Warframe: In Response to Digital Extremes

Warframe: In Response to Digital Extremes


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PlayWarframe - 27.02.2019 20:05

Hey, so everyone is on the same page, we’re sharing the content that we’ve also personally emailed Rahetalius:

We had an emotional response on Twitter to specific members of our team being involved, which in hindsight was not appropriate for the case.

It’s important for communities to put their trust (not just time) in a team that can admit when they f*** up handling of a response. But admitting they f*** up is empty on its own. We understand that sometimes (maybe often) it may seem like we’re ignoring important topics, but the reality is that a lot of deliberation happens behind the scenes with many factors and opinions playing a role.

One of the most impossible things to do is externally attribute decision making (aka causality). Because (X) did a thing, (Y) happened - it's never quite that simple and so we don’t claim causality. The premise that outrage gets noticed has a partial truth for how we operate. For a team that's done hundreds of hotfixes a small percentage includes things that escalate. And we don’t want to be a company that ignores things that escalate - is it imperfect that things do escalate? Absolutely. At the end of the day we are in privileged position to have people care about Warframe. The last thing we want to do is abuse this privilege.

Poignant topics of discussion really are born out of two truths: Chat needs moderation, and new players need guidance. Despite these realities, the way we’ve approached these truths have led us to stray from our frankly simple objective. Our takeaway is that where we are now is not where we or you want us to be, our actions will speak louder than words as 2019 goes on.


Inaros (but with head not in Sandstorm).

KIng Curmudgeon
KIng Curmudgeon - 03.08.2023 22:27

It seems like they live in a bubble. Watching their community streams they’re always having laughing fits over things that are in no way funny. It’s like the room is filled with giddy gas and they’re all high on the supply. I’ve come to the conclusion that they just aren’t that bright. The people behind the scenes that we don’t see are the ones really getting the necessary hard work done and staying out of the social media nonsense.

Neurozz The Enigma
Neurozz The Enigma - 21.04.2023 08:20

i love warframe but their official discord needs a change of staff most of them will mute you for having different opinions on builds and what not i was muted personally for a couple hours by spectrops then got gas lit by him but ofc i didn't play into his favoritism baby tantrum pretty much if you're friends with any of the mods you have immunity and can say what ever you want in any chat call with or without them and your reports will be solved first and swiftly they gotta really change that terrible mods for a wonderful community even with screen shot proof of him trying to egg an argument out of me since he is head admin he will always be right. As a loyal warframe player I fell like we can't do anything when reporting a mod or admin unless its directly to DE but then again they state the discord is not affiliated with DE so yeah spectrops if your reading this you a whole cuck

The Poison Kid
The Poison Kid - 06.03.2023 22:34

It's still an issue today. EU and NA chats are still plagued by arbitrary decisions and bans. I've never experienced them since I do not talk in public chats, but I've witnessed A LOT of them.

grim strife
grim strife - 06.03.2023 06:58

It hasn't gotten any better. I have been banned from all chat for saying "DE knew what they were doing when they made Nezha. Just like Wisp and Yareli." No warning or explanation of banned. I am just suspended from all chat. Including pms.

Jehova Venhova
Jehova Venhova - 10.02.2023 10:31

I got banned 4 years ago because i was threatning a player because he diddn't leave me alone and everyone in the chat needed to to get involved and taking screenshot and reported me. I don't think this is fair iv been a victim here.

Shab 'ath
Shab 'ath - 08.11.2022 22:18

And funnily enough, years later, this same shit is still going atleast in EU regional. Hey cxll and sasorika, go choke on a forma!

TK Shark
TK Shark - 23.09.2022 18:29

😆 Legend. I long gave up on the game after they butchered my Limbo. I once was God of time.

David Davidson
David Davidson - 05.09.2022 17:00

I'd like to say that DE have changed.
They have gotten worse.
$25,000 to a 'non profit charity' in an obvious attempt at virtue signalling.
Introduction of a 'zero tolerance policy'

I have seen steam forum threads (all quickly deleted of course) from players who have been permabanned for saying "you're gay" or something similarly innocus to somebody in chat. Or just threads with "banned until 2030 for bad word" in the heading.

Warframe is rated M. Words are just words. Get your shit together. Stop virtue signalling and make a decent game.

Interesting how they can have a zero tolerance policy towards 'hate' yet they partner up with a company which has strong ties to the Chinese communist party and turns a blind eye to the genocide of ethnic Uyghurs in Xinjang.

Moran Muna
Moran Muna - 13.12.2021 13:36

were told and were known that the man in the wall may be the player themselves, not the tenno. kind breaking the fourth wall.

LilyDaScientist - 01.10.2021 21:11

The fact that this is still getting views in 2021 shows that it's still a problem.

dudu Casarotto
dudu Casarotto - 23.09.2021 03:15

DE stole my Idea for something I said didnt gave me any credit and just changed the outfift a bit and made the warframe Grendel

GIANT DAD THE LEGEND - 25.08.2021 16:55

Your are a blessing

OG BUDDAH - 05.08.2021 06:38

I might be a bit late to the party but, thanks for being our voice, WE as player dont want change, WE NEED IT. Get your shit together DE, and stop trying to gangbang anyone that has a different opinion than yours on TW! Have some fucking professionalism for the fucking love of motherfucking God!

HuGgLe_BuNnY - 25.05.2021 11:05

SasoDuck's post hit home hard.

I never knew there was a sjw kicking me until after a couple times chat just goes silent. It's likeyou can hear them snickering hahaha he's talking to himself again. The truth is the darkness you have made WATCHES YOU. Now you will live in persecution as the catalyst. No longer an entity just energy feeding the material plane. I will make sure you can never exist again. Today no. But in these days you will kneel, you will go by sword, famine, and plague. You will be served a double portion of the torment that nearly broke MY mind. You will not be.

Aerothall Ji
Aerothall Ji - 04.05.2021 23:55

Not sure if this is still the same case as of 2021 Warframe, but if it is... I got one thing to say, if one were to ever go over that edge of mercy of mine, I WILL find a way to make that one regret it through anyway, any method which is available to me in that moment.

APHKHALLU AKHKHARU - 17.04.2021 12:04

@PlayWarframe please unban my account, because I never violated the terms at all. I didn't cheat nor exploit the game at all, just got banned for a childish thing even a adult would say is really amusing in nature for a M for Mature game to be said, because adults in a M for Mature game, laugh and have sexual jokes, do insults to other players as well and even the players joke back and don't take it seriously.
Children shouldn't be playing a rated M game like Warframe and the reason why so many children are trolls and thinks it's fun to report someone, because of there own opinion about how pink shouldn't be on a Warframe that's designed to be scary and intiminating. Then I see your chat mods don't like something that's a person choice to say about a color and expressing a though is bad to a chat mod.
Region chat has gone from great to now garbabge, because of your chat mods that seem to be abusing their position and can't ban players based on not cheating nor exploiting the game.

[DE]Anne and [DE]Marley seem to be in a delusional power streak, banning players, because another player reports them, because that other play is a child and troll and a snowflake.

APHKHALLU AKHKHARU - 17.04.2021 11:20

Children shouldn't be playing Warframe, it's a Rated M for Mature for adults, not snowflakes,sjws,feminists and those that are over-sensitive manbabies to

Darkstorm - 03.04.2021 18:14

Why does his voice change every video 😂

Gamma - 26.03.2021 12:01

watching this video just reinforced my belief that the whole reason they didnt bring you back into the creator program was personal feelings. Regardless of their apology two years ago, it ultimately came down to you actually asked the hard questions as opposed to kissing their asses.

Trevor Samuels
Trevor Samuels - 18.02.2021 08:42

What's sad is saying "nezha's a trap" (even just asking if it's still bannable), is still bannable and I think I recall this being implemented just to piss people off. I just asked if it was still bannable and got chat banned for doing so and can't even see how long the ban is.

bill20ni - 16.02.2021 08:14

I really need to know what the transition music is

Ravvel - 14.12.2020 22:13

Thats a lotta dmg

Justin Cronkright
Justin Cronkright - 28.09.2020 16:20

P.S. Move me back to London, where I went for Unviersity. And I'll work in D.E. and fix most everything up. And whatever I fix that happens to make other crap (forms of shit), I promise it won't stink so much at least.

Justin Cronkright
Justin Cronkright - 28.09.2020 16:08

Well right off the start & I can't believe I'm about to say this, but that music choice (is that music even), D.E. have the upper-hand. They were genuinely attacked in the ears/at the ear level.

Silic - 28.09.2020 04:51

How come I've been suspended from chat for like almost a week after I said "Xaku and Nezha is a trap"? (Don't ask how I got to that point)

Ray-beam - 09.09.2020 18:42

Is this what he actually sounds like

Wither - 06.09.2020 21:17

thank you train man for speaking the truth that not enough people dare to say...

efirestorm11t - 29.08.2020 04:28

Well done man. I like how you stay at the facts and being polite while they shame on you at twitter like 12yrs old who hide behind their screen xD

corebuara - 21.08.2020 17:11

Thank God for me being on Oceania servers, no mods, everyone's chill, just a fun great time.

Plantedaphid - 20.08.2020 02:19

I don’t understand how DE can make sexual jokes during Tennocon I think that’s what it’s called yet we can get banned from the chat by saying poopy or something like that. I mean why? ITS A M RATED GAME! HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE!! THERES GORE! And I found a video where there was a whole bunch of sweet features for Railjack...... they didn’t add it.... I mean why DE, WHY!

BBQ Sandwich
BBQ Sandwich - 04.08.2020 05:49

I am so glad this vid exists

Flea Erasmus
Flea Erasmus - 04.07.2020 12:45

It's starting to seem like you have to sleep with a dev to get anything to happen

asdf ;lkj
asdf ;lkj - 04.07.2020 03:35

More immature than some toddlers i have seen

Bismuth Crystal
Bismuth Crystal - 28.06.2020 23:58

The richness of a guy who made the point that political correctness is bad because Mao coined the term complaining of an ad hominem is utterly hilarious.
And yes, this comment is, in a sense, hypocritical. That makes it funnier to me.

Shad ii
Shad ii - 28.06.2020 00:30

Seems like DE maxed Primed fever strike, so much toxicity and so Unprofessional. As Sabucchi said, the biggest Yikes of 2019.

I No Friends
I No Friends - 17.06.2020 14:34

Rahetalius is RevXDev

systemfailure. - 14.06.2020 12:17

You sound like the Leverian guy

Siddharth Bhardwaj
Siddharth Bhardwaj - 31.05.2020 18:27

same thing happened with me today

william Rosa
william Rosa - 08.05.2020 16:06


christophe Dohet
christophe Dohet - 27.04.2020 20:21

The game is dying quickly there is no doubt about that , just take a look at your achievements : create a kuva lich : 2.4 % of the players got it , Collect and assemble the railjack components : 1.5 % . Do you seriously need to add more ? :)

Mars - 27.04.2020 14:52

egital dixtremes

Kelcey Gilmore
Kelcey Gilmore - 21.04.2020 15:48

Dead ass came back a fucking long time later into warframe, see this in my recommended- and I absolutely love the damn intro xD. ]

Oliver Withers
Oliver Withers - 21.04.2020 01:30

I love warframe, DE
I think you have a team of great dedicated staff with great and friendly people in it but this video is down right rude and this video is awful, you shouldn’t have to deal with idiots like him. I mean warframe is a FREE game and I sometimes think why is this so good ignore these videos your team doesn’t deserve this abuse
keep it up you guys are amazing DE

SaltyWaffles - 16.04.2020 10:22

"At the end of the day we are in privileged position to have people care about Warframe. The last thing we want to do is abuse this privilege."
One year later, and this statement from DE has aged like milk.

Shaddykack - 15.04.2020 19:40

2019: Danielle versus Rahetalius?
2020: Scott versus Ashisogi?

PSYCHRONIC - 14.04.2020 11:26

Ayyyy and DE is still resting on their laurels. Has anything changed ? Kinda but not much and not for the long run. So basically Warframe is gonna die eventually when the noobs of today start to see the noob pandering "fixes" targeted towards the noobs of tomorrow

Tetrology - 11.04.2020 08:34

"Hey, so everyone is on the same page, we’re sharing the content that we’ve also personally emailed Rahetalius:

We had an emotional response on Twitter to specific members of our team being involved, which in hindsight was not appropriate for the case.

It’s important for communities to put their trust (not just time) in a team that can admit when they f*** up handling of a response. But admitting they f*** up is empty on its own. We understand that sometimes (maybe often) it may seem like we’re ignoring important topics, but the reality is that a lot of deliberation happens behind the scenes with many factors and opinions playing a role.

One of the most impossible things to do is externally attribute decision making (aka causality). Because (X) did a thing, (Y) happened - it's never quite that simple and so we don’t claim causality. The premise that outrage gets noticed has a partial truth for how we operate. For a team that's done hundreds of hotfixes a small percentage includes things that escalate. And we don’t want to be a company that ignores things that escalate - is it imperfect that things do escalate? Absolutely. At the end of the day we are in privileged position to have people care about Warframe. The last thing we want to do is abuse this privilege.

Poignant topics of discussion really are born out of two truths: Chat needs moderation, and new players need guidance. Despite these realities, the way we’ve approached these truths have led us to stray from our frankly simple objective. Our takeaway is that where we are now is not where we or you want us to be, our actions will speak louder than words as 2019 goes on.


Inaros (but with head not in Sandstorm)."

Narrator(2020): actions have yet to speak louder then words
