Cat Abandoned When Owners Moved Jumps Into His Rescuer's Arms | The Dodo Cat Crazy

Cat Abandoned When Owners Moved Jumps Into His Rescuer's Arms | The Dodo Cat Crazy

The Dodo

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Buya - 19.09.2023 04:21

I would track down the former owners and punish them to the fullest extent of the law.

J C - 16.09.2023 17:17

You shouldn't pick up a full grown cat by the scruff of the neck like that. That can be very painful with all their body weight and very scary. Use a trap instead or a baited carrier if you can quickly close and latch the door. Google "How to Pick Up a Cat" on PetMD for more.

Edwin Johnson
Edwin Johnson - 15.09.2023 11:50

Poor cat is right .I guess you thought the cat was your purse, or perhaps tossing out the trash....
That's a full grown cat you don't carry a full grown cat like that.. maybe you can kick him towards the cage next time

Win Pagan
Win Pagan - 09.09.2023 00:01

Every life has value.

befunkrn - 08.09.2023 09:53

I think the cat probably ran away due to all the calamity due to packing and moving of furniture prior and during moving.
I've had cats for decades and know enough to safely contain them well before moving day, but someone else might not know that a cat may run away due to all the disorder r/t packing boxes being moved around before moving day let alone the all the calamity of moving furniture on moving day.
The cat probably ran away at the last moment, sealing his fate, poor thing.

befunkrn - 08.09.2023 09:42

He's gorgeous, how could they leave him??? Maybe he disappeared on moving day and they could never find him?

Honey McDonald
Honey McDonald - 08.09.2023 09:16

You should be able to charge people with animal neglect - thousands of dollars. They know who this was. Why did it take 2 years for someone to report this - disgusting country.

sdf1 - 07.09.2023 23:16

Execelente historia

Continent of America= Americans
Continent of America= Americans - 07.09.2023 19:57

I adopted my dog 10 years a go and never once i thought of getting rid of a family member....never understood people able to do this

Meal Team 6.1
Meal Team 6.1 - 31.08.2023 10:18

Something more important came up and they left him....

PiercedMakeupQueen - 30.08.2023 23:56

I could never leave behind my beloved cat :/ I don’t get people sometimes

Dimensiom - 23.08.2023 20:37

Euthenasia would have been better than just moving away and abandoning the cat.

Sure, the cat would still be homeless after that, but at least the euthanized humans would no longer abandon any more cats.

Arda Ozcan
Arda Ozcan - 18.08.2023 18:33

The cat must've been very aggressive, so that makes a little bit sense.

Professor Chomsky
Professor Chomsky - 17.08.2023 00:59

It's truly shameful to abandon an animal - fine, you can't cope or whatever other reason there is but please, don't abandon them, it's the one thing you should never, ever do. Ari is magnificent and kudos to yous who helped him x

Terri - 02.08.2023 09:31

As a cat rescuer, I've seen too many instances of people dumping Their cats. there is no excuse.

Anika Laumer
Anika Laumer - 26.07.2023 21:05

I don’t see how people can just abandon there animal like that!

Elda Chaparro
Elda Chaparro - 23.07.2023 21:49

People don't understand stop kissing animals. They clean their rears and friends and their kids and still are animals. Do not humanize them. Ho find some children
And kiss and hug

Jimmy Williams
Jimmy Williams - 03.07.2023 01:34

This makes my blood boil and makes my heart happy with humanity at the same time. May God bless your life and the cats'.

MD Erfan
MD Erfan - 29.06.2023 13:31

Please help All animal love all animal please no video please help All animal love all animal please no video please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 please

sandra g
sandra g - 23.06.2023 01:38

People who get pets then abandon them... If I could curse people, I'd curse them with pain and suffering every day. Makes me so angry. Thank goodness there are good humans in the world to offset them.

MrNotSigmaGuy - 07.06.2023 23:39

Wtf is this?! If your saying that ur saving a cat from horrible humans then why in the beginning ur doing the same thing? Holding a full grown cat from a neck does hurt alot!

Sammy - 30.05.2023 10:36

Already did something wrong in the beginning NEVER NEVER hold a grown up cat in the neck without a hand under the body

Nancy Gorham
Nancy Gorham - 25.05.2023 13:49

People are mean!! It's like leaving a child behind!! Thank you for loving this baby!?

Naimah Yara
Naimah Yara - 25.05.2023 02:43

I love that kitty!

Fragile Earth
Fragile Earth - 25.05.2023 02:15

Wish i could give them all a home😢😢

The Vampire Ciel Phantomhive
The Vampire Ciel Phantomhive - 19.05.2023 09:20

Id never abandon baby she's 20 this year she's mine till she passes

Eleanor Rigby
Eleanor Rigby - 19.05.2023 02:54

He is soooo beautiful, praise you💖

Eve J
Eve J - 17.05.2023 21:23

I have an orange cat that was abandoned. His person died, the family didn't want him so they just abandoned him. He survived on his own for two years. A neighbor was going to take him to the shelter. I said "no I'll take him". He was already fixed. He is the sweetest most loving cat! I love him so much. I will always love and protect him.

Cath JC
Cath JC - 15.05.2023 07:18

Contrairement à une idée répandue, au delà de l'âge de 3 mois, il ne faut pas tenir un chat par la peau du cou ; il est trop lourd. Sinon, bien entendu, bravo pour ce sauvetage. Ce chat est à présent soigné, heureux.

Ibtehaz Ahmed Mozumder
Ibtehaz Ahmed Mozumder - 12.05.2023 15:19

Do you think that every cat you find is abandoned? Stupid.

WhiteAndProud - 09.05.2023 17:39

Ouch I was glad when she put him down (from holding him), he's too heavy to be held like that.

Elizabeth schossler Elizabeth
Elizabeth schossler Elizabeth - 09.05.2023 15:26

Susto não mão
Susto não preso

Parece. Cama sono gata
Deus te abençoe feliz 🙏🙌😅❤❤❤❤adora. Carinha. Linda

doomus - 09.05.2023 08:56

i had to leave my kitty at my old house when i moved to where i am now :( she was so scared by the cage and wouldnt come out from under the floorboards in the attic no matter how hard we tried she wouldnt leave and this was all at the last possible minute we could even be in that house so we had to leave it to the new homeowner. my parents said he could just have her which i never agreed to but they dont want to have contact with him because they did sell him a pretty bad house in a pretty bad area and they were scared hed be mad at them. i havent seen her in years now but she was my best friend. she followed me everywhere man and even slept at the foot of my bed every night. (never anyone else.) ive had countless dreams of her being in my new house and me hugging her and petting her but just before im able to do either of those things the dream ends. shes still alive, im sure, but i really do miss her.

Michael Sarras
Michael Sarras - 08.05.2023 20:14

I want him

Leeartlee - 07.05.2023 04:52

I’d sooner leave my wallet behind than my cat.

CollegeFraud - 07.05.2023 01:46

A place in hell for people that abandon their pets like that

maryann1608 - 05.05.2023 10:34

I usually don't wish anything bad on people, but the ones who left him like this, I hope the rest of their life is full of pain and suffering.

Dots Dot
Dots Dot - 04.05.2023 15:21

that a nice fur coat he has

Snikksnakk - 02.05.2023 00:22

People that just leave their animal should be shunned by everyone. It's mean and cruel. Pure egoistic. Disgust me so much. I am happy that people that have the means, energy and strong will to help do it.

pacific periscope
pacific periscope - 01.05.2023 15:22

There should be laws for irresponsible pet owners who just leave their pets behind instead of surrendering it to a shelter.

Peace4777 - 29.04.2023 19:11

People who abandon their animals have no morals. And, the cat's ribs are sticking out. Did the people who's porch he was sheltering on not give him any food? 😳💔

Supernova - 23.04.2023 07:20

The previous owners should be abandoned and left to survive on their own (individually) for 2 years and let's see how they get on. They are the scum of the earth.

Tasty Pies
Tasty Pies - 21.04.2023 20:13

Remove "like."

Gerrit Peacock
Gerrit Peacock - 19.04.2023 23:37

It hurts to think of how heartbreaking it would be to be so desperate to feel like abandoning a pet is the option... much less the anxiety of a pet who has lost their world. Thank you kind women.

Brenda Brown
Brenda Brown - 18.04.2023 09:47

Such a precious good kitty❤

MobiusBandwidth - 18.04.2023 02:47

unconscionable that people abandon pets. bless you rescuers.

Julia Lee
Julia Lee - 17.04.2023 21:58

it always breaks my heart when rescued pets are SO loving after they warm up. you just know they had all this love to give inside but had to hide it due to mistrust of humans because of past abuse :( they really just want to love

leo pic
leo pic - 17.04.2023 05:46

It's really good to hear this cat found a forever home Gods blessings to you for adopting him.

coffeehead68 - 17.04.2023 00:36

You shouldn't carry an adult cat by the scruff of his neck.

whyistomatoafruit - 15.04.2023 11:51

People who leave their pets behind when they move or relocate are just the worst kind of scum. It takes very little effort to drop them off at a shelter.
