DMIT Career Test (Part - 7) Intelligence Quotients, Counselor Call : 9371884908,9890478286, Nagpur.

DMIT Career Test (Part - 7) Intelligence Quotients, Counselor Call : 9371884908,9890478286, Nagpur.

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Intelligence Quotients
The long-form of DMIT is Dermatoglytic multiple intelligence test. This is a scientific study of the relation between fingerprint and brain neuron this is the application of dermatoglyphics science.
DMIT it is a beach which deals the scientific study of ridges of the finger. In 1892 Sir Francis Galton establishes this theory of Dermatoglytic science.
DMIT fact is brain mapping of a human being by which we can get the inborn multiple intelligence of the person is a child. It is an application or tool by which we can identify or discover over inborn talent or interest of the child.
Brain mapping through DMIT will get perfect career selection guidance which helps to achieve a successful life.

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By this DMIT test, we can identify our multiple intelligence such as interpersonal intelligence, logical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, linguistic intelligence, musical intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, spatial intelligence, kinesthetic intelligence. AQ, IQ, CQ, EQ learning style (visual, anelitary, physical kinesthetic), personality identification (cognitive, affective, reflective, reverse thinker) professional career preference, swot analysis Brain Dominance.
I strongly believe that every human being is a barn with inborn talent and multiple intelligence. If one is able to identify his/her inborn talent then he/she can build upon it and can surely excel in life. However, most people fail to identify there inborn/ in note potential due to which they take wrong decisions in selecting their career and extracurricular activities. This analysis will clearly highlight your three talent, multiple intelligence, professional learning style, level of various quotients, personality traits and behaviour, your strength & weakness and also the way to develop the desired intelligence. This analysis disclosed the inborn qualities of the child.


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