I went thru menopause in my mid-30s. As did my grandmother, great grandmother and my mom, all naturally. I Welcomed it, no more worries of more kids, etc and I really love it lol. Except for the occasional hot flash (power surges, as I called them.
Ответить"People" who experience menopause? I think you meant WOMEN. Just so we're clear.
ОтветитьSYMPTOMS CAN LAST FOR 20 YEARS?! Oh fu*king hell 😳
ОтветитьThere needs to be waaaay more conversations about perimenopause. I literally had no idea it was even a thing until it started happening to me. I always thought it went, childhood, puberty, regular adulthood, and menopause. No one ever told me there was an up to 10-year limbo before menopause. lol
ОтветитьGreat video as always! I'm 65 and had my period until 62! It was brutal as they were extremely heavy and very unpredictable! I would be at work and feel the gush knowing what had just happened. This could last a few days of wearing double heavy duty pads as tampons were out of the question. My poor little vagina couldn't take the pain of insertion even though I used tampons for decades. I recently went to my gyne for a checkup and that was REALLY painful so looking forward to discussing estrogen cream etc...thanks Dr. J!
PS: in hindsight right before my period would start I wouldn't sleep very well for a week or so before! Now that I'll be 66 next month I'm having those sleep issues again AND it sucks! Nothing like looking tired on top of being 65! No one looks good if not well rested!
Also before full menopause hit I didn't get hot flashes at all unless I drank more than 3 glasses of wine or ate something very sugary.
I had cold flashes and lots of other problems before starting HRT.
ОтветитьCan you talk about the research about the preventative parts of HRT? Less likely to get frozen shoulder, dementia, osteoporosis etc.
ОтветитьI brought it up to my GP about having vaginal dryness and she suggested using Crisco. 😬
I told her I was using “Silky Peach” that has a small amount of Estriol. She was worried that it may not be a reliable or safe product. I just wish it was cheaper cause it made me feel comfortable!
I’m 39 and i am going through it have been for about 6 years and I cannot stand it
ОтветитьThe worst is . . . P.M.D.D
ОтветитьPlease could you discuss a full hysterectomy at a young age and what happens
Ответить“How long does it last”? Forever!! 😩😩😂🤣
ОтветитьI went through beginning menopause at 43!! Helllllllllll
ОтветитьWould love to see a whole video on vaginal lube options including the ring. Menopause has completely changed my horny self into afraid of intercourse. Love my vibrator but Ms. V is closed!
ОтветитьOMG !!!! PLEASE CAN SOMEONE TELL MENOPAUSE TO COME VISIT ME !!!!!!! ...I'm gonna be 48 next month... and I STILL HAVE REGULAR PERIODS LIKE CLOCK WORK EVERY SINGLE MONTH!!! I'm so sick of this...I was done having kids at age 24 ... and so this is unnecessary!! I have not had a smidgen of a symptom 😭 I still break out on my face every month too!!! MENOPAUSE has forgot about me! I Am ready for this to be over it's beyond annoying
ОтветитьMy mom hit menopause at 42, but had to be on hormones to create them due to some sort of complications?!?
I started at 42 as well. I am now 49 and no period since 42. Lol 😂
Not even our doctors know what to do about menopause....
ОтветитьIt’s been probably/ years since I began having hot flashes n i’m 45 now. Back in May was the first of two consecutive missed periods so I was excited to no longer be going through that only to have my period restart the next month. I had a few before going another 2 months without one before restarting the next month. I just want to be done with having periods already.
ОтветитьI have gone full calendar year while breastfeeding. I breastfed till my baby was two and I didn’t have it that whole time. I don’t know a lot about menopause but I was starting to think it was never coming back!
ОтветитьI'm on blood thinners for Bilateral PE's (life-long) and am aware HRT is likely not an option for me (also family history of cancer). I have recently tapered and stopped gabapentin which I plan never to take again and want to try getting off my antidepressants eventually so hoping there is other more natural options for coping with menopause symptoms should they be an issue for me in the future (I'm currently 41). Please tell me there are natural options?!! Also have diagnosed ADHD which I hear can result in worse symptoms in some people so would be interested in hearing more about this. Thank you x
ОтветитьI'm 40, had endometriosis until a hysterectomy at 38, pretty sure that's when perimenopause began but 40 hit this shit outta the park, is this a thing? Everything has sucked horribly, even worse than 20 days periods and hormone fluctuations that without an extremely strong partner I'd be alone from. Is 40 too early for hrt? How long can this last if it started so early? My doctors (world renowned surgeon for LH) and every random one I get assigned to don't give me much info as I fear they're all confused about my age in this situation...
ОтветитьAbsolutely more, more, MORE ON MENOPAUSE !!!! Pease!!!!
ОтветитьSo many doctors are willfully ignorant to the female body and its complexities!!! I have been ignored for years. Here and there I have had the greatest of them after I suffered for years!!!! One brilliant tip when I was having uti ‘s and had been on a year long dose of antibiotics I was injured and went to a private doctor, out of network, cash; He told me that plain toilet paper, bleached cotton undies and no more pantyhose, flush the labia (minor & major) after sex would solve my problem. Poof 🎉🍾🥂problam solved! (Panty hose was an adjustment, thank god for cotton tights and thigh highs!)❤😊
ОтветитьShould I be worried if I start having some of these symptoms in my mid 30s?
ОтветитьI am 57. At 33 I got dcis and had a bilateral mastectomy. Because my mom and sister died of breast/ovarian cancer I got tested for the brca gene and have it. I had a complete hysterotomy at 53. My question is since I don't have breasts and had a complete hysterotomy why am I not a good candidate for HRT? I mean, there is zero risk for cancer there.
ОтветитьWhat I got from this: So I'm dealing with, and have been dealing with, a constant hot flash for the majority of my life. 🥲🥵
Jokes aside, this was helpful as I'm sweating extremely excessively, overheating just by thinking, which causes sweat to start to pour out of every single pore on my body — and it doesn't matter if it's -20°c outside, I still overheat and start to sweat profusely and I basically become a walking radiator. 🙃 No gloves? Doesn't matter, I'll get extremely warm hands either way.
I have tried to discuss and legit end up arguing with my doctor that in a gland, somewhere in my body, something is wrong as my hormones seem completely out of whack.
So I'm going to slap down "hot flashes" on the table for another term of this bs I have to deal with — and that hinders me, all year around, to do most things in life. Even as I stay hidden inside I need a fan on and/or air conditioner.
Just a personal rant that I'm going to post. Because why not? Maybe someone reads it and can relate/know more about the symptoms. 🤷🏼♀️
Antidepressants - have you read about all the problems associated with them? I very much enjoyed your informative video.
ОтветитьI was lucky. I slid right through menopause! I had 2 actual hot flashes. That’s it. I had times when I felt a little warmer than usual, but wasn’t uncomfortable. I seemed to become irritable around that time, but since it only happened when I was at work, I’m not sure if it was menopause or just my stupid job! 🤣
ОтветитьCan you do a video on why some people get hot flashes during their PMS days? How frequently does it happen?
ОтветитьMore menopause videos!!! My doctor prescribed birth control, but I have never been able to tolerate the side effects, I used a cooper IUD for years because it didn’t have hormones. Why are gyn doctors so hesitant to prescribe hormones ? Is it the side effects? Love your videos!!
ОтветитьMy aunt had started menopause right after her second son was born. Was on hormones for years to deal with her hot flashes. That was until my grandmother got breast cancer and my aunt asked her doctor if she should continue taking the hormones just incase it increased her chances of breast cancer. Luckily the doctor said yes let's stop because the doctor would rather not have her chances of cancer increasing without a good reason
ОтветитьOnce again surgical menopause is not addressed ....I was 31 now almost 60 and life is hell due to not having the proper hormones
ОтветитьTry going through it in your 20s. I had all the symptoms, a doctor who disbelieved & laughed at me (until the blood test came back and she was like "oh shit"). It was a very lonely experience, especially bc my older sister, always the one getting the attention anyway, was pregnant with twins at the same time. 😪 Have you ever done a video on Premature Ovarian Failure?
Ответитьwell, I had a uterine ablation 18 years ago when I was 40. So I haven't had a period since then. How would I know?
ОтветитьI am lucky I had no symptoms except I loved cold pillows. But that was it.
ОтветитьI want to be Viola Davis but I’m in perimenopause (determined by blood tests) and maybe I’m lucky but I’m completely fine with it. Rare, brief hot flashes but NBD. Bone density is still excellent. My poor mom still struggles with symptoms and it’s just so unfair. This needs much more (women led) research.
ОтветитьMy mother is 59 and still regularly as can be. I am 42 a mother of 5. I was told I’m in perimenopause about 3 years ago. If family genetics plays a part does this mean I could be in perimenopause for 20+ years?!?! 😂
ОтветитьI am so grateful for your content on this subject matter. Even my doctor's attempt to diagnose my menopause became more like Doctor Jeckle and Mr Hyde; bless him! This list of symptoms that I have not heard from my doctor I appreciate 🙏🌈🙏it!
ОтветитьOk, but I'm already on a birth control pill, an antidepressant for anxiety, and have had insomnia all my adult life. How do I know for sure if im premenopausal? Even though the BC pill is meant to allow me to have a period every month, I still end up getting it every three months. Btw, I'm 46.
ОтветитьI know menopause is. It's when a lady gets so fine that whenever she walks in the room all the men pause.
ОтветитьI went into surgically induced menopause at 30 in 2023 😭 thank you for this video. I can’t do HRT because of a blood clotting disorder so I’ve basically been raw dogging menopause 🫠
ОтветитьI can’t wait for my period to be over. I have the coil, oestrogel and extra progesterone and nothing is working. I’m in constant pms mode and I’m frickin 49!! Come on, now!! None of these methods are working, I’ve been referred back to Gynae.
I heard the actual menopause is actually only 1 day. You’re in peri menopause, then when you stop having periods for 12 months, that day you determine that it’s been 12 months is menopause, then the very next day is post menopause.
Hot flashes... aka... Power surges from hell..
ОтветитьDef sending this (and maybe the next) vid to my mom
ОтветитьI'm a 63 y/o woman who had her uterus removed at 40 but still has ovaries. I started having hot flashes at 55. Rarely during the day, but rolling hot flashes throughout the night. I don't sweat during them, but feel like I could burst into flames. I was put on Estridol patches, which helped. Around 60, my doctor wanted to take me off of them. I begged to stay on them until I retired. I've been off of them for about 6 months now, and the hot flashes are back with a vengeance. They started about a month after going off of HRT. I've always had insomnia anyway, but sleep is a distant memory. Can't fall asleep. Can't stay asleep. Just spend the night putting on the covers and throwing off the covers.
ОтветитьI didn’t even know when I had menopause. I had and still have no symptoms
Ответитьi turn 50 tomorrow and it has been a year tomorrow since my last period last year i had 1 period all year and before that i had one like every other month to every 3 months my worse system is hotflash and nausea and cold chills after
Ответитьone thing i find out is you sweat alot more in your private areas
ОтветитьHi! MDJ's production manager here. If you have a specific question you'd like to ask about menopause, perimenopause, or anything MDJ said in this video, etc., please reply to this comment so I can gather them up and send them to her for a follow-up Q&A video. Thanks!