What Would It Be Like To Be Transformed Into THE NAZGUL? | Lord of the Rings Lore

What Would It Be Like To Be Transformed Into THE NAZGUL? | Lord of the Rings Lore

The Broken Sword

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@mikeynth7919 - 10.01.2024 07:35

And then you have Farmer Maggot, the only known person to tell a Nazgul to "Take a hike, Charlie."

If the Nazgul had only taken a bit to consider that encounter... "Wait a minute, that little guy wasn't scared, wasn't dominated, we had no effect on him other than annoying him...fudge, this place is gonna be tough if it ever gets mad."

@kristofferandersson-no8qz - 01.01.2024 23:03

Like the Aids of the unseen world?...

@peterolbrisch8970 - 26.12.2023 05:01

Your breath gets really bad.

@GRWelsh7 - 07.12.2023 20:21

I think what Frodo went through as a Bearer of the One Ring and being wounded by the Morgul Blade was a hint of what it was like.

@anamariaaguilera5796 - 30.11.2023 02:06

Nazgûl have always been my absolute favorite. Witch King is probably one of the greatest villains ever created. But I do have a question… since Nazgûl are not living nor dead, what exactly happened to witch king after being defeated by Eowyn? Technically he was dead to begin with so he couldn’t die…

@HeliRy - 20.11.2023 04:42

Always found it profound. One man goes to war and returns to write Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
Another man returns home… and writes Mein Kampf.
Crazy how differently we can look upon the same world.

@karma_iswhoIam - 18.11.2023 08:24

Clickbait? Realistically the story should've ended at weathertop. Plot armor was the real ring of power

@drewmark76 - 18.11.2023 03:07

What tortures did the Nine go through to become what they are in the books and movies?

@tecdesigns8183 - 14.11.2023 19:17

I think they were kings of men until Sauron fed them after midnight turning them into nazgul.

@TarMody - 13.11.2023 00:33

On a theoretical basis (from the spiritual perspective specific to Tolkien mythology), the transformation into a Nazgûl (a ring-wraith) can be described as the fading of the human species like the elves. While the elves fade away naturally in Arda, it is the rings of power that make humans do this artificially. In a way, it is a kind of side effect of the rings of power on the human species. Rings of power fade humans while preventing elves from fading. The reason why rings of power have the opposite effect on elves and humans in terms of fading is the relationship of their souls (fëar) with their bodies (hröar), which are structured from the material of Arda (their souls being or not connected to Arda). The rings of power they possess connect the souls of people whose souls are not connected to Arda to Arda, contrary to their nature, and this becomes their spiritual suffering. They find themselves unable to die and unable to leave Arda. This is the idea I developed.

The fear spread by the Nazgûl is related to Estel (a kind of hope), one of the basic themes of mythology. Estel deprivation prepares the ground for Melkor's evil will to take effect. Aware of this, Sauron aimed to pacify the Estel feeling in beings through the Nazgûl and activate the will of his lord Melkor, to whom he was affiliated. Further evidence that Sauron derived his power from the inheritance of his lord Melkor (the spiritual power he spread throughout Arda). Gandalf, on the other hand, pacifies this influence of the Nazgûl through Narya and strengthens the will to resist with courage by developing the sense of Estel in beings. This is another theoretical approach I have developed on this subject.

The dagger Merry uses is sort of like an anti-Morgul sword. It frees the soul of the ring-wraith, which is forced to be bound to its withered body (against its nature through the ring of power), by separating it from the body to which it is bound, and making it independent of Arda. In this case, whether the freed soul returns to Mandos is a separate speculation. This is my theory on this subject.

@planepantsgames1791 - 12.11.2023 01:21

I wonder what it was like in valinor when gandalf and Frodo showed up?

@enigma9971 - 11.11.2023 01:17

I always wondered why Gandalf didn't destroy them out of hand. They are merely the wraiths of mortal men, Gandalf is a demigod with a mightier ring. They are no match to him if he unveils his true power

@dennisstahlman135 - 10.11.2023 12:46

“What If the Witch King took the One Ring for himself ?!?”

@alvo212 - 10.11.2023 08:55

I always wondered if the 9 received their rings individually or at some great counsel.

@mattbryant4910 - 09.11.2023 13:33

would be good if you can do a few live streams again its not been the same without them

@NoFormalTraining - 09.11.2023 04:45

I sometimes wonder what Sauron did with the remaining seven rings for the Dwarves he recovered. He got back three and if fans are right they were basically the same in all regards as the nine, so I wonder if he ever tried to make 3 more Nazgul. Or if Sauron had won and reclaimed the one ring, could the Wytch King either be resurrected in some way, or could his ring still be used to make a replacement? Could he have made even more rings like the 9 and 7 and make even more if possible?

@MagaldiMateus - 08.11.2023 19:15

Well you never have to fear being without a job, with the permanent employment program of The One. Great healthcare, you feel immortal. And the uniform is awesome.

@GARYBLONDER - 08.11.2023 12:44

This vid doesn't actually address the title - it is instead about the nature of the Nazgul. The reference to Frodo's near transformation to a wraith is not comparable because the mechanism is completely different. What it SHOULD have done is focus entirely on how the transformation would progress, mentally and physically. Mentally, thought would be increasingly about fascination with Sauron, to the point that the will of Sauron was the only remaining thought. Physically they would increasingly prefer to be invisible as their bodies aged, until eventually their bodies became so withered they could only continue to exist invisibly. However their bodies must have still existed as otherwise the Witch King could not have been stabbed by Elven blades. Unpacking this process in detail over time was what I was hoping to see and didn't get.

@TheTableOfDurin - 08.11.2023 12:17

I never thought of Gothmog being a Nazgul, but I like that, giving him a grander statue than an orc captain. I think the witch king and 4 others are from Numénor. And the others are probably from the east and south,maybe one of the men of the white mountains, since they worshiped Sauron during the dark years of Middle-earth.

@jacobgriffiths3405 - 08.11.2023 12:07

You guys never miss! Another awesome vid👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

@Alexquints - 08.11.2023 11:45

One question I have is did any of the Nazgul know what they would become. Some could be so power hungry that they may have willingly undergone the changes.

@GrayNeko - 08.11.2023 11:13

I think there is also an element of addiction that has to be addressed here. Don't get me wrong, this was a fantastic video and your points are all very well made. But, like Gollum, I think the Nazgul became addicted to the power of their rings. Otherwise, any sane person would felt themselves slipping away and have thrown them away and said, 'no more of that, thank you!'.
Tolkien's ideas of power and responsibility are remarkably complex, especially given his Catholic faith. Yes, you can pity the Nine, but can you forgive them for their deeds? Tolkien lets you work that one out for yourself, as a great author should. ^_^

@caseywood9781 - 08.11.2023 10:16

So aside from being stuck with a Morgol blade, is it only men that become wraiths?
Why didn't the one ring turn Gollum into a wraith?

@ahox9283 - 08.11.2023 09:44

Could we have a video about 'why gollum didnt age after losing the ring to bilbo?' Seems interesting to me that mere months after seperating from it bilbo was close to his deathbed on his next meeting with frodo in Imladris but gollum who had been seperated from it for decades now remains alive and practicaly unchanged

@teostere - 08.11.2023 03:33

I guess that the Nazguls are the most op in Middle Earth … What if some nazgul went rogue?

@kragary - 07.11.2023 21:58

I don't have any book theories but I have a RoP theory: Isildur's sister whatever-her-name-was is gonna become the Witch King cause it takes a girl boss to slay a girl boss.

@sandervanbouwelen1187 - 07.11.2023 20:21

Ok so I got a question.
So the Nazgúl cloak themselves to be visible for people outside the spirit realm, right? So if they aren’t cloaked and are barely visible to normal people’s eyes can people actually feel it when the would get slapped by them? I mean they can hurt you with their weapons and Frodo tackles Boromir in the films while wearing the ring (can’t remember if he did it in the books too, been a while since I read them) but is this the same to the Nazgúl uncloaked?

@alanmike6883 - 07.11.2023 20:14

Though all were prideful I like to think one or two had good intentions before they fell in darkness

@ericmurrell281 - 07.11.2023 18:55

Another Good Question is if frodo did turn into a Wraith who the hell would have honestly taken him Seriously?
I don't think They thought that through honestly 😂😂😂😂

@shiftlessinseattle - 07.11.2023 18:34

The Blue Wizards disappeared sometime in the 2nd Age... I wonder if they are Nazgul?

@barracuda6900 - 07.11.2023 17:47

Gothmog was, of course, an Orc version of Harvey Weinstein in the films.

@N1njaZ3n - 07.11.2023 17:03

The Dork Lords video titled “Which king is the Witch King” has my favorite theory on who the Witch King could be.

@DamonNomad82 - 07.11.2023 16:43

Fun fact, two of the Ringwraiths were once great artists of Middle Earth. Their original names were "John Howe" and "Alan Lee".

@HeadhunterKev96 - 07.11.2023 14:20

Gothmog might actually be a Nazgul but I also love the depiction of Peter Jackson in the movies!

@elvacoburg1279 - 07.11.2023 13:46

I read an article some time back that suggested that the process of physically becoming a ring wraith did not start until the bearer of the rings exceeded their normal lifespan, and at that point they started to fade. Of course, by that time they were probably completely dominated mentally by Sauron, with little will of their own.

@MYJEWISHLAMPSHADES - 07.11.2023 13:15

It itches incessantly😅

@joristurk - 07.11.2023 13:02


@cosmincelau6157 - 07.11.2023 12:54

The question I never asked, and never needed that I needed to know.

@shhtha - 07.11.2023 12:21

Just dying but your spirit being trapped?

@Tim.Stotelmeyer.2984 - 07.11.2023 07:13

Did Sauron know the nine would lose their physical human bodies and become wraiths? Or was he hoping to have human servants.

@johnfleet235 - 07.11.2023 06:40

It always seemed to me that the Nazgul were failures. Yes, they were terrifying and could really impact the moral of Sauron's enemies. But that terror was drawback since they could only interact with the living world on a limited basis because they were so terrifying. One of the strengths of men was their unpredictability. They were not bound to Arda and their spirits were often restless. Sauron took from the Nazgul the greatest strengths as men. It seems if you look at it, the rings were a disaster for Sauron. The Elves took there's off until he fell at the end of the Second Age, the dwarves could not be subjugated by the rings and for Men the rings created monsters.

@aaronhemme8913 - 07.11.2023 05:01

When I got into Lord of the Rings when I was a preteen in sixth grade I was a Nazgul for Halloween. My buddy who knew my parents was into Knights and stuff and he had armor he made from light sheet metal the boots that you see in the movie and they were easily slip onto my legs up to my knee and of course I bought a grim reaper robe which my mom completely put a you can't see in but I can see out cloth over the face so it looked like I had no face and she put a robe cloth over the head to make it look like the movie version and my the black gloves that came with the outfit my friend put pieces of metal to make it look like the gauntlets that you see that they wear in the film. And of course I had a sword it wasn't a ringwraith sword but still it was a sword that did its Duty I remember when I was in complete costume I did the walk with the stance of the Nazgul with the sword in front of me almost statuesque I tried doing the scream and it worked but it did a number on my vocals so I didn't do it as much

@Svensk7119 - 07.11.2023 04:39

The Morgul blade would have originated, not in Angmar, but in Minas Morgul, the Tower of Sorcery.

@Erebusdidnothingwrongish - 07.11.2023 04:21

Invited on the Poll. Thanks for following through x

@gandalf4751 - 07.11.2023 04:16


@andrewrentuaya9510 - 07.11.2023 04:11

a fate worse than death...

@user-sd7ri9fy4i - 07.11.2023 03:11

Nice work dude thanks

@bryanmatthews2370 - 07.11.2023 03:09

Ya know, I never gave this much thought. I kinda just presumed that he gave the nine to them at around the same time (perhaps within a few months of each other). It never once crossed my mind that they were given over ages

@baystated - 07.11.2023 03:06

Would wraiths created by Morgul blade wounds/shards be slaves to Sauron's will or just wraiths-for-hire by whichever evil lord of the time commands them?

@baystated - 07.11.2023 03:04

Why aren't there legions of wraiths that are Morgul blade victims? Does every victim of a Morgul blade injury turn into a wraith themselves? Why is Frodo special? Is it because the breaking of the blade inside the wound is the rare occurrence? Is it that the "turning" happens rapidly without ethelas medicine? Is it that the attack usually kills before the "turning" is complete?
