Crazy Ways to Use the Tactical Baton!

Crazy Ways to Use the Tactical Baton!


1 год назад

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Vern Shein
Vern Shein - 06.11.2023 12:21

Excellent video. I think that with knife or baton, the left hand (of a right handed defender) should protect the throat and the left forearm press firmly over the chest in front of the heart.

Basically defend your center line with your alive hand while you defend and counterattack with the right hand and weapon.

The same applies for defensive handgun shooting with one hand, similar to the old FBI shooting system.

CYI3ERPUNK - 04.11.2023 06:13

there is no substitute for practice/practical applications

LC Mata
LC Mata - 29.10.2023 05:13

Obrigado pelo vídeo 👍

Interested In Stuff
Interested In Stuff - 07.10.2023 07:39

What a great channel. Love your videos. Love this one too. We trained with many items for knife defence and ended up with a stick working best. We even found an umbrella could do a reasonable job. Although getting cut was almost a certainty, dying not so much. Brilliant.

Chifuretsu - 28.09.2023 22:15

It's ok , but what if we have enemy who knows how to use knife and he has experience in real fight .

Dan The Outdoors Man
Dan The Outdoors Man - 28.09.2023 01:59

Really enjoying this but I wish I could hear it in English as something is lost in subtitles

ヌラフィズリNur Afizul
ヌラフィズリNur Afizul - 20.09.2023 09:47

No you are doing it wrong, you're supposed to throw the knife at the opponents like a kunai

Ming - 10.09.2023 16:11

I have the same exact common sense tactic this guy has but yet zero confidence if it'll work because knife exerts are so fast with knives- gime a sword!😂

Beelzebububble - 07.09.2023 02:22

Tactical baton bends when bashing heads in. I use steel whips now.

CthonicSoulChicken - 31.08.2023 11:24

"The winter clothes are impenetrable." To a Kabar? No, they're really not. The length of the blade was based off the length of the V42 and the original Fairbairn-Sykes dagger. The length was 7". This was the thickness of a Nazi i winter uniform and the length necessary to kill (to penetrate the internal organs). Stabbing through winter clothe sis possible and potentially lethal. Cutting--now that's a different story.

SDF - 23.08.2023 07:40

Fucccc kkk I sould be sleeping right now but I found this my type of thing channel instead!!!

Kilravok - 21.08.2023 16:29

In western Europe, majority of thugs and robbers are cowards who only attack people they believe to be helpless and too scared to defend themselves. In most cases, if you show willingness AND ability to fight back, European thugs give up. If you have a batton, don't go for small, easily missed targets like the hand or for cumbersome to aim for targets like the back of the knee. Swing for the neck, face or head. Most likely, the thug will be able to dodge it, but they will no longer see the victim as a scared, defenseless target and run away: threat neutralised. If you do hit, the thug is down and stays down: threat neutralised.
Of course, there are exceptions, there are some thugs that keep attacking even if you prove skill and willingness to defend yourself, but they are rare and will keep attacking even if you don't defend yourself. Better to at least try to protect yourself than being a passive victim.

Old Man Paxus YT
Old Man Paxus YT - 20.08.2023 12:54

Now i have watched the whole thing... Still no good... 2 kids playing grab ass is basically what we saw there. 😏
The 'stabber' is literally 'offering' his thumb, 'offering' his thumb, 'offering' his thumb' - All stabs were the exact same awkward motion that is hardly ever done in real life - so an UTTERLY POINTLESS test/demonstration.
I agree it's absolutely important to practice LIKE that (with training knives etc) - but then you have to do it properly!!! Like real ppl would attack! Duh!....
Anyone with real deadly intent or skill is stabbing multiple times, repeating VERY quickly, like a piston and coming at all different angles and combining slashing and stabbing motions too! - Not just one or the other.

Old Man Paxus YT
Old Man Paxus YT - 20.08.2023 12:48

UTTERLy pointless when you keep approaching in exactly the SAME way every time - not to mention, it's a way no one has ever attacked with a knife... 🙄
The guy is jabbing in a way like he's 'offering' his thumb, 'offering' his thumb, 'offering' his thumb, 'offering' his thumb..... I mean... come on....

WoozyMoozy - 18.08.2023 02:54

What about the baton weight? It seems/feels like when swinging the baton, the baton is the one who controling us (because of the weight).

Bekzat Matiev
Bekzat Matiev - 17.08.2023 00:08

In my country it called "Bonebroker"

Weareallbeingwatched - 16.08.2023 21:06

Don't just whack them the once, you want to strike them in the face / carotid and hand / shoulder in one movement in a self defence application against a blade. Think tai chi sword, get the center of mass onto the blade then whip round it and strike them in the head while parrying with the shaft - then you strike the hand on the way out and break their wrist while smashing the knife out of the palm. Knives are no joke, and you should seek to rattle their cage very hard. Look at escrima as well - the parry of the blade is transferred to a hold of the limb wi5u the loose hand as the disarming strike is applied inside the guard with the quarter staff and a whipping motion, rotating the weapon to strike once inside their guard.

Kaizen - 15.08.2023 08:41

Very good practical research! - 13 year HEMA player

manifold d
manifold d - 15.08.2023 07:13

The collapsible baton is THE best all round weapon. Absolutely the best for ANY situation that requires close combat.

IMHO baton beats knife, stun gun, fists, short sword, machete etc. The ability to conceal it is what makes it amazing too.

Ist Geheim
Ist Geheim - 13.08.2023 00:41

Not all attackers have hold the knife in their leading hand. It's not a sabre.
So the knife man should also try to get into infight by using his off-hand as a cover. Once body contact is made, then he should use his knife. This would seem more realistic to me, and the baton would not be as effective any more in my opinion.
I hope you give it a try and show us the results in one of your next videos.
