#Anthony_Carbajal #ALS #Street_Photography #Redlands #photojournalist #DocumentaryКомментарии:
Much love from Milwaukee man
ОтветитьSo positive yet so sad and a good reminder that it is great if things are fair. Though my story taught me to never expect life to be fair in the first place.
ОтветитьHow is anthony now?
ОтветитьI’m so very sorry for your suffering 💔
ОтветитьAny updates on Anthony?
ОтветитьI am so sorry that this is happening to you. My stepfather just passed away 2 months ago from ALS it is a horribly cruel disease. Lots of love sweet soul.
ОтветитьHow are you today?godbless you all,my uncle died at als back in 2006,hope someday in godwill scientists discover the cure
ОтветитьI'm so sorry Anthony for what you are going through!
ОтветитьHow could this fucking horrible disease could affect all members of this wonderful family ?? 😢
ОтветитьYou and your family seem so kind and serene...
May you find calm in your day always
I'd really love a update of how you're doing? Much love from NZ
ОтветитьAmazing human being ❤️ love watching you video
ОтветитьGod bless you and your art bro. Never met you but I’m sending the purest love to you, your family and friends FOR REAL. True strength and inspiration
It’s okay I love ❤️ you the way you are,please stay strong Tempie.
ОтветитьJe ben best 🌸
ОтветитьGreat Photos, you are very brave & send so much positive energy out ....don't ever give up....all the best for you & your loved ones
ОтветитьWhat an inspiring story <3 What I don’t understand is why she had a child, knowing that she could pass the disease to him?
ОтветитьYou are one inspiring human ❤️
ОтветитьPoor Darling...some things are not fair! My husband had a swift form of ALS...he was diagnosed March 2019 and he passed away May 16, 2019....it’s very rare... your photos are prolific and relevant! Stay positive, stay strong!
ОтветитьI'm praying for you Anthony. What happened to the girl you were engaged to in 2014?
ОтветитьAnthony , are you ok?
ОтветитьEres la persona que inspira espero entiendas español, se que nada se compara con está enfermedad pero yo sufro dos soy cardiaca y tengo trastorno de pánico crónico no puedo hacer nada hasta salir de mi cuarto me da miedo mi mente domina mi vida y el corazón pues es algo que me puede matar en cualquier instante es aterrador he sufrido 3 parálisis faciales y se algo de lo que es no sentir una parte de ti no poder comer ni hablar y no poder serrar un ojo por eso sigo y ruego por una cura para esta terrible enfermedad que sufres tu y tantas personas , y sufro al ver tantos casos , dios ojalá puedas leerme y te cures te mando un abrazo . Me llamo Audrey soy cubana
ОтветитьJ aime bcp q une personne traduit les vidios
Ответитьhey man i dont know what to say really but after seeing your pics and knowing what your going through was like you applied a filter to them emotionally and phisically hopefully we see more uploads
ОтветитьSuch a viciously cruel unfair shit disease.
ОтветитьAmazing Anthony. May Lord Jesus Christ give you joy and healing .
ОтветитьIs Anthony still with us?
Ответитьyou’ve inspired me to not only be a better person but to enjoy every little thing life has to offer, thank you Anthony, peace and health to you and a long and prosperous life. 💛
ОтветитьYou are amazing!!!!!
ОтветитьI think i saw on another documentary that he's now in a chair of his own unable to move. That's crazy to think this was only 2 years ago and he was fine but now he's in a wheelchair unable to do anything. Ugh I feel so bad this disease even exists. I hope they're both doing well : (
ОтветитьThinking about you 🙏🏼♥️
Ответитьhi.i also have a als and i'm cinematographer.i want to know what communicator you use and how to collegate your camera to comunicator
ОтветитьSuch an inspection. Your faith is beautiful.
ОтветитьVery amazing photos 💕
ОтветитьHey Anthony, greetings from Offaly
ОтветитьHappy Birthday, Catherine! (11/6)
ОтветитьSo terrible.
ОтветитьAnthony truly had a gift he capture the most beautiful moments ..that not everyone can capture.
ОтветитьYou’re so inspiring. My mom was just diagnosed. I am now dealing w hand cramps and carpal. Now I’m tripping that I’m next. Fuck ALS.
ОтветитьHow are you doing today? I hope you are doing well I haven't been able to stop watching your videos !!!
ОтветитьI hope you're doing alright!!!!
ОтветитьI’m sorry but I would ☠️ myself
ОтветитьWhat raw talent you have and such a beautiful f**** soul.
ОтветитьYou are such a beautiful person… I don’t know what else to say other than that.
ОтветитьChrist man. This is terrible. Government is doing this or something. How does this happen!?