Importing songs from email using the Mail built-in app

Importing songs from email using the Mail built-in app

OnSong App

6 лет назад

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@adrianbambrough7366 - 02.12.2018 13:27

The last update as stoped my I pad connecting to a third part device via Bluetooth rendering my airturn unusable has any one else had this problem ?

@projecteightysix - 02.12.2018 16:07

If you could use gmail I would be so happy. I have bad memories of the mail app.

@raincells - 04.11.2022 03:13

I have a new iPad and imported a bunch of PDFs via email. The only issue is that it goes into my song file and set lists. Hoe do I keep it from loading in a set list. Thank you for these videos.
