Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Fascinating Interview With Piers Morgan

Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Fascinating Interview With Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan Uncensored

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oscar ronquillo
oscar ronquillo - 23.10.2023 22:10

God's creation true meaning in the Bible Studying under a Orthodox Rabbi and being a Christian, and the Hebrew wording is different from it's translation on the first day to day one. Day one is more the meaning of step one, and in psalms and 1peter To the Lord a day is a thousand years =24 x 1,000 = 24,000 x 24 and 1000 x =13,824,000,000 and 1000years as 1 day and all science believe the universe is around 13.8 billion years like in psalms and in 1 peter it speaks about man in which is 7 thousand years. Day one(step one) took the longest 8 billion years and every step is cut in half as day 2 is 4 billion and 3 2b and 4 1b, 5 half a b and 6 a 1/4 b and the very end of day 7,000 years(man created) and rested on day 7 o days no work completed.

Bruno Silva
Bruno Silva - 23.10.2023 15:22

The World should be governed by people like Professor Neil DeGrasse, but people don't want to, people want lies, deceit and wars. We are happily heading towards extinction.

Keith Trosk
Keith Trosk - 23.10.2023 07:36

Piers Morgan is definitely a agitator over gender and sports & kept pushing it...Tyson said what anyone would scientific would say, check their hormones.. A x/y child may have abnormally low testosterone and grow up to be fantastic high diver.? That person may have a gender identity different from the norm. On the other hand a female has the same thing, she lifts weights which creates more testosterone, and her clitoris enlarges like a small penis, she grows facial hair just from lifting weights and a few switches in her dna caused this..
Any question was answered well. If your born with high testosterone, then bracket those ppl together. Annoyed by gender definitions no matter the chromosomes.

A M - 23.10.2023 00:25

This was the best Interview I’ve ever witnessed; informative, easy to understand, even at such a high level of scientific knowledge; entertaining and enjoyable; respectful; and the two have great chemistry. Utterly enjoyed this. I plan to share this with my family and friends; and save it to watch it over again in the future. Well done!

Aurora Wolfe
Aurora Wolfe - 22.10.2023 21:36

i've never seen Piers Morgan smile and laugh so much... everyone loves Neil DeGrasse Tyson!

pooran outar
pooran outar - 22.10.2023 02:14

Listening to this a second time. I love Dr Neil.

Conrado Zavala
Conrado Zavala - 21.10.2023 23:16

This human is a world treasure. I can listen to Dr. Tyson discuss any topic.

Vidal Promocionales
Vidal Promocionales - 21.10.2023 15:38


Jose Andres Carvajal Villalta
Jose Andres Carvajal Villalta - 20.10.2023 20:41

It is nice to see a journalist, some of which have made careers out of having opinions on things they dont fully understand, listening to real experts with respect. Of course It helps a lot that Neal is a great communicator himself

Max A.
Max A. - 19.10.2023 15:59

Imagine a man or woman of science making decisions as a politician versus people of ideology.

Zeus_ 4191
Zeus_ 4191 - 19.10.2023 06:32

I like how his tie firts his whole theme. A starry night.

VBOBO - 18.10.2023 22:12

Neil is the best scientist of all times but when it comes to the issue o gender he seems to loose it coz the fact remains u r either born male or female.

Levi S
Levi S - 18.10.2023 05:37

why didn't anyone tell NDT that his mustache is jacked up. Not cool, his gender neutral stylist slipped up.

tamaya tait
tamaya tait - 18.10.2023 02:26

How does anyone believe anything that comes out this man’s mouth including the way he speaks is beyond me!

Mike Pollock
Mike Pollock - 17.10.2023 17:09

Confirmation bias is showing in this show badly. After all, a whole hour went by and black holes, dark matter, dark energy, the solar corona heat, the cosmological constant problem, 70 years of fusion with nothing, the muon wobble, the W boson heaviness, and quantum gravity went completely ignored. Nothing is explained at all but the message is everything is a done deal. It isn't, at all.

Neil is not helping us solve these problems at all by being a science popularizer and creating a "Master Class" show that will definitively answer questions that no physicist or astrophysicist actually has answers to. The "Theory of Everything" is the ultimate goal of science but Neil is dogmatically plugging the theory that has explained nothing for a century.

People eat it up because he's a very cool guy but, more importantly, he has the education that makes him inevitably right. The problem is that that education is proving to be unable to work. This is why Albert Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge". This is why Neil's peers state all the time"physics is in need of a new theory".

Creating the universe made it impossible for the Big Bang to follow the laws of physics. That is why nothing works. The math 0=1 was used.

The true equation is 1=1 because everything already existed 13.8 billion years ago. The Big Bang was simply our universe turning itself into a gargantuan particle collider with two objects that contained the mass of the observable galaxies. The galaxies are shrapnel created with all their energy from the start. That's the testable, empirical, logical explanation that the Big Bang theory does not have.

Neil is ignoring everything.

Fred Rosa
Fred Rosa - 17.10.2023 00:29

Neil DeGrasse is more interested in politics.

Christopher Carnage
Christopher Carnage - 14.10.2023 00:14

He is the most articulate person alive riGht now.

David Pryor
David Pryor - 13.10.2023 20:33

Wow Neil just wow! Hormone categories what a joke!

Agba Agba
Agba Agba - 13.10.2023 19:12

Very informative interview. Neil DeGrasse is so versatile. I think some of the questions they ask him is a bit further from his immediate scope of work. I would like to argue on the point about using hormone or reflex level of individuals to categorize sports in a bid to accommodate everyone, male female, trans etc. My take is even when you do that, you are still going to come to several elite categories dominated by only men, it won't still change anything. So it's still going to be men vs the rest, i.e. Women and former men. The only thing you would have succeeded in doing is messing up the women's sports for them because the men will still dominate a couple of categories close to the top where no female can ever play due to genetic differences. In fact, men will dominate all sports categories, even with the reflex or hormone categorization formular. These are just two different specs of the same animal, and I don't see what is wrong with that at all. Another way to look at it is, are those who identify as women willing to accept these men into their sports? They also have the right to their believes. This would mean that we will have naked men in women's locker rooms. If the women don't mind their privacy invaded like that, then no problem, but I feel like when it gets to the point where you have to force a particular group of individuals to play a game with a particular group of individuals, then it can also be seen as infringing on their basic rights that group. They should also have a say whether or not, they want to integrate. They should also have the freedom to influence how they like to play their game.

Alpha Gamer
Alpha Gamer - 13.10.2023 07:20

So they spend 20 minutes trying to debate trans people wiping the floor with women and use, mass, hormones and all that jazz and still miss the obvious answer, and that is to create male, female, and trans categories so trans compete against other trans people, and if they lose then they can debate that and the unfairness of it with each other and leave rhe rest of us out of it. Boom solved, so do I get my Nobel peace prize now?

Marion - 11.10.2023 20:52


Realgetta - 11.10.2023 20:39

I wouldn’t trust anything coming out of this so called scientist guy’s mouth. He’s been spewing nonsense about what a woman is, claiming men can be women cause it’s based on how you feel. In my opinion he will never be credible.

Wojciech Gabryś
Wojciech Gabryś - 11.10.2023 18:33

This guy is important. He ignites your curiosity, or not. If yes, then you have the internet ("normal" teachers/schools are prehistoric)

Donald Smith
Donald Smith - 11.10.2023 17:51

We support Trump because he said what we have been saying for 20 or 30 years. Not that we do what he said, but he said what we think!!

Sacha Gilley
Sacha Gilley - 10.10.2023 23:25

It's funny, because people who know a lot, like to share what they know with people, but they are always more interested in finding out new information.

Jeremy K
Jeremy K - 10.10.2023 19:39

NDT is incredibly intelligent, but his argument for transgender athletes competing is ridiculous.

Karen Hultgren
Karen Hultgren - 10.10.2023 02:25

Great interview.

aswler - 09.10.2023 18:32

Leftist liberal scientist (should stick to space and astrophysics) but surprisingly also the anchor’s attempts to debunk Russian Nazi propaganda (apart from antitrumpism) while a Second World War Ukrainian Nazi has just been recently celebrated in Canadian parliament...

yadajn - 08.10.2023 06:58

Categorising based on how quick one serves the ball, then how quick one runs, how long one endures, etc. How deep will these categories go? Meanwhile, the sex approximates all those differences, and leaves almost no controversy to the viewer with regards to how different the competitors are.

Ian Lassitter
Ian Lassitter - 04.10.2023 16:26

Hey Neil I identify Pluto and Haley’s comet as gas giants. Just a spectrum bro… so let’s teach all astrophysicists this….and let’s see where your ”science” goes in the future.

Julian Darch
Julian Darch - 03.10.2023 19:10

Wish he'd have discussed gender theory instead, that would have been fun

Judi McGuinness
Judi McGuinness - 03.10.2023 14:27

Wow, Neil was hot when he was yo!!

D Brin
D Brin - 02.10.2023 16:48

Morgan the slime ball has had to eat his words since

J A - 01.10.2023 08:58

The best college team of all time would beat the worst NFL team of all time. Imagine when the Bucs first came to the league and faced LSU from a few years ago with JJ, chase and a bunch of other insane studs. LSU would win lol just saying

Dzintra Rowe
Dzintra Rowe - 28.09.2023 23:59

Great man and he's right. Learning has to be fun and interesting, or you lose them. The best guest you have ever had. Truly.

JZL - 27.09.2023 16:48

Ah yes. Piers Morgan finally meeting his match.

Peter Skovgaard
Peter Skovgaard - 26.09.2023 15:52

Neil DeGrasse Tyson uses the view of applying the same phenomenon in astrophysics in real life. That is the same mistake that Descartes did (died 1650 in Sweden) when he claimed that things that cannot be proven at a mathematical level, which mean zero tolerance in uncertainty, is not regarded as true knowledge .. Descartes presented a whole system, where the main tools to know the truth are imagination, senses and intellect. This is clearly a wrong idea .. you cannot know about matters regarding society by studying a star .. Sorry, but I just don't buy it, Neil !!

dylan scronce
dylan scronce - 26.09.2023 01:16

We watch college ball to see who's gonna be drafted to the we 100% want to see the best players

HYBRID Performance Method
HYBRID Performance Method - 25.09.2023 23:07

Neil is so far out of his depth with sports topics, he needs to stop.

J B - 25.09.2023 16:33

Seen Neil de Grasse speak for first time today, A God complex on steroids.

James Martin
James Martin - 24.09.2023 14:52

I never seen Neal close his eyes that much. He just couldn't see talking to someone that stupid.

JB - 24.09.2023 03:37

Is Morgan rrally asking an astrophysicist about transgenderism?

The Laughing FoxX
The Laughing FoxX - 22.09.2023 00:32

Shut up Piers! Neil is so much smarter than you! Let him effing talk!

Stephen R Gibb
Stephen R Gibb - 21.09.2023 18:30

Great! Thank you, Both

Caleb Whymark
Caleb Whymark - 21.09.2023 13:50

‘If hitler had access to social media’ ooooh that don’t bear thinking about, the damage he could’ve caused with it and in some ways already is through his descended followers.

NAFS Earthling
NAFS Earthling - 21.09.2023 05:11

One of my favorite interviews. Great people with great conversation !

belle801000 - 21.09.2023 02:38

Neil amazing as usual. Piers,... disappointing. Too much political agenda in his questioning. But Neil had successfully managed to explain it in a very neutral way. Cant watch anymore after through halfway.... too politically agenda driven by Piers. I'll go watch Neil elsewhere in other interviews
