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@Course6Beaver - 16.08.2024 15:10

I hope you don't enrage the bottom tier andys! Looking forward to watching this later if you did while I rage hone. 'Merica fvck yeah

edit: The comments so far are awesome. Does the solo raid buffs not work like support damage, back attacks applies to anywhere? I haven't done an solos cuz I have a static and a full roster of 1650+

@Nekomk123 - 16.08.2024 15:31

Rly paladin judg so low? LOOOOL i was 1580 and i was doing akkan faster than on my 1620 sf. This one thing made me the list simply Trash.

@yasserluna1797 - 16.08.2024 15:45

If you are rating cause difficulty, you are doing it wrong, just saying, too hard? dont play the class, dont diminish an amazing class cause others will find it difficult

@alexmatte - 16.08.2024 16:50

Very interesting, most of the time I had more difficulty in high spec ATM classes, like peacemaker. It's difficult to get past the G2 Brel in the cap. While with Mayhem and Glaive Control it was very smooth. I made a Souleater and put it at 1415 and it was very complicated to make Valtan with a Chaos DG set, I had to level up some talents first. Perhaps just this T3 entry is the most complicated thing for new players. The rest could just be a skill issue, like I can't do it with Guns. Unfortunately back atk classes suffer on bosses that move a lot, but nothing that can't be adapted with a Nightmare, Dominion, etc. set.

@dominikb9202 - 16.08.2024 17:00

Actually CO wasnt very good for solo. Master summ is better a bit awkward with some of the long animation but you get it all.
Superb destruction/stagger and shield.
Igniter is very good if you know the boss. Have seen somebody do Kayangel at ilevel and he was shredding it. Ofc he had very optimized gear from the past.

@petetam7394 - 16.08.2024 17:02

Very good list and I agree with most of the Tier and order. However imo, DI SH is probably the easiest class to play solo than NE SE. and NE SE is right behind her, simply she has auto HP generation and does not need a strict rotation. NE SE is very fast but she needs some sort of rotation to generate bubble before can attack, not saying it hard, but a little more complex and more nuance than DI SH.

@chriso6042 - 16.08.2024 17:03

I thought gravity training would be by far the best, and it may still be with the fast perfect swing, but no crit was pretty punishing, and i found reflux sorc to just spit out dmg without worrying about patterns, always have teleport, and just straight up faster to clear.

Reflux is way better than loyal companion, its not even close. More dmg, more movement, more stagger, more dest, way less animation locks.

Loyal companion is only better if you do not push your buttons.

@chriso6042 - 16.08.2024 17:08

I found control super easy, honestly i think all consistent classes are just better than burst. Youre not getting support buffs for your burst, and if you happen to wiff or not crit its just so much more punishing.

@lazyguitarAF - 16.08.2024 18:53

Berserker's technique should be in DANGER LEVEL. Equipped with Salvation is a freaking nightmare, like a handicapped Goblin raiding a Bear's hut LMAO

@baal8938 - 16.08.2024 19:42

me omw to find something to blame for being terrible at the game

@luciheartfilia-b1z - 16.08.2024 20:15

I do solo raid on alot of class including all dps sups. What i found is that at ilvl, dps artist deserve a better place than that. Its swiftness class, consistent high dps (crit rate isnt a problem for artist) and she got buffed with sup exclusive choice (the brand one at the start of the raid i forgot the name of it), easy stagger check, everything is just too good. If i can compare its dps, its higher than LC/reflux for sure and has no mana issue like WF aero etc that even if you have mana bracelet and food its still an issue that need to be addressed for solo raid.

@DoggyP00 - 16.08.2024 20:46

Class difficulty is very overrated on this tier list and DPS is underrated. Surge for example is very easy in solo mode, because every boss becomes trixion because of how much easier they are. DPS being able to skip mechs is more felt because you're the only one that needs to meet the dps check.

I feel like Gunslinger is actually overrated. Losing the any range hitmaster status that GS normally gets feels like a big deal when you're getting aggroed perma.

@cleaved3453 - 17.08.2024 00:25

Gunslinger is my worse performing alt by far in solo mode. Worse counter in the game out of the ones ive tried, and stagger is not good either. Love it in group play but its a pain to play in solo mode. Also artilerist is one of the easiest you basically skip most of the mechanics being shielded and all.

@mazder0 - 17.08.2024 01:56

Taijutsu scrapper is not mobile? LOL

@ppokll8524 - 17.08.2024 05:20

Mayhem is insane for new players due to easily obtainable tank card set. It makes him 3-4x tankier and is op AF.

@southpaw4713 - 17.08.2024 10:47

I know this isnt a DPS tier list but is this a solo raid tier list as for easier solo raids?

@diegomatos1419 - 17.08.2024 13:37

I can't read the chinese title can someone translate?

@forgeofambience29 - 17.08.2024 15:10

Yeah Reaper is EZ tier only if it's your main, you can do a lot of funky stuff, positionings and counters in order to maximize uptime that other classes cant do, otherwise that sounds about right

@buckrogers-lk3yr - 17.08.2024 18:50

Study, takes notes, practice, take the exam and then play online gambling. Rinse and repeat.

@Ventus_S - 18.08.2024 07:11

With the true supporter buff, sup is actually op in solo raid.
You're essentially doing 80% more damage, basically doing the raid as 8x 3 or 9 x 3 compare to other dps classes with' 5x3.

@Landstalker1999 - 18.08.2024 18:29

Back attack classes are both good but bad in solo mode.
Good because if you choose all back attack bonus, all attacks are considered back attack so you can do so much damage easily
Bad because you can't choose another bonus

@DiavolEVO - 20.08.2024 13:06

all supps this "super fast run"

@kaaskaas5593 - 21.08.2024 12:22

you dont need stims for dps paladin if you play it correctly its very strong in solo raids

@Xyiler - 24.08.2024 00:59

Striker is terrible for solo mode. Pretty sure he heals the boss with level 7 gems

@sleipney - 30.08.2024 02:20

I think mech contribution should've been considered. Like with rs soulfist you also do doodoo stagger without hype

@LordsMobileF2P - 07.09.2024 02:48

SHADOW HUNTER is the best ! she has :
- sustain
- stag
- destru
- low cd on counter
- no back attack
- move speed for a spe class
- 2 gems required
- 3/4 tripod (exactly what we get in the solo raid shop)
- return in human form anytime (when we need to wait with the slayer)

she's perfect for the solo raid... for me she's S++

@nefareal4546 - 07.10.2024 22:04

PvE high damage which class? I am starting over

@iconic4609 - 20.10.2024 01:31

My god dude you have 4 other categories

@Anastasia-dw3ev - 22.10.2024 15:27

Hello) I'm from Russia, I don't know English well (so I apologize).
Tell me, is arcana (emperor) a strong class?

@danielkx95 - 03.01.2025 02:24

This List is for No Hands like you, right? Such bad picks tho

@toniilievski3934 - 25.02.2025 04:39

Classes with longer animations are worse in my exp , as for example with the GS i can't connect 2 spells in a row, usually you have to cancel the second or wait for a boss pattern/animation , even the full spec eso striker feels better , not to mention the tai scrapper or even the paladin even tho he lacks the dmg.

@ekkobellick939 - 16.08.2024 16:09

Ngl this list kinda dookie
