Blazor component parameters

Blazor component parameters


4 года назад

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@izureiki - 29.08.2023 20:17

For me, I attended many courses, but always, Venkat's courses get to the point directly and gives what I need to do projects smoothly. Excellent course. I hope to see a detailed gRPC and Blazor WebAssembly courses soon. Many thanks for every single effort.

@roadtripping - 20.04.2023 18:20

work it work it work it work it

@imadabab - 12.10.2020 22:24

Waw. Now we can do just like these stuff using C# & Blazor. Fantastic. Thanks a lot for sharing.

@CCPony - 06.10.2020 02:21

I LOVE the Venkat!

@keinegutennamen - 25.09.2020 19:27

This is the first video I've seen of yours. It's concise, well thought out, and moves quickly. If the rest of your videos are like this, I'm going to be a subscriber. Nice work.

@josecosta3339 - 20.08.2020 15:29

I have a question: Why Our child component (DisplayEmployee.razor) is in the Page folder instead of the Shared folder.

@conaxlearn8566 - 31.05.2020 06:48

This looks more and more like how React works!

@talkathiriify - 05.05.2020 02:51

Excellent as usual.
Thank you very much.

@digitaldiaries4022 - 03.05.2020 18:57

‼️Having Doubt ⁉️
When we are checking/unchecking the checkbox, we are only binding the value of "showFooter" property, but how the whole page get refreshed, means how the for loop again rendered on Employees property. please Explain. Thanks

@peteroganwu951 - 22.04.2020 01:34

Thanks again Venkat. The child component looks like partial view in MVC and Razor pages. This awesome.

@ihsansaidi - 22.04.2020 00:14

how to migrate gridview customize to this razor .,, might be next

@solomonyosef6768 - 21.04.2020 23:51

Sir I don’t know how I can explain your awesome lecture! Long live! I Have a question do you hv any idea about Mule Soft? Pls if you hv it’s gonna be helpful for a lot of students who are interested and taking the Mule Soft training! Thank you 🙏
