BLAST R6 | Manchester Major - Stream A - Day 2

BLAST R6 | Manchester Major - Stream A - Day 2

Rainbow Six Esports

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@idotlord8408 - 18.05.2024 02:26

i think G(old)2 held strats a little too long

@3WDon - 18.05.2024 06:03

G2 deserved to get dropped out of the tournament. They never should've made the Major in the first place. Let this be a lesson for them and be a catalyst for an adjustment. Abysmal performance since SI ended.

@jamesmulligan2924 - 18.05.2024 06:23

Bro I love fear x’s players. They’re just so wholesome and they’re playing really well

@Teettotbb - 18.05.2024 08:29

It always trips me out when I hear home boy/them/it speak. Throws me off

@quotelesss - 18.05.2024 08:51

Im just shocked at how fast this G2 roster has collapsed. They need massive changes, especially coaching wise

@prestonharper9178 - 18.05.2024 16:06

Little jump scare there at the beginning wtf is talking?

@Teettotbb - 18.05.2024 19:32

G2 just did not care at all. Clearly the better team but they played like shite through the past two months

@haygrayk - 18.05.2024 23:17

Whats with the audio cutting out

@gojinoctuae - 21.05.2024 13:25

i liked the answers that jake gave, props to jake

@williamladine7591 - 24.05.2024 05:03

Really great halftime show! I always like seeing the guys who make the streams run get the prime time
