BeReal is the only good social media app. Here's why

BeReal is the only good social media app. Here's why

Evan Edinger

1 год назад

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@kivzzzz - 21.09.2023 08:28

As a woman, I don't like the idea of showing everyone where exactly I am at the moment (I've been stalked before and it's scary). I like the option to confuse people when posting on Instagram. Some people don't even know in which country I live and I love that. 😂

@AdamGaffney96 - 03.09.2023 22:52

I love BeReal for the same reasons! 90% of the time I'm at my desk, but one time it triggered while I was at a gig for my favourite band and I was super excited about that. It makes everything feel more meaningful.

@tomasgr1000 - 09.06.2023 11:48

be real does one thing better than any other app, it actively forces you to use it, which is actually worse than other social media

@julienconstantineau3592 - 16.05.2023 02:58

Dude, have you tried Reddit yet?

@BoMwarriorVlog - 10.05.2023 07:39

Sounds like the great app called "Fargate" I had on my iPod Touch 4. 😊 ...That was about 10 years ago. They stopped the app after a year or two that I found it, but not due to lack of interest but probably because no money could be made from it and the creators/managers needed to eat.

@sociallyawkwardbutterfly9764 - 26.03.2023 13:21

Thank you for this. As you have correctly identified, I have been living under a rock (I don't use social media due to fears of being sexually harassed at school carrying over into the online world) and you are the first person who has been able to easily and simply explain my main question: "What the f**k is a bereal?"
However, from how I've seen my peers use it, it seems to take away from real life and actual authentic moments. Also, it will go off for someone in class, so a bunch of people will just start yelling"Miss (name) bit we have to do our BeReal!" And such in the middle of class when the teacher is just trying to teach and the rest of us are trying to learn. It disrupts the flow of learning and the teachers have to spend more time arguing with them as to why they can't take photos of their whole class, many of which aren't allowed to be in photos, when they aren't even allowed to use phones in school, in the middle of Maths class.

@quinnwilson6201 - 17.03.2023 05:40

Omg my bereal went off while watching this, it's like the stars collided.

@wheres_bears1378 - 08.03.2023 05:18

they are still missing the point. You don’t need to share every detail of your life with people that aren’t there. Screw all social media. Ask yourself why do I need to share this? Then ask it again. After a few times you will realise that there literally is no point in sharing your life to absolutely everybody.

@squid11160 - 06.02.2023 16:33


@davepokemon - 06.02.2023 12:41

Great Video!

@charms4242 - 27.01.2023 19:30

Another reason why I like BeReal is the amount of time you spend on it. I recently stopped using Social Media because it was really frying my brain and consuming so much of my time, but when all of my friends were on BeReal I felt compelled to try it, since it isn't something that you can really use for hours, it's something that just pops up that time of the day, you check people's photos once and that's it, it's nice to know what my friends are doing right then and there without getting addicted to the screen for more than a few minutes.

@scarlett4417 - 14.01.2023 22:19

i hate bereal. i hate other social media more (tiktok and twitter are infinitely worse). i spend a lot of time indoors because i have severe depression and adhd, and it sucks when im just sat on my own taking a photo of my switch playing pokemon or something, whilst people i know are posting out with their friends. its gotten to the point where i dont post on time because i put it off as long as possible. looking at my face makes me ill, and i hate that it means i need to take a photo of me in the moment. i know thats a symptom of social media as a whole, but that doesnt take away from my experience. if you had literally 2 hours to post it, and you couldnt post it after that point, that might work better :)

@prinzezze - 04.01.2023 23:13

I don't have any friends so don't have anyone I could invite...

@stecky87 - 04.01.2023 20:51

I'm living my boring life, and I don't need an app to tell me that!

@janani1826 - 03.01.2023 22:03

why did i only just realise that bereal doesn't have ads to make money lol

@ScenariosOfDrea - 03.01.2023 06:49

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but the reality is I'm sure everyone or some people stage their Be Reel or Be real app.

@TheZacman2 - 02.01.2023 12:59

This is just going to turn into Omegle: dudes touching themselves.

@laurenschwamb - 23.12.2022 04:18

I really like it and I find I’m not on it as much as others. I check it once in the morning to make sure it didn’t come in while my phone was in bedtime, I be real, I check it every time I get a notification, that’s it. My only problem is that since I got it less than a week ago it doesn’t give me the notification yet which is really annoying

@KXKeytinho - 21.12.2022 23:35

The best thing is you can wait with putting on your BeReal and "BeFake" a bit, but then you get nice memory roll and also two cameras at the same time is great.

@Richardclarkson7819 - 21.12.2022 00:43

Haven't even downloaded it yet but i'm going to so i can give it a try. from videos i've seen the discovery part of it seems like instagram or other social media apps. The 2 minute concept once a day seems like a good thing. No rehearsing. I'll give it a try.

@emm7758 - 20.12.2022 19:01

this is such a cute millennial take on bereal

@cryptic8389 - 18.12.2022 06:06

Well I guess I’ve been living under a rock 😂

@sulkybrat6075 - 16.12.2022 03:50

I recently went to europe, it was so nice to document mundane moments of our trip and be able to show that to my friends. as well as seeing what everyone back home in australia was doing

@ivagreen11 - 15.12.2022 18:40

I only get idiots sending me dick pics... No not for me...

@timavolkov - 15.12.2022 15:08

The threat to BeReal is not only monetization and other apps. I already saw many TikToks about “winning BeReal”. Trying to stand out, take the coolest picture in the coolest place. Basically Instagram with extra challenge.

@grahamguest142 - 14.12.2022 14:26

You need a shed or an allotment (garden) Evan.

@henshelwood3781 - 13.12.2022 21:01

BeReal has been so beneficial to me and my friends. We downloaded it at the start of the year and it's helped so much with keeping us connected as we started university this september and no longer have our location or education to keep us connected.

@laurenelloise - 13.12.2022 05:27

TikTok stole the concept too actually

@jaidenoliver7165 - 12.12.2022 07:21

Personally I use social media like instagram or tiktok more to enjoy art and creations for fun or inspiration from people.

I feel like one of the big issues with most media now is how it's trying to take away as much privacy as possible and have everyone connected. But personally I don't care what other people are doing at some random time of the day and compare myself to that and feel bad I'm not out at a party or doing something actually productive.

The people I actually care about I can know what they're doing anyway without some random app forcing it on me with more social pressure attached.

@jaidenoliver7165 - 12.12.2022 07:17

Tiktok has already copied it and pushing in your face constantly, only a matter of time before Instagram copies it as well

@ciara1045 - 12.12.2022 02:56

totally agree! the only problem I have is with those friends who clearly wait till theyre doing something interesting to post late EVERY DAY - like thats the opposite of what the apps for!

@skykid2 - 12.12.2022 01:41

Nope but I'm entire app that sounds like I'll pass...... Life's too short for boring people

@whisperingtoadstools - 11.12.2022 22:24

This is so fascinating to me because I hate BeReal. I hate the idea of authenticity being boiled down to increased access to my life. That was something that really frustrated me with Instagram when people started harassing public figures to share intimate details of hard moments in their lives and pressured them to share panic attacks to prove that they actually had anxiety "in the name of authenticity". I also really dislike the idea of having to drop whatever you're doing to be on your phone and having to update people of what you are doing at this exact moment. There are a lot of moments that I've had this year that I deeply would not want to share or be seen during. It kind of reminds me of that Emma Watson movie "Circle." But hearing your side, I see the beauty of it as well. That it can unwrite that narrative we have of ourselves and our lives and how we spend our time that is rarely based in reality. Like you said in the video, it could be so helpful to see that everyone is doing the things you beat yourself up for or that you actually do the things you want to do a lot more than you think. I still dislike the concept of the app for my aforementioned points but I love hearing the opposite perspective on a topic and hearing why something that is not for me is for someone else.

@sophiagraber4672 - 11.12.2022 21:41

I think BeReal will be one of those things that we look back on fondly in a few years and think, "Mm, that was a nice little thing we used to do."

@Leila-mx4pq - 11.12.2022 18:47

Hello, you have the same last name as my English teacher

@katyferenczy-dakin - 11.12.2022 11:39

BeReal made me feel worse that any other app because I know TikTok and Instagram aren’t real, they are highlights. But I always saw people’s BeReal and they were always out and seeing friends, whereas I rarely was so then I started to get sad I wasn’t being invited, even though I wouldn’t have known so wouldn’t have cared before

@coolstertothecore - 11.12.2022 10:53

It sounds so bleak! Maybe it's because I'm autistic, so I don't usually feel peer pressure or post things online to look good; but the idea that people are so fake online now that you need an app to remind you to stop being fake for a minute, is so depressing to me.

I get the feeling that rather than everyone being interested in everyone else's business, most people now just have a perception that other people are interested in them so feel a pressure to look good and assure people that they're doing well. But actually everyone is so focused on how they are coming across that they're not very interested in their friends' lives at all.

Even with this app, the fact that you get a notification puts pressure on a person, either to be as "real" as possible or to quickly find something interesting. And again it encourages this obsession with output and the perceptions of others.

@andream4452 - 11.12.2022 09:11

I like the concept of bereal however there is one problem that I think younger people need to consider. I work in mental health counseling at a university and these students started taking pictures in the lobby of not only themselves but of others In the lobby. Now these students were there as part of a sport team requirements so they were all friends. But not all of them were doing it and they were taking pictures of others In the lobby. We could have had people whom were not their for the team who would not have likes their pictures online showing that the were at a Counseling center.
I think people need to consider others, even friends, before posting pictures of people's faces. It would have been fine if they took pics of the floor or the wall, but not of others there. Just my 2 cents

@bookulele496 - 11.12.2022 01:31

i love BeReal, sad though when i saw “TikTok Now” following close there after

@H.ki28 - 11.12.2022 01:08

I dunno I feel like if you share (let's say) that you are at the park and some creep knows exactly where that is... they might come and look for you on purpose

@CiaraOSullivan1990 - 11.12.2022 00:14

I hadn't heard of BeReal before now. It sounds invasive as fuck. I hate it.

@arch7433 - 10.12.2022 22:03

6pm radio time

@arch7433 - 10.12.2022 22:01

Why no internet out video frame on round play

@alexferguson5346 - 10.12.2022 21:25

I kinda feel the exact opposite about BeReal. No one actually posted when the notification went out and they just waited until they were doing something interesting. It made me feel even more shitty about my "boring" life. At least with regular social media you kinda expect some level of fakeness so you take everything you see with a grain of salt

@mysteryegg340 - 10.12.2022 19:47

I don't want strangers knowing what I'm up to.

@alfiestewart6312 - 10.12.2022 19:24

For some reason everyone finds my BeReals hilarious. More or less everyone is loving a picture of me eating a curry.

@Romariotvaz - 10.12.2022 17:35

BeReal? More like Big Brother demanding to know what you're doing every random moment of your life. If an app is free, you are the product.

@knivesnflowers - 10.12.2022 17:23

idk as a woman i just can't shake the fear of being stalked

@lynnhamps7052 - 10.12.2022 16:51

Life is funny how we always want the opposite of what we actually the moment I am going through the early stages of cancer treatment and I absolutely ache for the ordinary! To be able to just sit and watch tv with no fearful thoughts would be blissful..💖

@WouterWeggelaar - 10.12.2022 16:47

It personally makes me really sad to know that people need a reminder that living a "boring" life is fine.
I don't use BeReal myself, but I do see people very quickly staging an alternative reality when the notification comes.
"BeReal time everyone, quickly clean the table!"

No thanks. I post when I have something to share and I perfectly well know most people have TV time in their underwear under a blanket wolfing down a pizza they were not supposed to order yet again because depression keeps them from cooking.

I am glad it brings other people joy, and I hope it will stay that way for quite some time.
