Eye Doctors Debunk 13 More Vision Myths | Debunked | Science Insider

Eye Doctors Debunk 13 More Vision Myths | Debunked | Science Insider

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@anonr4233 - 02.02.2024 15:47

If both of you have blue eyes or brown eyes and the kid had something else, get a pat test anyway. Blind trust is not healthy.

@BewareTheLilyOfTheValley - 01.02.2024 17:45

The upcharge for blue light filters on glasses is highway robbery (as if glasses aren't already absurdly expensive and yes, that is with shopping online where it's cheaper) and I'm happy I never bought into the myth. If I need to adjust the blue light on a device, I just do so from the settings. I don't need to pay an exorbitant fee for glasses that help promote a greedy myth.

@aliadrift - 01.02.2024 12:09

I'm glad the blue light thing isn't real, but blue light used to be a migraine trigger for me so I turn on the filter on every screen I use.

@katiecauffman1902 - 29.01.2024 21:34

Eye exercises do help. My child is going for vision therapy to his eye dr. It has been helping a lot.

@dileepganta - 29.01.2024 09:25

Oh they just gave away the thumbnail content in first 2 minutes of video 😮. So rare

@himneeshchowdhary820 - 26.01.2024 11:06

in regards to eye exercises, i have seen improvement in my eyesight. especially doing the "trataka kriya" helped me a lot.

@h.o.j2375 - 26.01.2024 04:23

It’s not directly damaging your eye, it’s damaging your brain and melatonin production. Of course these are same doctors that prescribes antibiotics for even viral infections. If you have any chronic illness they’ll prescribe all these drugs to manage your symptoms but not cure you🤡 when there is a perfectly natural way to cure you, after which they’ll prescribe even more drugs for you to manage the side effects that you got from the original drugs they gave you. You go in for one thing and come out with 10 different drugs.
Then again how else do they make money off you if they don’t keep you coming back for more.

@Arsalan_2210 - 21.01.2024 20:41

Thank you for sharing this valuable piece of information👍🏽appreciate it as it helps a lot

@aditigunjal4231 - 19.01.2024 13:45

Why is every songle term they talked abput like presbyopia, power of accommodation, glucoma and else is taught in grade 10 in my school 😳

@adriennemcmillan9637 - 19.01.2024 03:37

I had no idea you should wear sunglasses lol. I better buy some

@adriennemcmillan9637 - 19.01.2024 03:34

I had 20/15 vision until last year. My vision was worse during my last two pregnancies. It didn't return to normal after my last baby! So now I only have 20/20 vision. I do wear glasses at night time for driving to get me back to my beloved better than "perfect" 20/15 vision.

@wittypedia5819 - 11.01.2024 21:39

Blu cut lenses are just marketing gimmicks opticals are using to up the prices of their lenses. Bare minimum for glasses is UV filters and anti glare. These are the necessities. Rest is luxury

@leonardocruz6322 - 05.01.2024 05:29

Amazing!! thank you very much for the class Docs!! Great video!! Keep it uuuuup!!

@saiynoq6745 - 30.12.2023 18:43

Piss isn’t damaging but if you body has a build up of it I’m sure it isn’t good in relation to blue light

@DanielGarcia-kv8zx - 30.12.2023 06:46

Then why do u & the entire world tell us we need blue light protection

@-.-.-.-.-.-.-...-..-..- - 23.12.2023 21:52

the doctor is wrong.

@khanhnhutranle4457 - 24.11.2023 05:41

For the super-duper blue blockers, does the cheap one that have red tint have the same effect as the expensive one?

@PeaceLoveUnityRespect - 20.11.2023 00:18

Thank you 👍

@blahco4tt - 10.11.2023 13:41

I have found blue light to give me migraines if I am looking at it for too long. I use the blue light filter on all my screens (except my TV, which doesn't have one). I do not get a migraine with my phone or laptop (blue light filter) but I do with my TV.

Also, the crutch analogy was a grey point for me: definitely, you should wear your glasses so you can see things so you don't hurt yourself, but...you're not going to use the crutches forever unless you never want your ankle to heal...and it is possible to improve your eyesight! My eye sight got better when I had substantially less screen time (I worked a job that involved minimal computer use), more exercise, and better food. I went to my regular eye doctor, and he was surprised my vision improved to where he lowered my prescription....Some point after this, I came across a book on improving eyesight where I did regular eye relaxation "exercises". There are various books on the topic, so I recommend reading reviews to figure out whether or not people found success, and also if the book applies to your eyesight issue.

Without even fully reading the book but doing a number of things the book said, at one point I woke up in the morning and looked across my room, thinking I slept with my contacts in since I had clear eyesight! However, after realizing I didn't fall asleep with them on, I then blinked and was back to blur...I still continue the relaxation for upclose vision (which includes not using my glasses--I honestly see better and less strained upclose without my glasses) to read small upclose things, like fine print or receipt details, in order to keep my upclose vision intact, especially as I age and since I'm already ahead on my upclose vision due to that never having gone bad when my far vision did...so doing simple things to maintain my upclose vision is not as hard to keep up with. My myopia is moderate (as in I can't function during the day without my glasses), but that's my fault: I don't even practice the "look away after 20 minutes" rule, so I'm not doing my far vision any service at the moment.

I do know someone who did improve and maintain that improvement of their myopia through natural techniques. That person made sure to look at a distance every 20 minutes while working, and got out and exercised (his body) regularly, along with eating healthy, which included protein shakes. His bad vision went away, but that was him (I think he had mild myopia to start)....

Our eyes do need a break, and just like anything else, if we overuse any part of our body, it's bound to get injured. Also, if we don't exercise/utilize certain things (like looking at a distance) we can lose the ability to see a distance, too. And lack of nutrition won't help anything...Even with that (e.g. you're a healthy eater, etc.), some people are more prone to vision issues than others, but it's just like with anything else: we all have different strengths and weaknesses, so what will work for one person might not work for another and you might have to work harder than someone else at accomplishing the same thing...

With that said, I full-heartedly disagree that you can't improve your vision, but it will take work. I still do appreciate the information these ladies give, but (whether conscious or not--I do think they honestly want to help people) they definitely want to keep your business, too. They earn good money with prescriptions, repeat bsiness, and, if they do them, surgeries, so keep that in mind.

@jaypob - 09.11.2023 22:30

Just here to get a good chuckle from all the Trust Me Bro University grads popping off in the comments that they know better than people who've spent their lives on a subject.

@wailingalen - 09.11.2023 11:06

If anyone is wondering about a quick way to lubricant your eye, just do a gag reflex like sticking finger onto the back of your tongue. Gag reflex always causes your eyes to tear up, like when you throw up your eyes water 😇

@gdragon1127 - 31.10.2023 08:24

How will I can heal my crack of cornea white portion of eyes 👀.
Please tips😅

@ribos2762 - 27.10.2023 10:02

So are colors actually subjective? The person with colorblind maybe not be "blind" but just have a different perspective

@Youtubestolemyname99999 - 13.10.2023 09:13

Yoo people who wear glasses has elongated eyes you could even just see em when they take off their glasses their eyes look strange/poofy and that means glasses will make your eyes worse its a big industry they will never tell you the truth if your eyesight is not that bad you should never wear glasses or you will live forever with glasses or possibly a surgery and they are both $$$

@Satheesh-Catholic - 11.10.2023 08:16

What about reading in dim light and watching TV?! Are they harmful? These two are very common advices here in India. It would have been great, had you answered them too.

@Hiten555 - 02.10.2023 06:00

How fake they smile 😈

@tippy651 - 26.09.2023 06:56

It's not impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. When I'm driving and I have to sneeze I'm able to keep my eyes open so I don't take my eyes off the road.

@persimmonpuddin - 23.09.2023 20:31

I had a 15 year run of 20/20 after lasik and it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. I do need distance glasses at night and readers now, but I still don't need glasses for distance during the day. I had coke bottle glasses from 3rd grade on, then contacts - but I am forever grateful for those who developed and perfected lasik!

@ellodeya - 10.09.2023 13:14

They always recommend to consult a doctor, but I spend all my childhood doing eye exercises under the supervision of ophthalmologists🗿

@7invi - 05.09.2023 17:00

My eyesight isn't great these days, and I've noticed that blue light seems to strain my eyes. I'm not sure why your report suggests otherwise. Wearing anti-blue light glasses or using night mode on my screen seems to help.

@drongorius - 04.09.2023 14:19

Eye exercise do help . These doctors are just blindly (pun intended ) follow the protocol , until later will be written also . From personal experience my eyesight with exercise become much better .

@TheNewMiracunini - 04.09.2023 00:52

The problem is if you're a digital artist the glass tint can only be so much 🥲

@otiebrown9999 - 02.09.2023 17:13

Nice to know.

@akramabbar684 - 31.08.2023 19:16

first off: contact lenses can get lost around the eye, but not BEHIND the eye.

@AdvisorOfNeutronStars - 28.08.2023 19:21


@sevki160 - 27.08.2023 13:55

They speak so fast

@vandevil8193 - 24.08.2023 13:25

These shitty disinformants never mentioned that YOU CAN GET YOUR EYES HEALED with EXERCISES AND SUN GAZING AT SUNRISE. That's all you ever need to know what's kind of bullshit these shekel grubbers gonna spew.
Blue light not harmful? Surely these guys must have TEST IT ON THEMSELVES to certain they are not BASELESS CLAIMS? I am a huge fan of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD of EXPERIMENT. I am eagerly await for these guys with their cognitive test and eye test results! After all, what is to fear? The blue lights are totally safe, so they claim!

@Kyusoath - 14.08.2023 02:19


@elmo5355 - 26.07.2023 11:55

Where can you buy those 100% blue light blocking glasses?

@funnyfarm5555 - 25.07.2023 03:29

Just had this popup in my cue. I have a good question. My wife has developed insomnia. She just went for her first cognitive therapy session and she was told to get blue blocking glasses and wear them in the early morning when she wakes up and gets out of bed. The question I have is; should she be wearing them in the morning or like most things I have read and on the box of glasses it is says to wear them 2 hours before you go to bed?

@ellie_r - 23.07.2023 05:22

Can your eye sight be damaged by wearing glasses even if you don't need them?

@isaacpaolino718 - 10.07.2023 06:51

Eye exercises do help with vision disabilities like fusion with defective stereopsis and defective sacadic eye movement. This is like the pencil pushups they were talking about. For most people these exercises don't do much, but for .01% of the population they are necessary to see!

@Stovetopcookie - 10.07.2023 05:13

Humans have evolved for millions of years to be outside exposed to the blue sky for as long as the sun was up every day.

@JuliaKrakowiak - 02.07.2023 00:33

i am getting checked for optic atrophy they don't know if it is because i am nearsighted or if it really is optic atrophy, they have already had an mri done, ive had multiple eye tests, and and as a 15 year old, i don't want my vision to get worst, i want to see the world, ive gotten color blindness tests done and those came out a bit wonky and now i am hoping everything will be ok.

@youtuberyoutuber2495 - 19.06.2023 07:56

I have been a glaucoma suspect for the last couple of years (and hoping to never be diagnosed with it eventually).

Can you lose peripheral vision and have a normal peripheral vision test?

I have been bumping into things slightly more often lately than in years past. Should I mention that to my eye doctor at my next appointment? My peripheral vision tests has been coming back normal.

What do the top and bottom numbers mean on an OCT and how low does a number need to get to have glaucoma? My numbers keep decreasing and been in the red now for the last couple of years.

I fear I may eventually be diagnosed with glaucoma. I am holding out hope I will never have it. But the numbers on the OCT keeps decreasing. I am in my early 30s.

@MemoGrafix - 17.06.2023 20:13

I'm out. These Models-Actresses posing as Doctors are full of garbage.
Eye exercises do work FOR ME, been doing them for over 8-10 years. In that time the Ophthalmologist I see occasionally say My eye's prescription hasn't changed/worsened since My 40s (50+ now). Being perplexed about it. I tell him nothing of what I do for My eye health. I still wear glasses, only when driving.
Salesman's ... ahem ... Eye Doctor$ know Cu$tomer$ will come re-newing their $ub$cription every 2 year$ due to eyes get weaker from wearing $ub$cription lense$. My Grt.GrandMother NEVER wore glasses all the way to death at 93/94. She came through those decades when it was an embarrassment to wear eyeglasses, wearer's were considered weak. I saw her reading without ever asking Me nor anyone to read this/that for her. All My other elders did wear glasses asking as they aged for help seeing small print.
Blue Light has no effect on Us Pure-Blooded Black People, any Black person claiming such is having a Placebo Effect/Hypochondriac. I ask many of Us and not one of Us ever said Blue lights messes with Our sleep nor bothers Us in any way.
