Has Aim Assist Gotten Stronger in Call of Duty?

Has Aim Assist Gotten Stronger in Call of Duty?


2 года назад

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sabresandiego - 20.11.2023 20:25

This video isn’t an accurate representation of AA in real combat situations with moving targets. Players who know how to maximize AA look almost like aimbots in kill cams. It’s extremely unfair to mouse players at this point

Vthe Man
Vthe Man - 25.10.2023 21:52

I don't think you can honestly do these tests without accurate data from the devs and the game engine itself. You are really testing one specific scenario, and the initial point of reference is based on an assumption. It's not a bad video, you did the best you could with the tools at your disposal, and found some creative solutions to test in, but the margin of error for something like this is enormous. There is also latency, render latency and frame times, actual ping to take into account. Like you said in your intro AA is a fairly complex system.

Bubble Skunker
Bubble Skunker - 14.10.2023 09:42

hmm, I see why I stopped playing mnk after MW2019 lmao

OrangeCat15 - 21.08.2023 01:05

Those fucking idiots that said no are bots and they have never been good players that’s why they didn’t feel a difference

margrab1 - 27.07.2023 12:11

wow from the perspective of time its amazing how xclusiveace was sharing misleading informations about the strength of aimassist.

ebin spörder
ebin spörder - 06.05.2023 14:55

With the current videos on aim assist by Hecksmith and it being featured on JGOD's video, I think this video should be deleted as one of the worst videos on AA ever.

Dpac1000 - 26.04.2023 16:15

Update: Hacksmith made a video regarding this showing Ace and Jgod as misunderstanding aim assist, you get around 25% on left stick and 5% on right stick combined as 30% at 0ms. Aim assist bubble does NOT change size from distance also rotation aim assist also is obtained multi ways, In Conclusion YES since MW2019 aim assist has got far more stronger then older COD, if used correctly you can track a enemy perfectly down a corridor when his jumping and sliding without ever using your right stick. I don't know how Ace got it this wrong. If I had a guess I would say as a controller player he does not want to acknowledge his kills to aim assist rather it was his aiming skill... same narrative most controller players has.

Hubris423 - 11.04.2023 19:27

may as well give us on pc an aimbot too. like wtf

You'll See My Name Everywhere
You'll See My Name Everywhere - 02.03.2023 12:04

Wish you would’ve done it fr bo2, I’ve played so many vids and bo2 almost feels like I can’t hit my shots either because
1. The stick acceleration jolts over the target
Or 2. Because the aim assist bubble is so strong I can’t even get to my target

Allison Edits
Allison Edits - 25.02.2023 21:00

Bots and their copium

Armanie Singletary
Armanie Singletary - 24.02.2023 15:21

Sniper aim assist has always been buggy people high as a kite if they think they "quick scoping" on roller with no aim assist

Chandler Rose
Chandler Rose - 02.12.2022 20:10

Hope to see an update including MW2!!

Kaleb B.
Kaleb B. - 21.11.2022 16:01

Ngl i thought this was gonna be on aim assist. But the video is on target assist. Or at least in in-game settings this is called target assist. It threw me off bc i thought he was gonna talk about “aim assist” at the end

UUinn - 14.11.2022 02:53

Day 1 of asking to do these test in the new mw2

Old Man Chip plays.......
Old Man Chip plays....... - 08.11.2022 16:13

Well the conclusion is strange to me. Because why do almost 40 % think it's to strong then ? No speculation there at all ? - Im on m/k on PC, and these days I immediately back out of games with a lot of controller players (on PC). I feel that console players might need a little something, because they do have the graphic disadvantage (but that will change over time), but for PC, it should absolutely not be a thing. Other games disable AA for PC, and that's a good thing (in my opinion). Rotational aim assist especially is cancer. That stickiness you can't avoid, you cant "strafe your way out of", its bad for gameplay, its bad for skill. The whole reason AA exists is because m/k is the more direct , faster, input option. But why do I need to be punished (as a m/k player) because of it ? - I mean, if I show up at the 100 meter dash at the olympics wearing crocs instead of running shoes , is it ok for me to take "forbidden substances" or do I get x number of meters head start ? - Sure if everyone wears crocs that's fine, and if everyone wears running shoes that also fine. Just give me a even level playing field. So ... The only solution I can think of, is that they create a cross-control disable option. Or disable AA for PC, so there can still be an "ok" crossplay experience.

MAGSWAP - 03.11.2022 17:26

You should redo these tests, plus throw in some sort of "controller effectiveness test". I know it'll change an extra couple variables, but with the massive amount of options to increase controller gameplay (deadzones, response curves etc).

These new qol changes made using a controller much easier plus with the already strong AA (especially at range) it makes using a controller much deadlier vs pre 2019. Imo AA is slightly too strong and puts many players at a disadvantage unless you're within like the top 10% of mnk players.

jackson granger
jackson granger - 02.11.2022 20:20

people who follow modernwarzone are typically delusional so no surprise

Alexander Bryn
Alexander Bryn - 01.11.2022 18:19

Please do a new test on this in Modern Warfare 2. As of now, it feels as strong that it's boardering to auto aim.... Does console players think this is fair? If the goal is to alienate pc/keyboard/mouse players, they are certainly succeeding, and if it's not changed there will only be console players on MW2 pretty soon

ShootEmUp Gaming
ShootEmUp Gaming - 23.10.2022 08:39

Does PC have less aim assist or more assist than console?
Console players have the internal aim assist set to “0.6” in the game files, a value that defines the strength of the sticky reticle effect. If you're playing on a controller on PC, you'll get a watered-down version of aim assist, set to “0.4,” which is far less than it would be on console.

David Coffin
David Coffin - 21.10.2022 18:06

Aim assist has always been a trash mechanic that basically only exists as an artifact of porting games designed for mouse and keyboard to console. PC games include a bunch of recoil and bloom mechanics to introduce skill mechanics to gunfights where M/KB are inherently ridiculously accurate. Simple point and click guns feel super silly there and need extra mechanics to simulate realism. The skill mechanic in a console shooter should inherently be the ability to do accurate inputs with a controller. It is a far more inherently realistic analog for aiming a firearm. The additional recoil and bloom mechanics and such that get ported over from PC shooters undermine the inherent mechanic of analog aiming, which must then call for additional aim-assist mechanics to compensate. Devs then use these sorts mechanics as a crutch for balancing and to compress the skill gap in favor of new and casual players.

JAMES NUZZI - 13.10.2022 02:00

Disappointed you didn’t show Cold War for some of the tests

Nooby - 11.10.2022 23:14

My favorite aim assist was in zombies when it would just snap to the zombies instead of having to aim, I love mouse and keyboard but man was it fun to spam aim on zombies back in the day

Vectors are the best
Vectors are the best - 07.10.2022 18:31

Aim assist isn’t even that good compared to mouse and key I’ve played both and I had better games on pc than Xbox and I’ve been playing controller my hole life and only 2-3 hours

noddy - 05.10.2022 17:06

The worst part about aim assist is bots pretending like it isn't too strong

DonFritz - 04.10.2022 04:19

How about the aim assist that pulls your sight onto the enemy whenever you ads, you know, how back in the day you could aim the intervention off target and when it was fully zoomed in it moved onto the target

Deathtrooper204 - 02.10.2022 19:32

I wish you tested BO4's AA as well

mrchillgreen - 01.10.2022 05:06

i played the last COD beta and also watched many console player playing this game and idk man it very much looks like an aimbot.
(sadly i did not had the opportunity to test it myself with controller)
but also some controller players mentioned and raised voices that its way to strong.
it doesnt seem you have included the latest COD wich is kinda sad because it would be the actual debate seems we have to wait until it launches.
also watching death cams always looked very of and fishy and with that i mean way to much kills looked fishy so something is going on there it think.

Benzo Ferarro
Benzo Ferarro - 27.09.2022 00:42

A big problem with the test is not accounting for frames. Go cap your frames at 60 or whatever the old games were and you'll see why AA feels stronger.

EdgySanTTV - 24.09.2022 13:39

console scrubs voted that their aimbot aint strong enough, color me surprised. fuck crossplay, its trash

Taureg - 22.09.2022 20:16

The reason the majority feel it has not gotten stronger because it would force them to do some introspection and realize their "cracked" aim is actually mostly the code doing it for them.

John Le
John Le - 19.09.2022 12:18

Range should be nerfed because at range ur taking 100% benefit of aim assist whereas mnk would have to use microadjustments that isnt present in controller

bm - 16.09.2022 04:40

Your tests don’t include the enemies moving, which is…. Every single gunfight in the game. Bad methodology. Also the aim assist in MW has probably changed since launch with the Warzone updates since CW and Vanguard

bm - 16.09.2022 04:38

There’s a reason every top Warzone player uses controller now. Controller on pc is unbeatable.

Halo Daycare
Halo Daycare - 28.08.2022 20:22

This video has increased depression in mouse and keyboard players

GamingJobesCH - 15.08.2022 18:23

Way too OP. At most it should be 20-30m, 1-2% slowdown and 5-8% rotational. It's called aim ASSIST not aim BOT.

RyuKen - 12.08.2022 17:14

So I started playing MW19 recently again after a year or so of not playing at all and AA isn't working at all for me now. It's an absolute nightmare to stay on target and also to not overrun your target without turning sense down so much that I'm completely ineffective at getting the first shot and everything else outside of aiming. It's just such a small range of motion on the sticks to make tiny adjustments with a decent sensitivity. I've tweaked settings a lot in game plus the elite 2 controller settings I've gotten marginally better with it, idk maybe on the new game I'll be better for it if it has AA again if I don't give up before then. But as an average casual player the thing is virtually unplayable without it for me lol

😼Good Kitty😾
😼Good Kitty😾 - 27.07.2022 02:52

multiplayer hardcore modes shouldn’t even have sim assist at all, warzone 2 ranked shouldn’t even have sim assist yet it will to pander to the kids and those streamers who will cry about it

CampersRuinCoD - 20.07.2022 07:16

It’s not that it’s increased, it’s that it’s too strong to begin with.

Even IW director has stated the average controller player has better stats than the average KBAM player. This is bedside Aim Assist Rotation is too strong.

iksdjvan100 - 17.07.2022 01:04

This is exactly why i unsubscribed from you... Rotational aim assist helps you track a MOVING TARGET. You can't just have someone standing still and measure rotational aim assist because ROTATIONAL AIM ASSIST HELPS YOU ROTATE WITH YOUR ENEMY! If you don't have a moving target then it is not as strong. I feel as though you intentionally do this shit. Rotational Aim Assist is broken as fuck. How you weren't able to replicate the insane aim assist is beyond me.

diligaf1000 - 09.07.2022 13:32

This is why a lot of mk players use xim etc. Native mouse keyboard on console actually puts you at a disadvantage over controller players. Aim assist is just too powerful, it gives you hints that enemies are there even when you can't see them.. it's like having an extra perk even forgetting about getting the actual aim assist as it gives you that awareness of players being there...

Flashback Jack
Flashback Jack - 19.06.2022 10:16

I die by headshot 70 percent of the time by controller players in Modern Warfare 2019 and I am not not exaggerating. It's almost as if the headshot hitbox for controller players expands to mid torso or something. Against a controller player if you're in tactical crouch, you're gonna get headshotted EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I've been playing first person shooters since the early 90s, in a few cases competitively, so I'm no spring chicken. I've seen shit done by aim assist casuals in this game that I've never seen in all my time playing among the best players in the planet in some games as a keyboard and mouse player.

T CCC - 15.06.2022 12:14

If you play black ops 1 it’s wildly apparent. Look at any pro gameplay from that game as well and the sim is orders of magnitude less accurate.

Kade Bass
Kade Bass - 14.06.2022 02:48

I just wish there would be motion sensor/gyro aim so someone like me wouldn’t need aim assist in the first place (also at least in MW aim assist rotation applies even when standing still it just require the enemy to move)

Epp Rdrgz
Epp Rdrgz - 06.06.2022 06:31

Aim assist got "better" and ammo got worst,you have to literally hit somebody with a full clip before killing him on HC,sometimes I didn't know if I was playing Hardcore or Standard mode,this game has seriously lose me.

Zane Petersen
Zane Petersen - 03.06.2022 09:40

I play on controller and I’d be interested to see if COD would be better with no aim assist once you’ve aimed down sights. This might make movement much stronger. Also I’ve occasionally been a little disgusted when I’m shooting at a guy in a window pretty far a way and a second dude will run out from behind him and jump out the window while my sights track him all on their own. First of all this is really annoying because it generally makes me loose to the first guy but more importantly it shows me that aim assist really reduces the skill gap a lot and nerfs movement pretty substantially. I think far fewer people would get lazered when moving between cover without this.

Rhys - 01.06.2022 09:04

A better test of rotational aim assist would have been to be running into a wall while adsing and having an enemy run through your line of sight and see how much it changes. You could measure it in the same way with degree changes of the arrow on the mini map.

networkingdude - 31.05.2022 15:49

Say it together with me "Aim assist should not exist! Aim assist should not exist!"

yuki mizuno
yuki mizuno - 30.05.2022 15:36

all i gotte say aim asist for ppl who cant aim specialy wen you have some fuckers usin cronos zen legit dislike consol players for aim asist and cronos zen they say o it easyer aiming on pc no it not not at all aimin on pc is 10x harder than ur aim asist asisting you with aim we dont got that aiming on a pc is 10x harder and to control recoils is 10x harder to so tbh i think consol aim asist prety op compared to pc players consol player alaways act like they better and act like they can play on pc but wen they play on pc they suck seen that many times also with me friend he keept saying ye i can play pc to and kick ppls ass nah he couldnt becaus he to used to hes aim asist doing the work for him like a robot he legit died everytime wen playin on pc consol player is like this a a helicopter vs a heat seeker missle all to say nice vid

tip master
tip master - 29.05.2022 21:37

Rotational aim assist is broken af. Its client side so its always "right", its faster than human reaction time and it makes the game annoying af.

Controller players abusing slide cancel have no idea how much the game is playing for them.

Add onto thag half the streamers are hacking and hiding behind aimassist for bullshit plays. COD is a joke of an fps.

bladeclanhalo3 - 28.05.2022 13:18

Im fine with aim assist slowdown working at long range, but the rotational is the broken part, it's stronger if the enemy is moving instead of standing
