After Man | A Comedic Summary

After Man | A Comedic Summary


1 год назад

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@creatureking-theoriginal1068 - 11.11.2023 04:11

dang i'm to lazy to do this one

@canonbehenna612 - 11.11.2023 05:24

I would like a documentary or sci-fi series based entirely based off the book

@StarFried - 11.11.2023 05:36

bats losing their ability to flight became the new crustaceans evolving into crabs

@fabricreative1930 - 11.11.2023 06:10

Very well edited and explained!

@areallyshortbrontothere - 11.11.2023 07:20


@pepepecaspicapapas4726 - 11.11.2023 11:38

Do Man After Man, please.

@ayzekpie9432 - 11.11.2023 19:05

Reed stilt is the one who made me wonder and google how animals get more vertebrae in the process of evolution.

@bunk_foss - 12.11.2023 05:29

I never really got into this book despite being big into spec. Thank you Cree. 🙏

@BigBossMan538 - 12.11.2023 18:21

Another of my favorite animals, for how insane the concept is, are the predatory monkeys: The horrane and the raboon.

As if monkeys weren’t already big enough bastards, these guys decided to just be big cats and theropod’s respectively. Cuz I guess all the big carnivores like cats, dogs, etc are just almost all gone. The designs aren’t great scientifically, I don’t think predatory monkeys would look like this, but it’s fun.

And let’s not forget the striger, a cat who decided to be a monkey

@UCannotDefeatMyShmeat - 12.11.2023 23:13

Night lurker huh?

Also I was sure that was a rabbit

@liwentertainment4145 - 13.11.2023 15:57

I asked Dougal Dixon for permission of the "After Man" pre-publication, because in it's biome introductions, they got these little maps and, unlike it's published counterpart, they have the coordinates on where it's ecosystem is located. However, he dismissed because i was putting to much importance on that original pitch document.
And also, in Metazoica, there are animals located in isolated islands/continents (this includes the north american deserts) mentioned in his book, but they don't appear in the chapters referring to those regions.
For example:
South america: swimming anteater, trevel, mud gulper, purrip bat, reedstilt, parashrew, gigantelope
Lemuria: sand-flapjack, horrane, raboon, ziddah, flunkey, trovamp, ghole, zarander, gigantelope, rundihorn
North American deserts: spitting featherfoot, desert leaper, khilla

@teawrecks1243 - 13.11.2023 18:19

Spec evo has gotten wackier since, just look at the likes of Athyrmagaia where a clade of aliens evolve to always merge in teams of four and have the head, torso, abdomen and rump of each "animal" are actually a separate creature, or Hamster's Paradise where a velociraptor-like descendant of the hamster on a planet with two suns ends up giving rise to a fascist empire of cannibalistic ewoks with rodent oliphaunts which then bring about a zombie apocalypse

@GLeviathan - 14.11.2023 13:16

iirc the main families of bats all evolved flight separately from each other. So sever lineages losing their flight isn't off the table. (plus birds do it all the time. Flight's very stressful).

@kittensolder8818 - 14.11.2023 19:57

Absolutely NO mention of the fucking penguin-whales?

@Klarpimier - 16.11.2023 19:56

Jerry, bugs bunny, and Bambi glow up years

@Justabirdieontheinternet - 30.12.2023 00:14


@Geniusprimate - 08.01.2024 02:37

The Reedstilt is a hedgehog not a frog

@Geniusprimate - 08.01.2024 02:39

What a terrible video

@Geniusprimate - 08.01.2024 02:58

You're welcome doctor clown

@Geniusprimate - 08.01.2024 03:42

Im tired of every one being brainless

@Justabirdieontheinternet - 05.02.2024 19:00

The night lurker isnt the spawn of satan

IT IS SATAN 😰😥 (the night lurker is my ex)

@EldritchSurvivor - 20.02.2024 01:54

Having Ratkin Flashbacks !!! 😮

@lazyquahog9385 - 29.03.2024 02:02

For anyone curious about the flightless bats, they’re all located on an archipelago called Batavia. Essentially, bats were the first animals to populate the island instead of birds.

@Enfectius - 29.04.2024 06:42

Reed stilts are not amphibians, they are hedgehogs descendants who remove they're spikes and decide to live in swamps.

@FoxerBoxerNaaniwa - 08.05.2024 10:41

Flightlessness is pretty common in a bunch of otherwise unrelated bird species. It seems like for vertebrates at least the benefits of powered flight are so marginal that they lose the ability to fly as soon as it’s no longer a strict necessity of survival. With that in mind, different lineages of bats converging on flightlessness doesn’t seem so far fetched.

@mothman_slayer4217 - 24.05.2024 02:34

I bet the horseshoe crab is still the same

@kingrahzar9351 - 29.05.2024 21:32

Dougal dixon's bestiaries look more like concepts for star wars creatures that he tried to pitch but was rejected by George Lucas

@patrykmaksymowicz1502 - 06.07.2024 19:56

"Thanks to those aforementioned extinctions, these lowly rodents were able to fill the vacant niches left by big cats and canines all over the planet."

Shows Thylacoleo - a predatory ( wombat ) marsupial.

Also cool pic of a flightless bat. Maybe I'm gonna nab this design someday in the future.

@jadenamoako5731 - 25.07.2024 14:55

I back

@isie1980 - 29.07.2024 19:44

Actually the name is night stalker but you were close on the name👍👍👍

@isie1980 - 30.07.2024 07:14

actually the reedstilt is a true mammal it's a member in the talpidae family like the hedgehogs and moles but over the course of evolution they lost their quills and became mid-sized predators and the parashrew isn't actually a rodent its ancestors the modern shrews are actually related to elephants as their apart of a superorder of mammals called afrotheria which also inculdes manatees, dugongs, hyraxes, aardvarks, tenrecs and etc

@seikoscheitlin855 - 03.09.2024 21:41


@Prestoninthezone - 17.09.2024 20:30

I like to think this is what happened to earth in all tommorows after the humans abanonded earth and mars for the stars.

@GoogleKnox - 30.01.2025 14:23

a year later, this reminds me of fantastic planet (a 1973 animated French film).

@mariazapata1606 - 04.02.2025 17:37

Fun Fact: there a japanese documentary from this and author himself also in the documentary that has stop motion animation of the creature but sadly there no English sub even author was heavily dub in Japanese

@orion6372 - 17.02.2025 23:31

Where was the comedy?
