Remove WooCommerce Checkout Fields for Virtual Products with Code Snippets

Remove WooCommerce Checkout Fields for Virtual Products with Code Snippets

Web Squadron

2 года назад

2,151 Просмотров

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@liyaocreative - 05.09.2023 15:35

This code has issues man! After activated it the site just went down!

@MannetjeF - 23.04.2023 20:01

The code doesn't work/ Fatal error on row 4

@gurushakti69 - 30.12.2022 11:15

This code is incomplete - This adds the code sitewide whereas we need to add it based on when a virtual product is in cart.

@vitthalkarche7299 - 26.11.2022 20:49

dosent work totally.
it just hides the fields
cant complete checkout because asking for adress

@maddy1mymk - 13.08.2022 19:24

As always, on point and excellent work!

@aishawilson7649 - 05.03.2022 05:42

how do I remove virtual products from the free shipping cart total?

@chriswarwick8934 - 15.02.2022 13:30

is the code the same for the elementor pro checkout widget that im using because i dont use woocommerce checkout widget unless im missing something as you can tell im pretty new

@MrJacobpoliquin - 24.11.2021 22:52

Could you have that but only for the virtual products and not affecting the physical ones? I offer both products on a website and I am using a plugin to customize the checkout fields and hidding some but its for all the products, hence i can't hide the fields related to shipping even for the virtual products... thanks in advance for any tips.
