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@benbenassi2348 - 10.11.2023 11:08

And now they deleted Twitter Circle!!! tf

@saydaddy91 - 01.11.2023 19:49

Even if he wanted to rebrand why did he choose the letter most associated with pornography. Like there are countries that have banned websites that start with x

@patriciaragland1286 - 31.10.2023 02:50

No cussing necessary. Young children watch this program.

@ultraginge1990 - 21.09.2023 15:51

The only person who can make a wii chat level super app is the Facebook Lizard. Because he already owns most of the apps that would do the things for a super app. The financial infrastructure is the key thing. But Paypal essentially has that market. You would have to compete with PayPal.

@leahdrook5161 - 15.09.2023 07:38

They committed SEO suicide

@Momo_i23uy12 - 12.09.2023 10:51

Just a fun fact - if Elon Musk stops using the Twitter trademark - i.e. rebranding the thing fully to X, ending the use of words like "tweet" and "retweet", there's a very good chance he will lose the trademark. You know, the main thing that gave Twitter its value in the first place. And someone like Jack Dorsey will be able to rebrand their thing, Bluesky for example, to twitter and Elon Musk won't be able to do anything. It can take a few years, but them's the breaks.

@inkajoo - 07.09.2023 04:02

The name "X" is one of Elon's precious few original ideas, and not only is it just a fucking single letter it isn't even truly original.

@Vishal_Nani - 04.09.2023 11:59

I think it would have been in a better place if Elon didn't buy it and that new Indian Origin CEO was handling it.

@weirdautumn - 20.08.2023 00:03

I checked former Twitter recently. All the cool people that I've been following before are gone. The recommendations are literally insane. Bots and fascists are everywhere. Elon turned it into a nazi platform.

@Nalanrd - 17.08.2023 17:19

Keisnlikle katiliyorum, zaten mantikli dusunen herkes ayni seyi dusunuyor. Twitter'a yazik oldu. Grafiker olarak Twitter'in logosunu hep cok sevmisimdir, zaten her zaman basarili bulunur belli bir oranla dizayn edilmis, rengi ozellikle ikonik bir logo. " tweeting "yani ismiyle aplikasyonun belirli sayida karakterle kisa yazilari arasinda da guzel, sevimli bir nuans vardi.P.S. ben hala guncellemedim, sonuna kadar direniyorum. cirkin X logosunu ve o karanlik simsiyah halini gormek cok can sikici.

@FlyingMonkies325 - 14.08.2023 03:35

Zuckerberg is taking over Twitter it's very clear since Musk is changing the site to be like WeChat, i think he just gave or sold Zuck the code and software sooo Threads is going to be your Twitter from now on, one of my fave celebs has already started posting on there mainly then only sharing it on twitter and knew this was going to happen lol.

Personally i don't care very much if it means getting rid of facebook one less social media site for people to get hooked up to, it's given me the perfect chance to leave twitter too, i don't want to keep seeing peoples purchases and constant advertisement from people selling things on X or whatever i might be called. I just want people to interact in real life again we all do. I don't think many of you are going to like how shopping centric X is going to be too so you may want to think about leaving too if you don't want that.

@sophialillian8508 - 13.08.2023 01:50

I wonder if Musk watches HoloX...

@Manbearian - 12.08.2023 00:47

Xeet MY Meat

@CRAZYCR1T1C - 08.08.2023 18:18

When You run business with ego alone.

@miroslavpalas4734 - 08.08.2023 14:20

It's the same as it's been before, Jesus Christ. I get the Elon hate, but honestly, he "inherited" this shit.

@Jupiterloobncj - 08.08.2023 10:17

Spot on! Money=intelligence is such a dumb american thing. And as usual its untrue

@huemins - 08.08.2023 07:40

Lol one of these days i suddenly had that X icon on my desktop and I didnt know the Twitter icon used to be there so i got super suspicious, afraid its a virus. For some reason i wasnt able to get a quick explanation by googling x app and the app itself markets itself unspecifically as everything, that was too sus to me. I deinstalled. Only later i got it was Twitter. Well, gotta delete my account now

@Erulin68 - 07.08.2023 14:11

Oh no.. Microsoft doesn't own the copyright to 'X' It was the logo for 'Mixer' which they sold in 2020 to Facebook of all people. 🤣 The jackass gave himself a 50 billion bonus from Tesla... Tesla over it's ENTIRE lifespan has earned 10 billion. He's no better than Elizabeth Holmes. That whole 'fake it till you make it' thing. I hope he ends up where she is one of these days. In jail.

@pangea02 - 07.08.2023 10:45

Piers Morgan: "Before Elon bought Twitter, everyone called me a bellend, a numpty tw*t, or a stupid c*nt. But since he bought it, Arsenal finished 2nd in the Prem and I haven't been called a c*nt in 2 hours – so naturally I love it!"

@ispelthisrong - 07.08.2023 03:33

Step it up homie please, you claim to be this great guy. But you are really hurting society with your influence. Please be a better person

@tundeuk - 07.08.2023 00:44

If musk was less Rightwing, it would have worked out.

@skyvillian36 - 06.08.2023 23:13

dude changed the name of the app and yall clowns just want to call him dumb and stupid…yall gonna get laid fr🤦🏻‍♂️

@Bam_Bam_Bam_Bam - 06.08.2023 19:19

The fact Twitter isn’t dead or not even close to being dead just proves how du mb Hasan and his plebes truly are.

@FeedEgg - 06.08.2023 15:45

The dumbest person in the room is usually the one who says that they know everything.

@bobogliddabrun - 06.08.2023 14:04

'Xeet' sounds like the action of accidentally letting something loose in your pants

@jacooosthuizen3593 - 06.08.2023 12:27

Man if i ever have kids i hope they dont turn out like you Hasan. what a spoilt looser. sheesh.

@shinjibing8364 - 06.08.2023 10:17

Naming twitter X is gonna come around to bite Elon in the ass literally like an ex coming to expose your ass to your deeply personal oddities. X will be the ex-girlfriend of social media to all the twitter users jumping ship to other platforms

@shinjibing8364 - 06.08.2023 10:14

What are they gonna call tweets? You can’t get rid of the bird and still call it tweets and saying “I’m gonna do an x” doesn’t sound right

@tonyholmes962 - 06.08.2023 10:12

So much negativity. I love it. X.

@vittorianesse - 06.08.2023 07:29

But Twitter users don’t want an everything app.

@my1vice - 05.08.2023 23:13

You show your ignorance with your vocabulary.
Zero class.

@AKcoxy - 05.08.2023 21:40

Omg Elon Musk is actually the biggest troll in the world... and I'm telling you now, it will work out 😂😂

@lazslostpierre9951 - 05.08.2023 20:10

Piers Moron disappearing up Elon's colon.

@user-ur5yg3cx8t - 05.08.2023 12:23

loosers in this comment section are hilarious

@Thick.Mothers64 - 05.08.2023 08:51

He is asspilled

@JustFacts777 - 05.08.2023 03:22

his money his company why are u whining?

@MrHuison - 05.08.2023 03:08

If he wanted to make the worlds biggest financial transaction app why didnt he just buy square? Genius

@watchlover7750 - 04.08.2023 22:54

Let's trust Elon with our bank account,what could ever go wrong?

@michaezell4607 - 04.08.2023 19:29

I don't do that tiktok crap

@michaezell4607 - 04.08.2023 19:19

Shitter" died the miniute rightwing narcicistic racist Muskrat got hold of it.

@Sandy-oy2lr - 04.08.2023 16:27

For an oldster like me, I found this vid very interesting. I've never been on any social network except maybe Roadstr...But, I did do very well with FB and Tesla stock...It's interesting to hear what the younger gens think about what's happened now. I've always thought Elon was somehow, a bit over rated. I also heard about his family's involvement in Apartheid in South Africa. And I'm not interested in any of his kitchen appliances with tablet dashboards on wheels. That being said, I'm finding what the younger people are now saying about 'X' to be very interesting.

@Chris-op7yt - 04.08.2023 11:01

Zuckerburg and Musk are nowadays as in tune with web trends as someone wanting to bring back dial-up.

@robonekokun - 04.08.2023 10:51

Yackarino 😂

@laural3738 - 04.08.2023 08:18

At least he didn't call it Q or Z.
That would have been too explicit.

@Itosalix - 04.08.2023 07:07

I don't care about twitter, or X. But I am kinda interested in getting an "Xesla" car.
Give it time. He'll get around to that.
