there.

Annika Mystica
Annika Mystica - 08.10.2021 11:39

I am a casual gamer, and new to FFXIV. Listening to Zepla I think I would like to try a dps meter to help me improve, but I couldn't help but wonder: is this really a "big" issue? Does anyone know what percentage of the player community is really thinking that this is important (maybe for raiding people?)? As Zepla said, you can clear (most?) content without a dps meter and I guess this is on purpose - kind of understand why they would not want this to be "officially" part of the game. Maybe these are just noob thoughts, but going through FFXIV material I noticed that dps meters were often mentioned.

D W - 07.10.2021 22:49

What about a video on how to understand the battle log and calculate your own DPS.

Kim V. Nielsen
Kim V. Nielsen - 07.10.2021 06:04

"I want people who can carry their own weight" - "Omg so toxic."
What kind of logic is this?

In my 10+ years of wow as a DPS has a meter ever caused any toxic behavior.
At best it's just a fun little tool to gauge your performance.
At worst it's a tool to gauge other peoples performance to help them improve / see if they can / want to improve.

Why is it toxic to not want to play with people in high end content who can not / will not pull their weight for the content?

Airy - 06.10.2021 23:53

they can just make dungeon for each different classes and rank u base on your performance at the end with like s a b c + -

blake112x - 17.09.2021 08:48

FF14 dose not need a DPS meter. People have been playing over 10 years without them, so this seems like a hardcore concern.

Awkwardmancer - 14.09.2021 23:08

It would be nice to have a private DPS meter to experiment with rotation or to practice new job, but in effect - that's what we have atm, "don't ask - don't tell" policy.
On another hand I saw so many add-ons being taken up by the dev team and turned into a game's feature, that I think it's a really solid path of development for an MMO.
If they ever come up with an API - I'll be looking for the "better targeting" mod before the update finishes downloading. And the hover over estimated progress bar on crafts, 'cause counting it in my head gets annoying. And maybe a checker if the monster is a hunting target for one of my other jobs. And maybe "where do I gather that" rather than "where do I turn it in" for gathering quests. Better Market board handling, better mailbox handling, better materia handling, better glams handling - so many things that could be improved easily, but haven't been, because devs were more concerned about making the game port-friendly and made it in the most streamlined but awkward scroll-through-it-all method possible. Even an actual "repair all" button would make for a stupidly great QoL improvement, and could probably be achieved with a dozen lines of code.
Not sure about needing graphic mods, especially if they're already dealing with excess of dicks on everything o_O

Aethelwulf - 14.09.2021 22:49

No it doesn't. Unless you want those elitist gatekeeping cringelords to come over from WoW.

Mubark AlKhatlan
Mubark AlKhatlan - 10.09.2021 22:18

I think it should be private information.
Only the player know how much he/she hit or heal.

Rasterizing - 09.09.2021 14:41

Having arrived from WoW which is a complete cesspool of tryhards and wannabe's who still even fail the most basic mechanics, all I can say is that I totally agree with Yoshi P - "Don't do it!" and I hope they never do. I've done M+21 dungeons in WoW and there are still people who do poor dps or fail mechanics - it just doesn't work.

The problem with your suggestion of "private grades" is that they won't stay private - people will demand screenshots, etc. A better solution might be a trial/striking dummy kind of scenario where people could practice their rotation. After 3 minutes, it gives you a report on the efficiency of your rotation - "you didn't do this, you let this dot fall off, you didn't use this spell, you didn't combo" and "you did this right, this was good" and so on.

That way, it's not a rating but improvement advice.

I'd also argue that if you clear the content, you clear the content - no issue. It doesn't matter if someone was 20% inefficient, because the content was still cleared. If you fail to clear the content then whoever is leading it needs to say "Go away, practice, check rotation, check buffs - make sure you're doing it right. Stop dying to avoidable damage, etc.

I've seen people do "high dps" on paper, but when it comes to the fight they're hopeless because they either die after 30 seconds, get hit/stunned/etc, sink the healers mana or just go to shit and bork their rotation. I much prefer the "human" element of FF14 rather than just being a rating/number/score/meter to someone in a party.

Brainfryde - 06.09.2021 07:19

The DPS meter brings nothing good to the game. To measure your damage safely, you can log your combat numbers, copy that log to a web parser, and it will give you those numbers. People who REALLY want DPS meters want to sniff other people, not themselves though. In the end, DPS meters probably wouldn't hurt the game at all, but that is the wrong question; how would it help the game? Any experience Tank or Healer knows when a run is talking "too long," and there is only one cause. FYI, most DPS know this as well, unless they are sprout material. So maybe someone should mention that to sprouts when they see it, instead of demanding the game add exploit ports into the client so they can add code from 3rd parties who don't even promise that addon will work.

Brainfryde - 06.09.2021 07:15

DPS meters won't change the game any more than it did for any other games with DPS meters introduced. The problem is, data stream sniffers (like ACT) look the same as the trigger modules you can load in ACT. So the "grey" area will last until clever bots get coded, and then intrusion on the client data stream will get you suspended / banned, likely without warning. So those who use DPS meters today are doomed as soon as exploiters become a problem. You know what you rarely see? RMT vendors. A lack of clever botting is why. And I'll take a no-mod interface to protect it.

ubyuvvyrc - 04.09.2021 16:51

i mean you could screen record and calculate your dps after LOL

StOcK MaStEr43
StOcK MaStEr43 - 04.09.2021 09:14

I think DPS meters are a vital addition to MMOs for high end content. But, I think way too many people put too much importance into DPS logs and care about them in situations that they shouldn't. They use it as an excuse to be toxic and a reason to be an asshole. Logs are irrelevant when leveling or doing low tier content. It should have two uses and only two. For a player to see how they are performing to see what they should work on/how well they are doing and for high end groups to see how everyone else is doing. A high end group has every right to not take a player or to kick players from guilds/groups if that player is underachieving compared to everyone else for the hardest content.

MalchazarZJ - 04.09.2021 05:13

Implementing a dps parser in the game would be an official endorsement and if they endorse a dps meter then they cannot enforce a policy which prevents players from using said dps meter to "harass", or more likely gatekeep, other players that cannot hit certain numbers. Officially condemning a dps meter allows them to maintain that policy while remaining logically consistent. It really is the only stance they can take and remain consistent, but at the same time tacitly allowing players to use it by not punishing them unless they use the information to "harass" someone.

dark azurr
dark azurr - 04.09.2021 02:11

no it does not

Raeodor - 03.09.2021 12:27

I like dps meters. Unless you want to help people with low dps i would rather play with people who actually can play.

Hekinsieden - 01.09.2021 21:48

OK, but visible hats on my Viera mod or literally unplayable.

Dewindae - 23.08.2021 17:53

If this is the same ACT that we used for Star Trek online, its so unreliable that I cant see how you could use it to prove any thing. You would have to run it your self to get even remotely accurate numbers and it wouldnt track other people's numbers with better than a like 70% accuracy.

BlackRoseThornEtna - 22.08.2021 08:15

Casual Bringers.

Kill _Danny
Kill _Danny - 21.08.2021 05:15

I just came over from wow an it feels so weird without a damage meter! It’s frustrating. In wow I never dissed someone for low damage. We’ve all been at the bottom that list but climbing the charts to get 3rd place in overall damage was like “yeah I got this!” It’s an achievement in itself. I wish they would allow a damage tracker if only for your character. I would be happy with that.

Matthew Warren
Matthew Warren - 19.08.2021 21:49

i stopped doing endgame content in wow because of how toxic endgame was. it felt like applying for a job when ever you went any where near endgame content. what's your IO score, what's your avg dps, what's your gear score....
this already exists in the ffxiv even with all the restrictions. it would only get worse if they officially supported it in the game.
I have ACT even though i tank but that's purely so i can just monitor my own dps because i use a lot of macros. As long as i am doing my part that's all i care about.

Raymond Ravesteijn
Raymond Ravesteijn - 18.08.2021 09:04

This keeps me from playing FF14 . Its just so silly to prevent players from seeing this information.

Jarret Berg
Jarret Berg - 18.08.2021 07:55

Hey if you like that kinda NSFW stuff that's your deal own it. Just a smile and a wink it's okay. You don't gotta try to deny it. I'm just looking for your take on dps meters. I think it's fine how it is being don't ask don't tell.

Kerglsvergl - 17.08.2021 22:21

Instead of having a dps meter they could internally compare your dps in a fight to other players with similar level and/or item level and give you a rank like in traditional japanese games, S rank, SS rank, A rank etc. Then you'd at least know how your dps compares to other players and whether you can improve.

Noah Krogsholm
Noah Krogsholm - 17.08.2021 21:45

I think the fundamental issue is that any sort of tool that analyses performance, also introduces a power hierarchy... Even in its smallest most insignificant forms. The part where she talked about playing your class optimally ie. not knowing that you didn't do well after a dungeon; does that really matter? If you cleared the content, is that not the end of it? (banal question, and sort of rhetorical). I feel like the rub with this is that the systems, harmless as they may seem, and as useful as they are to those who care, are also going to be hurting those in the community who don't. The people who just want to do the basic stuff will, most definitely, be gatekept because the system, in whatever form, is external and places them "beneath" others. Would love to hear people's thoughts on this

August Vukosovich
August Vukosovich - 17.08.2021 10:53

I know in WOW, the DPS and heals meters really made me feel awful after a raid. I'm an ER Nurse and have two special needs children. I can't play but about 2 hours a night maybe 2 or 3 times a week. I was always only average because of the lack of time to play. When I saw that around 80% of players always did better than me, it always made me want to quit so I wouldn't bring others down or even worse, they would have to carry me. 🥺

Melon Lord
Melon Lord - 17.08.2021 10:47

I think DPS meters would compromise the more cooperative nature of the game. If it was a purely personal tracker that only rated your own performance, maybe that would be fine but to be compared against other players thats a no from me. I've seen far to many toxic shit stains in WoW Mythics to ever accept it here, further it WILL lead to exclusion of certain classes.
