Nex  Machina Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?"

Nex Machina Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?"


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@Trai1b1aze - 25.06.2017 09:09

This is a fun wee game. If I had any complaint it would be that it feels a little short. 2 more worlds would make it the perfect length. Oh, and they should add a cheesy ending movie to complement the intro movie instead of cutting straight to credits (even if its a 5 second clip of the helmeted protagonist walking away with one fist raised in the air in victory while the robot factory explodes in the background). Great review as always.

@jimmyqballs - 25.06.2017 13:48

*6 worlds

@CheckmateStallioN - 26.06.2017 06:29

This masterpiece only on PC & PS4 Pro the best place to play (best
of both worlds).. meanwhile on the XboneXposed.. "exclusives" are
heading to PC as we speak LOL

@wakegary - 26.06.2017 19:29

If you like the video EH maybe subscribe.

@sevms22 - 28.06.2017 19:13

Can you please do Get Even

@XxLast__BossxX - 29.06.2017 06:43

Smash T.V on heroin

@blakewhitlow - 29.06.2017 07:08

i would totally get this game except some people say that mouse and keyboard controls are unplayable right now

@rustyjaw - 29.06.2017 08:42

This is a nit-pick, but I don't think the term "bullet hell" really applies to this game. Very few of the enemies actually fire bullets. Mostly what you are dealing with are the enemies themselves marching (or lurching) at you at feverish speeds.

It certainly has some bullet hell moments. But those are pretty scattered and the result of a few specific enemies.

Anyway, I enjoyed your review. Very well presented and I totally agree with your assessment of the game. Nice work!

@wizardryyyy - 29.06.2017 17:44

how's it perform on PS4?

@ShatteredEquilibrium - 30.06.2017 01:29

This looks like it might be fun, I'm sold. Or rather the game is.

@umaroxp5207 - 30.06.2017 03:29

geez how on earth did they manage that framerate with a million bajillion particles constantly flying all over the place?

@damenlapalm5609 - 30.06.2017 17:03

I've been watching your reviews for a while now and I realized I've never commented, so here it goes. Your work is absolutely fantastic. The reviews are entertaining, well informed, organized, funny, and honest. In my opinion, no single reviewer has all these traits at once except you. These are truly made for us, the consumer. Forgive the hyperbole but you really are a shining beacon of professionalism in a sea of paid sponsorships, over dramatic opinion peices, and self righteous game journalism. You strike a balance between intelligible cockiness and technical know-how, all while remembering that this is about games and games are supposed to be fun. Thank you so much for what you do and please keep up the hard work. It is appreciated.

@BeefCakeMcMuffin - 01.07.2017 15:09

love the videos as always. I wait for these videos over web site reviews.

@epicanimation1556 - 02.07.2017 22:44


@spenceredwards269 - 03.07.2017 11:55

anyone know if there is a physical release for this game?

@PretentieuxJaloux - 08.07.2017 18:35

Review Star Crawlers!

@Jucal - 14.07.2017 17:44

God, I wish this was on Switch.

@AnaxofRhodes - 16.07.2017 09:22

Bought. Best decision ever.

@calvincampbell64 - 30.07.2017 22:16

Great game

@platinum2263 - 08.08.2017 00:20

Nex Machina is like a megaman we never got, never really wanted, but wished we had. it's almost a shame this has only come out now.

@curtis630 - 09.08.2017 13:45

For me, this game captures all the feel of being in the arcade as a kid. All the colours and lights remind me of pinball. Damn, I'm old. Solid game.

@novagreen6512 - 07.10.2017 04:16

Daaamn this game looks good

@TheAshevillian - 10.11.2017 18:16

Great review! Blows IGN shitty 2min review out of the water.

@gamedesignandps4play476 - 12.11.2017 02:21

I love this game. I am ranked 419 as of right now. Moving up the scoreboard.

@bjf9304 - 16.11.2017 09:51

Tis game is GREAT with the steam controller using the top community configuration. It really shows the potential of the controller and teaches me how to to use it with confidence. Love it!

@Twigg4075 - 28.11.2017 21:58

FYI, this is on sale for only $8 on PSN right now. Seems like a steal for that price.

@AlexK07779 - 11.12.2017 17:35

I was looking at Ruiner and this, this will definitely come first! a mini x-mas gift to myself :)

@Granturion - 26.12.2017 12:52

"Twin stick shooter" is such a stupid description... has anyone every played any shooter with one stick? ;)

@nathanyoung3483 - 02.01.2018 09:04

Don't try this with integrated graphics

@whatfreedom7 - 29.01.2018 20:36

I’d like to see this come to the switch and arcades.

@urupuru - 11.02.2018 21:18

Dunno why but I cannot listen to this guy .... I tried...

@pavelowpower - 14.03.2018 22:07

ive platinumed dead nation, alianation and resogun for ps4 i love housemarque games i cant wait till i can afford to buy nex machina and matterfall. i dont think these guys have made a bad game.

@vonkruel - 15.03.2018 07:50

Just got this on sale, and everything about it is great. I agree with your minor quibbles but damn, what a fun, good looking, and good sounding game. It's well worth its regular price, but I gifted a couple more copies to my nephews so they could try this awesome game (and to support Housemarque a bit more). I'm very interested to follow this studio now.

@chp19711971 - 19.05.2018 20:43

so happy about your review!! On the ps4 store it is now $5.99 and will buy it today!!!

@AC_Milan1899 - 28.05.2018 21:03

Amazing game!!

@hazeljohn1536 - 03.07.2018 20:28

Free on PS Plus (July 2018) PS Plus Mid East only 😁

@supersaiyan3bi-han287 - 12.07.2018 04:30

selling body parts on ebay??

@arsenewenger30 - 11.09.2018 11:39

This game is only fun on the lower difficulty setting, as you progress you will want to throw your control pad at the wall.

@venajugularis6846 - 10.10.2018 10:08

This is one of the most, well not ganna say underrated but, underappreciated games . Its gameplay is complex and super fun when u actually get into business of making high point. Cuz really this game is not about completing levels, but mastering them and play as perfectly as you can. Making human combo without dying, well when u die u lose your combo obviously, is so intense cuz u need to calculate time to save them. If you save them so fast you ll end up losing combo, if u take too much time saving a human, again you'll lose your combo. And while trying to maintain this balance you are facing hordes of enemies that kill you instantly, and these enemies locations on the stage are a bit randomly generated so u cant do same things everytime you kinda need to improvise your moves. There is even more. There are monsters so called disruptors which you might face in any level of the world 3 times, there are visitors that make a chaotic stage even more so, xp multiplier boxes that you can only take down by using your secondary weapon and using ur secondary weapon just to get a xp multiplier can be a matter of life and death(cost me my life and my endless human combo so many times). And i dont event have to say how good this game looks. Visually it is absoultly stunning. Long story short this game is perfection and unless you hate this genre soooo much,well even if you hate it, go get this game on steam or psn and you wont regret it. I normally dont make a lot of comments about a game but as a fan of this game seeing this game not getting the attention it deserves kind of hurts my heart.

@respecttruth7464 - 22.10.2018 00:07

Congrats OP your my first ever game subscribe. Well erned sir.

@hulkabilly1338 - 04.01.2019 02:33

At what point did "bullet hell" become synonymous with "shooter"? Today every reviewer and their drunk uncle likes to spew the term 'bullet-hell" every chance they get when it obviously doesn't apply. Bangai-O is bullet-hell. Ikaruga is bullet-hell. Radiant Silvergun is bullet-hell. Nex Machina is not bullet-hell. Robotron nor Smash TV were ever considered 'bullet-hell' games. Just because it's fast paced and frenetic doesn't automatically make it a 'bullet-hell' game. 'The same thing happened decades ago when Star Fox suddenly became an 'on-rails' shooter. So irritating. Love the game though.

@dr.vegapunk5853 - 24.02.2019 00:44

how come this game wasn't more popular i mean it's an amazing game

@baidrulhisham7132 - 03.03.2019 06:15

I'm glad I buy the game. It is the great game in it type. If they add more stage and keep on updating new item. Overall the best short game I play

@bobbyflecker1187 - 05.03.2019 09:22

You mean Tasmanian tigers. Tasmanian devils aren’t extinct.

@robs_at_it9579 - 29.03.2019 03:22

It's 2 bucks or so right now. Hmm only lasts about an hour though.

@XPMatador - 04.12.2019 02:47

This game is 5 dlls on psn right now . just got it . amazing fun waiting for yall merry christmas 2019

@uptowndunker6346 - 07.05.2022 03:38

This games is fucking fun as hell when you play with some one

@SotNist - 08.11.2023 22:24

I only watched this 'cause I wanted to see if there was any decent Nex Machina related content on here. Cool to see one of the notable critics really dug this game at the time. One of my favorite games ever made, still and I hop back into it pretty regularly. I really wish they would do a PS5 update so I can get some of that PC fidelity and performance.
