Realm of the Mad God - Was I Wrong?

Realm of the Mad God - Was I Wrong?

Josh Strife Hayes

2 года назад

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Fanrik - 05.10.2023 22:07

Solid response. You're a very likeable person. I've never said that to anyone before, but I don't know how else to put it.

Gh Gh
Gh Gh - 03.10.2023 18:14

This dude will fire up an mmo and then not even use the abilities he gets and just auto attack and call combat bad.

Gh Gh
Gh Gh - 03.10.2023 18:12

“People gave me backlash so I changed my mind.” Wow you’re so based bro.

Graeme Mathieu
Graeme Mathieu - 02.10.2023 07:03

As a fan of this game I really appreciate that you went back to critique what's actually wrong. The first review was entertaining but as you learned, not accurate. Thank you for taking the time to go back, learn more, and speak on its issues.

RealTalk - 01.10.2023 17:37

played the game a little bit, died 3 or 4 times and didn't bother to continue because a death didn't feel as rewarding as in other rogue likes. Usually in rogue likes after the first few deaths you unlock so many things that you want to keep going and explore what those new things are. In this game it kinda felt like after the first 3 deaths that you already explored most of the game.

Joseph - 01.10.2023 00:30

Absolute bullshit game. Bro you are too kind, my god you are a man(and a big one at that!) for having to remake this video. I played that game and the first fucking thing I saw was those shops selling items for 'gold' i was like okay... cool, so that other currency must be premium currency. I opened the fucking shop and it turned out THOSE ITEMS I SAW WERE ALL PREMIUM CURRENCY. I've been gaming for OVER 20 YEARS and I've never seen anything so foul.

Bro seriously, you are humble

Marcin S
Marcin S - 28.09.2023 12:55

aboute pets... its go down to simple numbers... I play this game for like 20h max and in 3rd hour Got 2 pets but have to agree those are olmost usłyszałem at the begining

Mr Santoro
Mr Santoro - 26.09.2023 08:25

Bro spent half the video apologizing and kissing ass. 😂😂😂

Imperial Larch
Imperial Larch - 26.09.2023 04:29

I've played a good bit of ROTMG and honestly I thought the first video was very fair. I think most people know right away whether they want to play a grinding themed massively multiplayer permadeath bullet hell, and if it didn't grab you then it didn't grab you.

Firepulser - 25.09.2023 17:58

I feel the idea of a "player who want to play without spending money" is just a leech, no?
If MMO gameplay didn't rely on MM to work and use AI and bots, F2P would not exist as a business strategy.

Sovengrade - 25.09.2023 03:04

Still kinda wrong but youve definitely touched on correct points. Just the new player bit, you definitely are rewarded for soloing, but you have to get good enough to farm godlands solo. I always did most of my farming solo, only massing after getting several characters to max def, at least. Same with leveling, farming random mobs until hitting 10-15 lvl, then glands and hope to get a t7 or 8 weapon. Its an unique trial of loss and learning. Ive lost several 8/8s during pre pet era.

Joseph Latina
Joseph Latina - 22.09.2023 23:18

Still didnt even touch on the post level 20 experience. lol

Bi$harp - 22.09.2023 12:40

Live everyone else said, I like how the ROTMG fanbase weren't angry that you shit on their game. They were mad that you shit on the wrong parts of their game.

Flavio Akune
Flavio Akune - 20.09.2023 02:13

yea, it was like you critiqued a book for not being a movie, you know? but really cool to see you go back to this and re-review. agreed with most if not all takes, gz!

Georgee - 19.09.2023 04:26

Never thought about new players because i was new player 11 years ago i never felt p2w in new rotmg it's easy feed your pet and max in rotmg never felt alone because in game community

At this point if you are not experienced in rotmg its hard to criticize little bit i agree him but mostly not this game is fun to play whales doesn't even affect i never thought about them because doesn't matter i always avoid p2w game but in rotmg they are nothing

Nemo - 18.09.2023 18:06

Game looks like something I'd be interested in. But the pay-to-win mechanics mean that I won't be giving this a chance.

null - 18.09.2023 11:50

now this is a real critic

Macon Hero
Macon Hero - 17.09.2023 07:27

Funny thing is, if it wasn’t for permadeath and insane monetization I’d actually give this game a go

Hi Im Faker
Hi Im Faker - 16.09.2023 06:00

Total G video Josh

Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 15.09.2023 16:25

you werent wrong this game blows

TOG DS - 10.09.2023 05:32

I wish the D4 player base would watch this. Just swap lv20 with Lv50+
Actually, I wish the Dev team and management would watch this.
Are they going P2W? Not yet, but that's where the title is going. 🤣😭

Alex C
Alex C - 08.09.2023 03:25

Amazing video, I've come back to watch it just now and its stellar. Being an off and on ROTMG player since I was a kid, you did an incredible job at capturing the current state of the game. Really hope to see a part 3 someday, I'm very curious to see what your further thoughts and suggestions are on the game in current day!

cjodyssey - 02.09.2023 08:20

yea, i installed this game like 2 years ago, never got past 30 minutes, he is right

Ashley Lightheart
Ashley Lightheart - 30.08.2023 18:36

Josh: And that's why ROTMG is bad.
ROTMG fanbase: Listen here Josh we are pissed.
Josh: Yeah it was harsh but it has issues.
ROTMG fanbase: No no you misunderstand, you were not harsh enough.

JgHaverty ̈
JgHaverty ̈ - 28.08.2023 23:27

Good work Josh. I missed your follow up of course. I dont/havent played the game; I have no dog in this fight outside of your own standards of video quality. Good for you for discussing in further and better detail. Cheers 😊

josh - 28.08.2023 05:48

Looking back on this video a year later, and while I do appreciate Deca’s incredible sprite work and animations, reworking of old outdated/repetitive dungeons to create a life like environment, and new endgame content, the issue of new player retention has not changed much since the beginning. It’s funny, because while early game content and tutorials have improved, they’ve not improved by much. It’s such a shame because it’s clear that an insane amount of effort is put into the endgame content but that effort will eventually go to waste if you don’t address the early game problems

Nicholas Johnson
Nicholas Johnson - 23.08.2023 05:59

this is an entirely different game without a pet lol

Pins75 - 22.08.2023 19:24

i actually started this game a couple years ago solo, fucked around for a bit and kept dying in o2’s, eventually this guild of dudes invited me to their discord and stuff and they showed me the ropes. now i have 1k hours and i still play with those guys and some of my friends. getting into the game is hard but once you understand it it’s super fun.

JukesDTJ - 21.08.2023 21:55

An idea I have for Realm is to make a new system to reward people that are a Dark Blue Star or higher for assisting Light Blue Stars (for context to those not aware, every time you reach a certain threshold of experience in a class you get a Star and having more stars changes their color, starting at Light Blue and ending at White) This satisfies the need for a better new player experience and to better explain all the information a new player might need while also fitting in with the established lore of the players being a group of people banded together in defiance of the Mad God while also benefiting those older players who want something new to do with a purpose to it. A genuine Instructor System could solve so many problems so long as the rewards are valuable and the experience repeatable. Of course, that won't happen because why would it.

Nicholas Johnson
Nicholas Johnson - 21.08.2023 09:07

the only people who play this game have been playing since like 2010 lol im one of those mfs

Herald Dobre
Herald Dobre - 18.08.2023 19:21

Walk around the Godlands for 15 min with other people and your level 20

Aluminium Fail Vods
Aluminium Fail Vods - 04.08.2023 20:16

As a person who has been playing this game for years it fuckings sucks and I hate and I will not stop playing

John Van
John Van - 03.08.2023 18:55

Good video btw. maybe make another video that addresses the new campaign and seasonal stuff

Just Foryou
Just Foryou - 31.07.2023 09:52

u were also wrong at the start of this video: you win if you get alot of viewers that decide to donate money...

Howrylo - 31.07.2023 08:31

Takes a lot to admit when you think you've come short of expectations and own up for it. Not only that, but try and make it right. Kudos man.

Kyle Wigginton
Kyle Wigginton - 31.07.2023 05:45

Class act!

Firewall - 30.07.2023 22:38

hi, realm player with 4000+ hours here (and also have a max divine pet fully free2play). the main point in ur video that new players are experiencing all the old content first i 100% agree with, but is about to become void as they are working on a realm overhaul. the main part of the game, the realm, is being changed for the first time in 12 years. if there was an update that could revive this game, this is it

Degen - 29.07.2023 19:19

I think this a great review as an OG player who doesn't play anymore. Would love to see these updates, and gladly come back.

Encythies - 29.07.2023 05:24

I've watched quite a bit of your content over the years but this is what solidified my sub.

Maja - 29.07.2023 04:32

player retention is horrible. when i first played i thought it was a barebones mmo that ends at level 20 and only lasts for a few hours

Daeton Spicer
Daeton Spicer - 28.07.2023 03:53

I like how u come at this from the point of view anyone who plays but a new new solo player can probably find someone on discord. Hopefully they rework the onboarding but ur negative view on rewarding playing together to me doesn’t make sense that’s the point community co-op

Damian - 27.07.2023 05:18

in a way, the loot system of this game somehow works the same way as the ones in Diablo or in any other games that relies on luck to get a decent loot. that's what this game is. get a high enough DPS on the boss, and youll have the chance to get a white bag (highest level of loot you can possibly get in the game). to most rotmg players, doesn't matter how long you're playing game whether it be just a few weeks, months or even years; ive been playing this game for roughly over 10 years now and the satisfaction of getting a white bag even from a low-level dungeon is still there. it never fades. that said, most endgame content is locked behind discord raids and there's almost no way to enter one without them. but hopefully this'll change soon in the near future.

AGenericFool - 25.07.2023 11:27

Great vid

kaden0823 - 25.07.2023 03:39

good news: they've been working on reworking/improving much of the older content, from the overworld lowlands to the lower-level dungeons.
here's my input here
your points on pets and the new player experience are truth, but what you said about "being able to rebuild quickly is for rich people" is factually incorrect. it costs NO REAL MONEY to purchase a t3 ability and t10 armor+weapon with merely fame, which is an easy thing to get plenty enough of, which is easily enough to go for the lower level dungeons that drop stat potions(sprite world, abyss of demons, undead lair, etc). t11 and t12 items can easily be obtained without too much effort from merely running a wine cellar. when making claims of pay to win, it is important to compare how difficult it is to obtain the items normally rather than simply buying them, and how significant the advantage is. pets, yeah pets are p2w as fuck, it takes AGES to level and fuse pets fully for free. another thing is that you focus too much on the aspect of "Reaching level 20" when that's not really the big obstacle new players have to overcome whatsoever. said obstacle is MAXING. this means grinding and consuming stat potions from various dungeons until your stats reach their individual maximums. reaching level 20 is more like reaching level 1, and stat pot grinding is how you "level" from there forwards. THAT is the big repetitive thing that is much more likely to chase newer players out. the power difference between an unmaxed 0/8 lvl 20 and an 8/8(this means how many of your stats are maxed, for example having your atk, dex, and spd maxed would mean you're a 3/8) is MASSIVE, far greater a difference than just items alone would make.

Joshua Chevrette
Joshua Chevrette - 25.07.2023 02:09

This is a great video for content creators

Mr. Riverwood
Mr. Riverwood - 24.07.2023 10:49

Dude here exercising his professionalism by not defending his older video because of criticism, but make a better one using that criticism. An example to live by.

Tech Fro
Tech Fro - 20.07.2023 22:03

I'd like to see the game move to target smaller groups and adventuring with them, instead of just dungeoning. Dungeons should be a part of a quest.

ChronoSquare - 19.07.2023 21:07

I put my phone in my backpack after showing someone a video and this started playing on its own


PanicGiraffe - 19.07.2023 17:14

No, don't feel bad Josh, ROTMG is a mess.

Echo - 19.07.2023 16:46

holy shit i gotta say. if journalists had half your integrity we'd be in a much better world. the degree to which you take criticism and the ocmplete respect you treat it with is rarely seen.
