JavaScript Speech Recognition #JavaScript30 20/30

JavaScript Speech Recognition #JavaScript30 20/30

Wes Bos

6 лет назад

65,165 Просмотров

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@badarikrishna3169 - 24.09.2023 12:21

While it's cool, in MDN docs it's clearly mentions that Chrome sends your speech data to servers for processing and it won't work without internet.

So unfortunately I have to use tensorflowjs for inbox recognition.

@mobcomparison6360 - 24.04.2023 19:20

How stop recognition

@MrCwatchMan - 28.04.2022 06:49

why didn't it work? Did something change?

@spytuber7765 - 27.11.2021 08:31

wow bless you dev😉

@hzg1364 - 23.10.2021 19:42

how can stop that !??

@trophydevice7624 - 08.06.2021 21:26

I mainly use Brave Browser, and unfortunately it doesn't have speech recognition... Chrome worked fine for me.

If anyone found a work around for Brave, please let me know!

@OumassaALvlok - 28.02.2021 17:37

Give mi simple site code

@OumassaALvlok - 28.02.2021 17:36


@mirage4731 - 21.02.2021 17:05

why it keeps on asking me permission to use mic

@arletpaz8010 - 31.12.2020 22:21

im sorry but is this for off-line ? or do i need to be in a network

@jazimabbas8168 - 11.11.2020 18:22

all this browsers support this or not ? or should we go for some external apis like google or microsoft ??

@jaronkunkel - 27.09.2020 02:49

I can't get my app to accurately recognize Spanish speech. I don't want all the code here, but does anyone know if maybe the Spanish is just not that accurate? If so I'll stop banging my head against that wall and just use English.

@anwerammar6021 - 17.08.2020 15:59

please , i need to know is that free ? , if i use that in video call app ? because i found on google cloud website , i have to pay if i use it for more than 60 mins but it didn't ask for a keyy

@SoulCalMusic - 12.08.2020 15:56

As you mention towards the end, how would you make it only run the recognised function once, so it doesn't keep repeating?

@Diego-ym4qm - 20.07.2020 16:58

i didn't see the source code, does anyone saw where could find this project's source code?

@uzair004 - 15.07.2020 10:56

let transcript = e.results[0][0].transcript;
this line seems to be working as well, instead of converting to array and then mapping through that array.

@taihatranduc8613 - 28.06.2020 09:56

thank you a lot. you are so awsome

@moetechsauce - 14.04.2020 04:59

does this work on all browsers ?

@navidshahed9120 - 29.03.2020 04:48

Hello. First of all, Im sorry because my english not very good ;) then:

I wirte this codes in my pc with xampp program and I have 2 problems:
1. In local host, this codes run correctly, but, when I upload this codes in my site, dont run!

2. If I open my site in Samsung internet browser, this codes run, but 1000 times request access for alow to use from microphon and I can afew talk then write.

@thymarques - 13.03.2020 20:18

It deliveries tons of new features for out apps!

@syediqbalahmed3176 - 02.03.2020 21:14

see later

@macyyash5083 - 16.02.2020 17:36

I need source code of this tutorial. could anyone who made it ,send me please...

@lonnybulldozer8426 - 04.12.2019 23:28

You could use this to learn how to say ternary.

@sivakumark5374 - 28.11.2019 11:27

is this one works for codova - hybrid app? any other solution plz. tahnx

@AbsarNaeem1 - 29.10.2019 19:49

This is only supported by Chrome. I'm using Opera for all the projects. Guess I'll have to skip this one out. But this is great stuff if it goes ahead from Experimental.

@misakikoonce1551 - 23.10.2019 00:24

I keep receiving an error 'SpeechRecognition' is not defined no-undef. I use chrome and I'm using webpack to access a server. This error might be because of webpack but can anyone help me? Here is my main.js looks like (following Wes Bos's code):
(function() {
window.SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition;
const recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
recognition.interimResults = true;
let p = document.createElement('p');
const words = document.querySelector('.words');

recognition.addEventListener('result', event => {
const transcript = Array.from(event.results)
.map(result => result[0])
.map(result => result.transcript).join('');

// Create a new container if you make a pause.
if (event.results[0].isFinal) {
p = document.createElement('p');
p.textContent = transcript;

// Start recognition after each pause
recognition.addEventListener('end', recognition.start);

@expukpuk - 06.10.2019 12:57

Thanks mate.

@mustafaanas5991 - 28.09.2019 09:53

this is still not supported in Firefox. Annoying

But thnx man, this is amazing

@satyensingh1881 - 12.08.2019 20:40

Wow awesome code can you shared code

@faisalimtiaz4390 - 25.06.2019 16:12

When i try to run it with cordova app. It always gives me Network error.
Can you solve this please

@2ksportsclutch216 - 20.06.2019 10:57

I am a developer which develop without an internet and speechrecognition seems dont work without internet...
In recognition.onerror it return network error

@juliusmorselt4701 - 13.06.2019 14:21

nice that music <3

@laxmikantyadav3988 - 11.06.2019 10:44

Does it work on chromium browser ?

@NeelanshMathur - 07.06.2019 13:25

Wow! It’s new to me and seems fascinating already!
It was a good video 😊

@ufotofu9 - 11.03.2019 05:54

Here's what you can use for the 🦄 unicorn!

@ufotofu9 - 11.03.2019 05:40

So cool that you can do this with just a text editor and a browser! Love your videos. I've built six amazing projects today by watching this series. All of them are things that I would have considered way out of my ability level, but here they are, working. Thank you!

@khandelwalsahaj36 - 09.03.2019 05:10

How do we change paragraph? What do we need to speak?

@webguys7051 - 07.03.2019 15:22

I got is to work.
One small problem.. If the browser is in another language, it will only recognize the words that are in the same language as the broweser.
For example, my phone's chrome is in Hebrew so it does not understand the English words.
Same page on my pc - Chrome is in English - it understands only English...
Is there a fix for this?

@subokuleen - 16.02.2019 16:48

For the transcript, the below code works well:

const transcript = e.results[0][0]['transcript'];

I don't know why we should turn transcript into array then join?

@smitmirani5245 - 30.01.2019 17:47

your video is great
but I have a doubt ,
how can I export this text in another js file.

@dimitarvel1441 - 14.01.2019 04:38

Well it's time to put voice control to my website. I am not sure how smart it is but hey, it's a competition. If face Id didn't win it last year, this doesn't have much chance but this combined with image recognition I think will be enough. We will see.

@matthewsjogren3688 - 25.12.2018 22:51

Great stuff! People are very slow to adapt to innovation. This video is a perfect example. It was done over a year ago and there is not much out there.

@joaopargana8983 - 18.10.2018 20:13

Man, this one was really nice!! Amazing! Thank you so much for these guides

@missgreendayfan - 08.08.2018 20:41

Dammit I can't get it to work, but it seems to recognise the sound... so the problem isn't the microphone. I tried the finished one just to check if it was related to my code but nope :(

@Startoucharavos - 09.07.2018 00:32

gives error on angular component

@martinjaskulla2363 - 27.06.2018 11:14

const transcript = e.results[0][0].transcript
instead of
const transcript = Array.from(e.results)
.map(result => result[0])
.map(result => result.transcript)
seems also possible

@GamingBirdBD - 14.06.2018 02:05

Thanks u a's simply great!!!!

@daoudaseye3018 - 07.06.2018 00:27

Seems not working on Android chrome. Any ideas???
