Akai GX77 Reel to Reel Analogue Love

Akai GX77 Reel to Reel Analogue Love

Take the Fear out the Gear

4 года назад

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@micallen8796 - 26.04.2020 01:39

Think you've found your Lane with the Analogue Love, Love to See the Revox...........Thankyou

@VintageMusicGearTV - 26.04.2020 12:47

Great video loving the tape machines guys

@laurianmoga8708 - 05.06.2020 19:10

Great stuff, guys! I recently spotted one of these offered for sale locally (more or less so - that's about 150 miles away from my home town, here in our good old Transylvania) and wasn't really sure about buying it. It's not exactly cheap, you know, but seems to be in near mint condition... But, after watching your video, I came to the conclusion that you were absolutely right: this IS a piece of vintage audio art and... well... I might drive those 150 miles after all. Tomorrow, hopefully ;)

@segasonic9117 - 19.07.2020 21:05

Buying two tomorrow, can't wait!

@asaiza2000 - 12.09.2021 01:51

I actually have one of these and want to sell but no idea where or how to go about it? I have no use for it but see there’s people out there who would know how to make good use of it. Any suggestions? I’m in Oregon.

@davidsain2129 - 30.10.2021 20:39

I have one of these. Can you give me some tips for cleaning, changing belts, etc. ? And where to buy parts?

@YorubaRemixed - 04.06.2022 17:44

You guys should done Pioneer RT 707 right after this.

@nicholaslovato3695 - 01.02.2023 03:47

Nice!! I just picked up the blacked out version. Such a cool deck

@athopi - 06.02.2023 14:54

Just got one a couple of days ago but without the lid. The price was so low I couldn't refuse. Now to make some long play 71/4 " tapes for entertaining and for the love grotto! : ))

@royphillips4758 - 08.02.2023 00:24

Still got me Dad's from brand new still looks brand new today because it's well-being looked after still sounds great

@jaroslavhruska7391 - 21.04.2023 11:29

Kluci přivodili jste mi úsměv jste super.Jen tak dál-.

@richardstarkey71 - 30.10.2023 17:57

Weven more bettered, run master into behringer t1954 into pioneer 909, 909 gas better high frequency responce at high speed... gain or bias is always the best way to drive a signal onto tape...

More interesting is passing through a 300B as preamp to add high frequency harmonics into any recording.

@TerraNovaSpirit - 09.12.2023 06:10


@abeljozef - 08.02.2024 14:49

Good look but bad hardware inside. This recorder is design trap. Behind nice design is creepy and cheap DC motors, stupid belts as source of technical fails. Technically this is junk. Is better to own GX 635 or 636 (for example) wich is great machines.

@titokarltv9369 - 19.03.2024 21:41

Does it need to be connected to a different sound system to play audio? Or it has its own built-in audio?

@Madjed2024 - 22.04.2024 01:42

Mine stopped recording and I have a full restoration kit
Can you let me know if anyone can fix it in US?

@lmfao7953 - 03.11.2024 10:08

What does it do? Whats the purpose of this machine?
