Flutter Tutorial - Customize Local Push Notifications 2/2 | Background, Custom Sound, No Sound

Flutter Tutorial - Customize Local Push Notifications 2/2 | Background, Custom Sound, No Sound


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praveenpushpkar57 - 21.10.2023 23:56

Awesome tutorial as always! I am stuck with just one thing. The custom notification sound is not playing when the app is in background or killed, its playing the default notification sound. Can you please guide me how i can fix this?

Diego Sepúlveda
Diego Sepúlveda - 12.05.2023 00:18

What is the technological concept to display a notification but for a timer. For example in my app I have a timer, then I want to display de countdown of the timer in the notification, and I cant close it, only if I stop the timer in the app or if I press a button to stop it inside the notification. Also I can see it in the lock screen.

sahinefe - 10.04.2023 00:54

Well done <3

ibn mally
ibn mally - 14.03.2023 18:18

nice video, but please make tutorial on wake up lock screen

Argya Aulia Fauzandika
Argya Aulia Fauzandika - 11.03.2023 10:47

I don't get a notification when app is closed. did I missing something?

David Sturm
David Sturm - 20.02.2023 17:55

Is there a way to play a sound that was recorded during runtime? If not, is there maybe a way to recognize, when the notification was shown to seperately play the sound?

Edward Philip Guarin
Edward Philip Guarin - 19.01.2023 03:03

Hello sir! can I request to you to make a tutorial for this in its latest version plugin, cuz I copy this tutorial and its not working for me

Seif el islam GUIZANI
Seif el islam GUIZANI - 09.01.2023 21:02

almost all your videos are out to date !!! but u leave them here for views and money !!!

Nasser Baba
Nasser Baba - 08.01.2023 23:05

hi @JohannesMilke i am building an a social app the backend is fron 3rd party ,i want to add feature chat to it with notifications,so customers can chat with the targeted user ,what should i use in this case can you please help me finish this task <3

Muhammad Eshonjonov
Muhammad Eshonjonov - 30.12.2022 09:49

Thank you bro

muhammed Anas PK
muhammed Anas PK - 10.12.2022 07:22

Can i place a custom sound for my local notification when application in background state?

Islam Merabtene
Islam Merabtene - 06.12.2022 01:16

I think we need an update for this. Following the instructions of this video is no longer working.

Apoorv Pandey
Apoorv Pandey - 16.10.2022 16:52

Older version of flutter_local_notification can you make using latest one?

Tanvir Islam
Tanvir Islam - 21.09.2022 22:00

How can I play different sounds for notifications in flutter using flutter_local_notification.
Example :Sound for worring, Sound for normal notificaiton

이진우 - 30.08.2022 18:26

Thanks for the awesome video!
I have a question, is it possible to get push notification with custom sound in background ?
I tested it and it worked in the foreground, but the background sound is always a default
and now im not certain whether possible to get push notifications
It'll be great if you answer this 🥲

Ragnar lothbrok
Ragnar lothbrok - 29.08.2022 06:51

hello can you help me select notification sound dynamically

Kevin Mwangi
Kevin Mwangi - 25.08.2022 17:56

I want to play a custom sound on scheduled notification such that the sound can be picked from the device . How can I do this

Gopinath P
Gopinath P - 18.08.2022 19:17

Hi Question is how to trigger push notification from server, the flutter app should listen to it even if it is in closed state. without firebase and not using any paid services. thanks.

Ahmed Naser
Ahmed Naser - 13.08.2022 17:33

how i can add big image and icon from assets in my project

Pubg TeamMate Troll
Pubg TeamMate Troll - 10.08.2022 18:36

After doing the same.. it's still redirecting me to home page...do i need to add anything in android.manifest?

Aman Dwivedi
Aman Dwivedi - 07.08.2022 14:23

The custom sound plays only when app running, but when it is fully closed custom sound doesn't play...
What could be the reason?

axel prasetya
axel prasetya - 06.07.2022 07:30

is that possible to add image on ios notification?
because i can't find any tutor or article about it (flutter_local_notification)

Ndukwe Victory
Ndukwe Victory - 01.07.2022 18:41

Good day Sir. I followed your tutorial step by step which is great! The only issue is that my sound is not playing

laraib anwar
laraib anwar - 01.07.2022 09:27

I used the same procedure as you said but it is not playing the sound

Tech1st - 03.06.2022 14:22

Can we create notification keep showing in locking screen always ? non dismiss notification

Dean Jackson
Dean Jackson - 24.05.2022 21:15

Hello, thanks for the videos, regarding notification, when app is closed it doesn't notify, and based on the title of the video i tough you'll show to achieve this, or is it a bug ?

Saujan Bindukar
Saujan Bindukar - 21.05.2022 09:16

How to add user avatar in background notification on the left side?

Shakilur Rahaman
Shakilur Rahaman - 26.04.2022 00:24

doesnt work on ios

植田裕朗 - 19.04.2022 17:23

Is there any way to set icon for IOS?

Panomkorn K
Panomkorn K - 18.03.2022 12:48

custom sound not working

scott hwang
scott hwang - 14.03.2022 16:44

thankyou~ i have a question~ ios after notification
final IOSInitializationSettings initializationSettingsIOS = onDidReceiveLocalNotification: onDidReceiveLocalNotification); 'onDidReceiveLocalNotification' not calleded. why . help me.

Rizky Said
Rizky Said - 14.03.2022 10:33

Thank you sir, But I have problem with Android API 30, why the custom icon & sound is not working?

Samuel Kings
Samuel Kings - 28.02.2022 00:17

Amazing tutorial. Sir, how can I make these notifications not dependent on the user. Like, I'm thinking of setting the notification title and body to be fetched from remote config or firestore, how can I programmatically determine when the notification is displayed in a case where the content of the notification has to be changed regularly. Thanks sir.

Janam Maharjan
Janam Maharjan - 26.02.2022 12:34

Thanking you

Muhammad Zohaib
Muhammad Zohaib - 01.02.2022 15:44

how to show notification without button ??

Obasi Kelechi samson
Obasi Kelechi samson - 22.01.2022 09:06

Hi, how do I wake my phone to display notifications when app is closed or restarted?

Think Programming
Think Programming - 06.12.2021 14:40

Can we change the foreground and background color of notifications ???

Vijay Shiva
Vijay Shiva - 04.11.2021 10:49

What we can do for notification like incoming video call with accept or reject button

Bilal Nazir
Bilal Nazir - 31.10.2021 08:15

Hi everything is working but notification is not working when I completely closed my app .

Ali Z.
Ali Z. - 05.10.2021 21:16

please make a tutorial on how to execute a callback when the scheduled notification is displayed. This feature is really helpful in cases when you need to update the data displayed in the notifications. This feature is not yet implemented in the flutter_local_notifications plugin and you should implement it yourself, which is a little difficult for beginners. So, please make this tutorial for us. 🙏

W33K3ND - 03.10.2021 00:33

hello, I am not able to change the icon logo in the notification .can u plz quickly rply here how to do it . thanks sir

UY Scuti
UY Scuti - 05.09.2021 21:04

I tried and everything works fine in the VM, but ones I toke the app to test it in my phone the app crashes every time the notification is pushed (I tested in 3 phones with same results and all of them are android)

Niwanaht Nignum
Niwanaht Nignum - 19.08.2021 07:06

It seems like sound notification doesn't work on my physical device but works just on emulator 😔

Tarun Kumar
Tarun Kumar - 13.08.2021 11:33

is scheduled notification working in iOS when the app is in the background or closed?

Muhammad Shoaib
Muhammad Shoaib - 04.08.2021 15:41

custom sound does not work????

Mauro Qc
Mauro Qc - 04.08.2021 02:03

Thanks, Great tutorial. You can Schedule many notifications, but The problem is that the app only shows you the earlier one

Chetan Singh
Chetan Singh - 02.08.2021 21:12

Hey there can we Group certain notifications together by having same channel ID?? And can we use multiple channel ID's??
