Superman 2: What Happens When You Change Directors Mid-Movie

Superman 2: What Happens When You Change Directors Mid-Movie


2 года назад

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Diver-Band - 18.10.2023 18:30

Irregardless of the Donner and Lester situation, I do believe that Christopher Reeve was the best embodiment of this character. For that matter, I also honestly believe that he will be the best portrayal of this character ever to grace the silver screen. Donna’s first film to this day is my favorite movie ever. Rest in peace Chris and may God bless your soul.

Mars Vee
Mars Vee - 08.10.2023 18:30

I hate when studios ruin a good thing. Fans were robbed of what could have been the best trilogy ever. Lester skated so Ryan Johnson could ruin.

Timothy Dalbeck
Timothy Dalbeck - 08.10.2023 05:45

If only they had the budget back in the day, Richard Lester would have KILLED it directing a Plastic Man movie.

R3DPill-vs-Sheep - 30.09.2023 15:12

once you see the plastic S-shield or Superman copying himself and all the others in the fortress of solitude, you can't un-see it. :(

Keith Kemper
Keith Kemper - 25.09.2023 05:54

meanwhile Gene hacmans all over the movie

David Knell
David Knell - 27.07.2023 23:50

I watched the (na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na) Batman live action show as a kid. I would genuinely love someone to do a lighthearted, fun take on a superhero movie. I love Nolan's take. I like Marvel's movies a lot. I'm not even arguing against gritty realism. I just would love to sit down and enjoy a lighthearted, casual but sincere hero movie like Adam West's Batman show. Edgar Wright's Ant-man would have been a joy, but I'm not even talking about that.

Jason Roberts
Jason Roberts - 23.07.2023 07:07

Donner should have finished Superman 2

Alfonso del Rosario
Alfonso del Rosario - 08.05.2023 15:33

*cellophane HOPE Symbol.... its hope.... it means hope...,. hhahahahahha

DarwinsChihuahua - 08.05.2023 05:21

It occurred to me that Superman wasn't reversing time by reversing the Earth's rotation but that the Earth's rotation reversing was a result of Superman turning back time by travelling around the Earth at high speed.

JunaWaAmin - 03.05.2023 15:57

What's the opposite of Christopher Reeve? .................................. Christopher Walken.

Marco Uribe
Marco Uribe - 17.04.2023 00:24

What kind of video was this? You made a 7 min video and said nothing that had substance just to advertise your book? 😂😂😂

R.J Clark
R.J Clark - 30.03.2023 07:05

The super kiss is actually from the comics, and the "roller skates guy" was also in the Donner Cut.

Glitched Blox
Glitched Blox - 04.03.2023 09:05

Death and chaos

Joshua Cordero
Joshua Cordero - 03.02.2023 00:05

Superman doesn't turn back time by spinning the earth in reverse. He flies fast enough to travel back in time.

Kuudere-Kun - 20.01.2023 19:27

I hate the Donner Cut and not for anything it's missing.

Principally missing up the time reversal so he does it to save Lois's life not simply erase her memories undeniably a far better choice, but modern Auteur theory obsessed Video Essays have to argue agaisnt it because it's "Studio meddling".

Lukas Sprehn
Lukas Sprehn - 14.01.2023 20:32

The kiss is telepathy. Energy beam isn't that weird. It's most likely a projection of the solar light energy stored in their Kryptonian skin cells.

MEME GUY - 16.12.2022 23:31

wb in 1980: let's interfere with a directors vision and screw up the movie
wb in 1995: let's do it again
wb in 2017: let's do it a third time.

Cameron Robinson
Cameron Robinson - 25.11.2022 03:23

Luckily enough Richard Donner did enough of part two so that it still feels mostly like his movie. I always like two more than one but that's just because I liked that there was fighting between different Superman like being there wasn't really a villain in the first one other than Lex Luthor. But yeah classic movies. And I still have a soft spot for three and four so I'll never tell people that they're Classics LOL

Cameron Robinson
Cameron Robinson - 25.11.2022 03:22

I was born in 1977 and I was the perfect age to watch Superman one two and three without the judgments that I have as an older viewer. I even went to see Superman 4 in the theater and didn't see any problems with it. It's not until I got more mature in my movie taste that I look back and saw how different three and four were than one and two and it wasn't till the last decade or so that even new that Richard Donner didn't direct all of part two. But I can say Parts one and two specifically we're movies at me and my friends and my cousins watched again and again and again. But I can tell you even back then none of us liked the plastic Superman s and I also didn't like Lois forgetting because of the kiss because it didn't seem like a real Superman power.

Eric mcKay
Eric mcKay - 02.09.2022 17:17

Best villains ever! Kneel before Zod .

Aaaa - 31.08.2022 16:53

How to make great Superman movie today ?

Hold up Hold up
Hold up Hold up - 29.08.2022 22:25

Superman is what people wanted out of a Jesus character if the Jesus character was both real or had super powers. The biblical Jesus character is as every bit real as Superman ever was.

- Droid-J7 -
- Droid-J7 - - 23.08.2022 18:29

The snider cut bevor the snider cut…

The Piemaker 🔎
The Piemaker 🔎 - 21.08.2022 01:39

"Fell hard"? Come on, too soon 🤣

Colin DiGarbo
Colin DiGarbo - 16.08.2022 11:57

seven minute book promo

Richard Mondor
Richard Mondor - 14.08.2022 18:13

I prefer the Donner Cut.

Stephen Lawson
Stephen Lawson - 13.08.2022 09:05

𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘮 💔

Salty - 11.08.2022 20:16

antman, a mother fregin antman got trilogy, while superman stumble so hard its feel so dumb... and most director not even understand superman character and more interested on batman.... i feel those rich people dont even understand on what superman stands for i guess...

Luis Melendez
Luis Melendez - 08.08.2022 20:38

There was another Superman movie.where a producer "hair dresser" stuck his 👃 in where he wasn't supposed to. Making awful suggestions, like Superman fighting polar bears and giant spiders. Long story short. They ended it by scrapping the movie... Producers should stick to producing and nothing else.

Jordan - 07.08.2022 22:00

The gayest thumbnail in superhero history.

Vrushabh Bhaskar
Vrushabh Bhaskar - 07.08.2022 04:15

So, DC went through this debacle before too. Circle of Life, indeed.

Pimenta Rules
Pimenta Rules - 07.08.2022 03:40

Superman sucks

CRHIS DUARTE - 05.08.2022 18:33

i loved donners cut of superman 2

Atilla Öztűrk
Atilla Öztűrk - 05.08.2022 13:56

The guy with the beard is a real animal

Mike Mike
Mike Mike - 04.08.2022 17:48

To me MOS does capture all of what Superman was, we just didnt get to finish the arc

Chris H
Chris H - 04.08.2022 16:59

Burtons Batman and Raimis Spider Man were decent, but still pretty campy and somewhat slap stick. If you know Raimis work, that's just how he is. Burtons Batman didn't age well, but Raimis Spider Man holds up still.

Tbh, I just think Superman is "cursed" in a way and we should just accept the fact that too many Superman movies have tried and failed to do Superman justice with his story, which is unfortunate because he really deserves a great story being the original and all.

aariz saiyed
aariz saiyed - 04.08.2022 14:56

Interesting insight I can giggle on😂

Shawn K. Flanagan - Almaden Films
Shawn K. Flanagan - Almaden Films - 04.08.2022 05:50

Great video. Congratulations on your book.

Ejim J
Ejim J - 04.08.2022 05:31

Why are you speaking like Shatner?

Rodney Dodson
Rodney Dodson - 04.08.2022 03:42

I had the biggest crush on SuperMan (Christopher Reeves) when i was 5 years old. I would fantasize about him in kindergarten. I forget which movie, but when he kissed that lady on the Statue of Liberty I cried. I felt better the next day when I heard that he was the evil Superman duplicate 😅

Paul Liddement
Paul Liddement - 04.08.2022 02:03

Well done on the book!

MegaS - 03.08.2022 19:21

I hope you're book doesn't 'envision' superman as Woke.

Mayukh Sen
Mayukh Sen - 03.08.2022 13:27

He really was the "I can do whatever the fuck I want" kinda Superman.

Captain Howdy
Captain Howdy - 03.08.2022 07:05

So? As the title puts it, "what Happens if you reverse the direction of the rotation of the Earth? Is this just Cluck Bait" and a plug for your book? Thought the video would deal with the science of reversing the rotation???

Elthenar - 03.08.2022 04:48

This video shows just how remarkable it was that the studios not only let Snyder make his corrected cut of Justice League but also gave him millions to finish it as intended.

I never knew Hackman refused to go back for reshoots due to his loyalty to Donner, what a bro move.

Mad Hatter
Mad Hatter - 03.08.2022 02:33

Yeah, He pulled a Superman Fruit Rollup out of his chest and threw it at an enemy. I bet it was sticky and gross. I woulda been done fighting after that.

Sergio Ortega
Sergio Ortega - 03.08.2022 01:20

Great vid, very engaging.
No shameless plug, no different to plugging ones merch.

BATMAN - 02.08.2022 21:10

That's exactly what happened to justice league...
Joss destroyed zack snyder justice league in 2017 but we fought this time... Get the Snyder cut justice league.
Still stupid wb don't what to do with Justice league and superman even huge success of snyder cut movie

John Taylor
John Taylor - 02.08.2022 16:29

I saw an interview from Richard Donner where the studio was trying to compromise with him, wanted his name in Superman 2s credits; so they showed him the final cut of Superman 2. As I recall Donner watched a little bit of it, than stood up and said "take my name off it", and walked out. I might be misremembering parts, I saw it a long time ago.
