Delicious & Easy  Pain Au Chocolat ️

Delicious & Easy Pain Au Chocolat ️

Turkuaz Kitchen

55 лет назад

151,395 Просмотров

Pain Au Chocolat - Chocolatine - Couque Au Chocolat
This Chocolate Croissant is easy to make, and tastes simply fantastic!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜

3/4 cup water
2 1/4 tsp instant dry yeast
3/4 cup milk
1 egg
6 tbsp granulated sugar
Pinch of salt
4 1/4 cups flour
4 tbsp butter 55 g

Chocolate Layer:
1 1/2 tbsp hot water
1 1/2 tbsp cacao

For the Butter Layer:
2 stick butter

Chocolate Filling:
6 oz sweetened chocolate bar

In a bowl, whisk the warm water, yeast, and a pinch of sugar together and let it rest until fluffy for 5-7 min.

In a large bowl (preferably of a stand mixer), put flour, the remaining sugar, salt, milk, egg, and the activated yeast.

Mix them well until combined for about 3-4 minutes. Add the room temp butter and knead the dough by stand mixer or hand for 7-8 minutes.

Preparing the Chocolate Layer:

In a medium measuring cup, stir the hot water and cocoa powder together and let it cool.

Take 1/5 of the dough into a medium bowl and combine it gently with the cooled cacao mixture by kneading until combined well.

Cover both the base dough and chocolate layer dough bowls with kitchen towels or plastic wrap and let them sit for 60-75 minutes until they rise twice in size.

Place the doughs onto a lightly floured surface and divide the chocolate dough into 3 and the base dough into 9 equal pieces and roll each piece into a ball. Roll each ball out into a thin 7-inch circle and top with softened butter then layer the other 11 circles and top each layer with butter as in the video.

Transfer dough layers to a baking sheet, cover with plastic wrap, and keep it in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day:

Roll the dough into an 10x23-inch (25x60cm) rectangle and using a sharp knife or pizza roller cut the dough into 6 or 7pieces (you can also cut each piece in half in the middle and make 12 small croissant.)

Using a sharp razor blade make gentle incisions as shown in the video.
Line one or two pieces of chocolate bars at the end of each dough piece and roll it up as in the video. Repeat the process with other pieces.

Place Pain Au Chocolat on baking sheets and cover with a cloth and let it rise at room temp for 1 1/2 hours.

Preheat the oven to 400F and bake 18-20 min until golden brown.

Serve warm!

Bon Appétit, Buen Provecho, and Afiyet Olsun!

#BonAppétit #BuenProvecho #AfiyetOlsun #painauchocolat #Turkuazkitchen #croissant #baking #home #kitchen #tuesday


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@magdalen17 - 03.10.2023 13:33

Ciao convertirele quantità in grammi?😢

@СлавенияМирная - 05.10.2023 13:52

Добрый день! Все прекрасно ! А перевод на русский язык есть ? Благодарю!

@ajk8653 - 06.10.2023 08:00

What is the song title used in this video? And from which website?

@newt6312 - 09.10.2023 04:25

Can u tell me the name of the song please?

@gabrielcross1062 - 17.10.2023 06:38

This is most definitely on the list ❤

@AndreaGarcia-ui7np - 21.10.2023 04:16

Que bonito!!

@groovyhippiechick - 22.10.2023 16:38

I really appreciate how you use certain tools and no electric appliances. This is true artesian made and also beautiful! 🫶🏼

Thank you for putting the recipe in the description box. I looked for them on a couple other videos I was interested in but couldn’t find them. Do you only do it for some recipes?

@momvaandfe198 - 28.10.2023 01:47

❤❤ I like❤❤

@elmassancak7473 - 08.11.2023 13:02

Yaaa siz nerde yaşıyorsunuz çok merak ettim 🤭

@happyfeets3 - 18.11.2023 05:39

I've always been intimated making croissant as it is time consuming and the lamination process, but seeing your method which is by far the easiest I've seen. I now challenging myself to make my kids favorite pastry, chocolate croissant with a twist of being sourdough. Good luck to me 😊.

@morpi499 - 21.11.2023 06:24

kullandığınız unun markası nedir acaba.

@АллаГерасименко-ж9е - 24.11.2023 22:17


@LovesKitchen - 16.12.2023 05:45

What are you brushing in the bread as the last step? It makes it so shiny 😍

@sevinctamer7357 - 08.01.2024 22:58

Bu sakinlik bana iyi geliyor❤

@themjmcinnesnetwork - 06.02.2024 07:50

Awesomeness and deliciousness🍫 + 🥐=❤

@sarwatfazal1677 - 14.02.2024 14:14

Very delicious plus very neatly done can you not write clearly the receipe please ❤

@mcfly7 - 20.02.2024 12:42

If you are still eating bread after watching these videos than you are truly asleep.

@ikari_desu - 29.02.2024 22:05

Super creative ❤

@anuradhaborpe6676 - 07.03.2024 14:38

Ur cooking skills are exceptional ❤️ Can you tell me which floor we have to use?

@gununmenyusu - 14.03.2024 17:06


@kardelenaygan2895 - 19.03.2024 01:34

Abla Türkçe de yazsan olmaz mıydı acaba ? Hani yanlış anlama sende Türk’sün ve hani hemşerilerin takip ediyor falan ya hani??

@danilosumalave7226 - 19.03.2024 05:43

Nuevo suscriptor, me dedicas uno de pasta🔥

@sanamabdulkader7413 - 23.03.2024 07:28

Why did u stop doing videos? You are so good. The cooking, presentation, music everything is perfect. Please do more videos

@Borre635 - 03.04.2024 10:20

Just beautiful ♥

@FATIMA-u8g6o - 25.04.2024 13:49

ترجمة اللغة العربية

@Claudia01856 - 09.05.2024 01:48

Thank you for sharing ❤ You have blessed hands ❤❤

@mysticaltwinkle - 12.05.2024 04:05

Why's the video got a small frame even when I expand it?

@ndrus-escritos3045 - 29.05.2024 18:37

Porque nunca dice ingredientes ni como hacerlo 😭😭😭😭😭

@RanaAhmed-k2t - 01.06.2024 19:03

شكله مرة لذيذ❤

@0Bhootni0 - 10.06.2024 11:55

Are you Italian ?

@Olga_knjaginja_rzn - 16.06.2024 20:20

Не перестаю удивляться и восхищаться в Вашими творениями! Но, если Вам не трудно, хотелось обратиться к Вам с просьбой размещать рецепты в первом закреплённом коментарии, там есть автоперевод на мой язык 🙏 Благо дарю Вам 🤗❤️🌺

@cristypastrano9410 - 25.06.2024 19:42

looks delish

@mixoubn34 - 03.07.2024 19:06

C'est un pêcher de les detruire en les mangeant ca serait encore plus un pêcher que de ne pas les manger ❤

@tishainess9339 - 09.07.2024 07:52

This woman is an artist!

@elvi9780 - 11.07.2024 06:21

Saludos desde 🇲🇽 México me encanta el canal👌

@isamariapc - 16.07.2024 23:57

Hola. Podrias poner los ingredients en español?

@chefsadiyahroomi941 - 06.08.2024 02:05

Y my croissant is always soft from inside like bread and crispy from outside like it should be..?? Plz guide

@VirginiaWaller-h7p - 16.08.2024 22:50

I am mesmerized; please
don't stop

@yaseminsuvarioglu6827 - 20.08.2024 17:43

Harika ya 1800 lerde zaman tuneli gibi

@Aesthetics-feelgo0 - 26.08.2024 12:02

Make more horizontal videos, extend your camera size. I would love to just binge watch hour long landscape videos of yours.

@pattyjung5312 - 01.09.2024 17:45

I preordered your cookbook!! I subscribed to your newsletter!!! I am a new BIG fan! Thank you for brightening my day 😍🥰

@SamuelEnder - 06.11.2024 01:29

Delicioso. Parabéns. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@nanyelinunez3571 - 17.12.2024 04:33

God bless you. Jesus loves you and has a purpose for your life if you're willing to let him in. Merry Christmas.

@annunarula3982 - 25.12.2024 20:52

@mireladulinsky5381 - 21.01.2025 06:33

What exactly are you brushing with at the end?! Thank you

@NathaliaQuesada - 03.02.2025 22:02

¡Buen provecho! Muchas gracias 🙏✨

@Iftiteh - 07.02.2025 22:36

أرجو أن تذكري المقادير بالترتيب في صندوق الوصف حتى أتمكن من ترجمتها بواسطة ڨوڨل. أكون ممتنة إن أخذتي هاذا بعين الإعتبار❤

@SarraSarra-b6j - 08.02.2025 15:28

Les ingrédients de la pâtes s'il vous plaît ❤

@Satyaan. - 16.02.2025 16:01

