'THE RULES NEED TO CHANGE’  Pennant & Catterall RANT About VAR After Germany Beats Denmark

'THE RULES NEED TO CHANGE’ Pennant & Catterall RANT About VAR After Germany Beats Denmark


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@khurmiful - 30.06.2024 03:18

A little bit of home advantage will do the tournament no harm. I’m all for it.

@Mike-zx1kx - 30.06.2024 03:53

This were not a fair fight, it were robbery at VAR point. Germany were not allowed to loose!

@funkychicken370 - 30.06.2024 03:54

Catterill talking rubbish, VARveas introduced to getcaway from wrong decisions, most decisions are correct , which is still more than we used to have, waiting for the decision before we celebrate is just the way it is, no fan wants to see their team lose out on a goal because the ref didnt see it

@denisako6493 - 30.06.2024 04:22

What about the first German goal ruled out

@MindfulnessGamer - 30.06.2024 04:39

If these VAR decisions favoured England instead of Germany then these pundits wouldn’t be making as big of a deal about it

@garytaf - 30.06.2024 05:08

The players should go on strike because the decisions the suits are making are ruining the whole idea of football

@charlesbaker4024 - 30.06.2024 05:24


@tomarmstrong1992 - 30.06.2024 05:27

Talking about size of feet😂😂
Ridiculous argument. If his toes of his toes off.

@MrSheduur - 30.06.2024 05:46

"major incidents". you mean the correct calls?

@biglebowski5737 - 30.06.2024 05:49

Let's not forget the VAR disallowed the German goal first half, which would have put Denmark in a bind!

@patricebaumel - 30.06.2024 06:57

i prefer factual decisions over ‘vibes’ any day of the week.

@AB-ck1ey - 30.06.2024 07:13

Two idiots don’t mention Arsen Wenger’s offside proposal

@stephenconnolly2582 - 30.06.2024 08:03

Can't believe they are saying it was onside. He was offside regardless of his shoe size 😂😂

@breakingbreadwithbwayne7643 - 30.06.2024 08:17

That's exactly what wenger was saying about the offside rule

@funkydanis1278 - 30.06.2024 08:51

Germany’s was robbed goal after 4 minutes

@ike1999 - 30.06.2024 08:53

A rule is a rule. The line was drawn, and the player was slightly off. Harsh decision but the right decision. Stop acting like they were robbed off a goal. Blame the rules, not the officials all the time

@Bert-lw1ot - 30.06.2024 09:14

You can’t say “he was only just offside, it should be a goal” it is what it is. Offside is offside

But the handball is nonsense. His arm is in a natural running position, running with his arms by his side or behind his back is completely unnatural!

@fallschirmjager0000 - 30.06.2024 09:58

And the Germany goal that was ruled out after 4 minutes? Hello, anyone. Did we watch the same game. All the dumb-dumbs here in the comments clearly didnt watch the game.

@paulibaer_206 - 30.06.2024 10:04

Germany had a goal ruled out. There is no talk about that? Why? This was a decision where the referee clearly has some room. However, the offside rule is clear. How whining English commentators get about their own referee is fascinating. Just because they don’t like the outcome.

@freshleaf1231 - 30.06.2024 10:23

These guys are just copium

@jasonshao3507 - 30.06.2024 10:28

Tons of body hair offside, toe nail offside, finger nail hand ball, no sense to have a referee on pitch, just let the var and other new techs play their role to gain "absolute fairness".

@thecryptopredictionboy5450 - 30.06.2024 10:43

I would feel very uncomfortable always crying about the var. Go on the pitch and try yourself. With a beer on the couch or headphones in a podcast filming yourself it's easy to say. Game is over life goes on^^

@DaxRaider - 30.06.2024 10:44

the referee was to petty but he kept at least his line ... the var did ONE error that was the german goal in the 3rd must have counted it was a normal block and he disallowed it and the referee DIDNT even watch it on tv screen that was a big mistake ... everything else wasfine ... both offside was very clear, the handball was very clear ... ther was alot of VAR but thats because it was alot of close calls
so 1 error in the end that hugly disadvantage germany so can someone explain me why the danish are complaining ? about what ? offsides ? xD

@DaxRaider - 30.06.2024 10:45

there was 1 mistake in teh game and that was to dissallow the german goal in the 3rd all other discisions was correct

@CJ4YRD - 30.06.2024 10:49

Stop complaining.. its changes nothing. They still lose 2-1. I agree the player did not gain any "advantage" but he was offside. Rules are rules. Im okay with it. The handball was also the correct decision imo. Yes the refs made a spectacle of it. They didnt need to send him to the screen they could have just told him. Germany still go through and Denamrk still get knocked out. Move on. VAR is perfectly fine. Its the clowns who use it.

@pcolesen278 - 30.06.2024 10:53

Denmark obviously got ROBBED! 3 years ago Denmark was robbed by diving Sterling, this year by the coward Michael Oliver

@MrToddy31 - 30.06.2024 11:09

Daylight between attacker and defender and we can have football back❤

@nikademus4203 - 30.06.2024 11:11

We are heading towards no referees and AI for everything. Utter garbage. The future of football is bleak

@manta567 - 30.06.2024 11:19

Let's talk about football rules!

@elwetritsch3654 - 30.06.2024 11:19

When the English beat the Danes in the last European Championship semi-final with a joke penalty in extra time, the English "experts" didn't complain so much about the referee... Could that be true?

@manta567 - 30.06.2024 11:25

Offside is a factual decision. Ofc there will be millimeter offsides, that's just how it is. On other ocasions it will be onside by a few millimeters.

@kasperchristensen8416 - 30.06.2024 11:32

The result WITHOUT VAR would have been 1-1 at 90 min.

@TheWolfie57 - 30.06.2024 11:38

It will be the same in the Premiere league next season, lots of controversy.
Wolves put forward a proposal to scrap VAR, not one club, apart from Wolves voted to do so. so next season I don't want to hear any manager complaining about VAR .

@carstenf279 - 30.06.2024 11:40

VAR could be brought into action more than 100 times every match. There are all kinds of fouls going on on the pitch. It is the "cherry picking" that bothers me.

@gerard394 - 30.06.2024 11:43

Get over it talk about the match stop moaning about var Germany won yous pissed of because they won

@ragnarjakobsen7722 - 30.06.2024 11:43

Been saying it all year.. its so obvious!wakey wakey!
Too much corruption involved 💰

@NcboreasVapes - 30.06.2024 11:48

VAR is slowing down the natural tempo of the game. Watch how it will be used more and more. So that your average game of footy will be around 2 hours long.

@marco27c1 - 30.06.2024 11:51

Adam is 100% right!

@arrmahn3442 - 30.06.2024 13:04

It was not thumbs up on onfield referee decision. It was VAR reccomending ref to go check

@darrencarter6350 - 30.06.2024 13:09

The problem with offside is is that there has to be a datum line and no matter where that line is determined there will still be hairline offside calls which will be deemed controversial. I've got no problem with the semi-automated offside. It can't be corrupted by the officials unlike the ridiculous handball that was given.

@bunt27 - 30.06.2024 13:31

VAR is the worst thing that’s ever happened to football

@MyPonyLooksKindaWeird - 30.06.2024 14:16

I don't get tha argument about "just 1 cm off shouldnt makke a difference". why does the player just stand 1 cm or whatever further back then? It's way better to have rules, which are easily defined otherwise every decision will be subjective and therefore inherently unfair. This time it was in germanys favor, next time it might be in denmarks favor.

@fatroberto3012 - 30.06.2024 14:30

VAR is killing football for match attending fans. Do you think any of those Danish supporters are going to spend thousands of Euros attending Euro 28? Why would they? It's a lot of money just to see faceless VAR officials hand the game to the home team.

@cainneachdaugherty7172 - 30.06.2024 14:39

Don't mention the VAR.

@ZementBlock - 30.06.2024 14:50

What are these people talking about? Why suddenly in this game?

The handball *rule* is ridiculous, and has been for many years. But the referee applied the rule correctly, as other refs have done a dozen times before in this very Euro. Don't get things mixed up: we all want to abolish this rule, but not selectively just for this Germany game.
And it's not rocket science to fix this, we need to go back to "natural movement" combined with an "x" meter radius of grace. No handball is given if a player is shot on the hand within a radius of, say, 4 meters and the hands are in a natural position and not moving towards the ball.

What the guys suggested for offside must be a joke. So a grace distance of 1ft? You do realize that this 1ft would also be measured to the nanometer? The discussion would simply shift from the offside line to the "offside plus 1ft" line.
If we measure offside by a system, then it either has to be precise or we shouldn't use the system at all. And if it is precise, then there will be very close millimeter decisions. Just like in tennis, where you sometimes have to zoom in four times to see if the ball touches the line.
If it's accurate, why is it still a problem to use it? Well, I can tell you where the problem lies: The whole system, as you know, functions by using many cameras, and not by electrical induction for example, a technique used by one of the competing systems.
With cameras, you are always limited to the number of images the camera can take. To determine the last frame before the ball left the foot is, to some extend, down to interpretation. Another problem is, that in between two frames, a player can travel ~5cm, and a fast-shot ball above 10cm.

But don't get me wrong lol, if I could decide, we'd go back to no-VAR, no goal line or offside technology, and 2 point rules.😅
Edit: In combination with the "Leave ref alone unless you're Captain" rule, ofc. 🙂

@Inversible100 - 30.06.2024 14:58

What the f*ck?
So you guys in the video want to say: If a player is 3 centimeters in a offside position, the goal count and if a player is 6 cm in a offside position, it should count? Rule is rule for god sake. We can discuss about the handball, but not about this offside goal

@elthamo - 30.06.2024 15:50

How much clear daylight? Where do you draw the line, literally?

@plaguedocphd - 01.07.2024 03:16

The accidental handball rule should change. Players can't play with their arms glued on their bodies. The human body has arms, we should include them somehow. Any player (we are talking professionals here) can just aim for his opponents arm and get a penalty.

Also, the offside rule should also change to include a player's whole body, that way the defenders will chase them more and there will be a lot less close calls. Offside as it is cannot go on. It's stupid to have half the stadium celebrate a goal and after a minute the other half celebrates its cancelation. It's not fun to go watch a game anymore.

@Bjerre69 - 01.07.2024 13:20

no one talks about the ball coming from a German's shoulders = no off side

@SuneTheMairn - 08.07.2024 02:03

Shouldnt offside, be the body? I mean, what if a dreadlock or a shoelace, or erling haaland lost his hairband, and his long hair was offside. I mean the tip of a boot, already with thick socks in it, while his back is turned. Is offside. Where do we draw the line?
Also with the clear daylight, i agree. Same as the ball has to be across the line, not on it. But clearly across. Green in between.
That handball is ridiculous, what happened against spain? CLEAR HANDBALL, NOT GIVEN. By which ref? Sorry but thats not ok in any way shape or form. Objectively
