That is a problem when the countries allies in NATO they can only used a countries to conflicts amd provokes war for their not alliances for NATO and all damages for the countries whos defeat a war it should be pay all reconstructions thats why the countries not allies NATO they may always find tactics Thats why Russia dont with NATO but they build his power to protect all the time to his people and not to be used
ОтветитьKabul airport runways well remembered Champions of running😅🤣🙂🤣
ОтветитьLong live to Russia.. greetings from brazil.
ОтветитьThey are powerful I like
ОтветитьNATO supports genocide it is not a defense organization
Ответитьvalues.....what a joke...heheh
ОтветитьThe soldiers rush into the battlefield to kill each other without knowing what the purpose of life is. What a pity for them!
ОтветитьNato hypocrites. Who create international laws? ICC, ICJ?
ОтветитьShove ur NATO idea wherever u want , we r global south The BRICS + & we don't want ur white colonial mentality to lesson us.
ОтветитьEnough is enough now your crime is over
ОтветитьNATO, USA warmachine it's their own global intrest lol 😆
ОтветитьWhy Cuba can't team upwho they want be please explain to me. Whoever agree with Nato
Ответить"NATO is a defensive alliance" biggest lie ever
ОтветитьStoltenberg, peddler of false narratives about the "good" & "well - meaning" West" on behalf of his masters in Washington. The man is doing everything possible to keep his job!
ОтветитьThese European experts think we aisan are feel motivated about the nato's journey, lol. These experts are daydreaming.
ОтветитьVery eastern looking comment section
ОтветитьMain problem of the world
ОтветитьI think all countries should join one earth defense alliance. Stop this Nato and non Nato stupidity. People all over the globe should prosper and live peacefully.
ОтветитьVery enlightening and informative dynamic in perspectives. There will always be a degree of divisional opinion and attitudes were situations bring forth emotional response. In times of crisis which usually involves potential mass causilties whether from natural catastrophe or outbreak of war, people look for help and support from within humanitarian parameters to subside whatever significant concerns is currently occurring. Significant enties such as NATO was constructed for doing it's part, on that basis, although Cultural parties whether directly involved or not ,still retain an emotional conductivity to the actions by which solutions are attempted to either heal satisfactorily or exacerbate the original occurrence. Implementation of foreign power from a third party reference can be a positive influence, if the standards of care and respectful adherence to specific cultural differences in negotiations be agreeable to all parties effected. In these scenarios of cultural calamities it is especially necessary in retaining professional dialog and keeping agreements that are established until a viable solution for the majority is achieved, any significant deviation will only compromise and add to the psychic traumas and emotional impact, manifesting a double negative that promotes an indelible resentment towards third party influences. A redistribution of authoritarian approach and follow through retained within the parameters of compassionate insight as acknowledgement in retaining a guest statis, unity of mutual respect over potential abuse of power should always be avoided. It is by choice for cultural interpretation who have been impacted by double negatives that they seek other alternatives for personalized solutions inadhearance to cultural beliefs, despite adverse beliefs common ground can always be satisfactory successful through efforts made in appropriate methods of communication that build trustful relationships. I see significant cause in doing so in today's reality of immense changing dynamics foreign and domestic. ❤❤❤❤❤ I talk too much!
ОтветитьAll talk no action
ОтветитьWhen you push a country like Russia to a corner again & again, didn't you thought they'd fight back ? From the past 64 years US has quarantined Cuba because of the presence of Soviet Missiles on cuban soil. Now, keeping this in context when US places it's Military Might under the garb of NATO in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Norway and Turkiye; what Russia is doing now is completely Valid.
ОтветитьCan't these people see that the Western Empires are collapsing, and the rest of the world is rising. Do they actually believe that nothing will ever change and the people of the third would are not capable of changing?
ОтветитьHungria estaba llamando a las puertas de la otan si, pero sabiais las inplicaciones y consecuencias que acarreaban señor bolton se tenia que haber dicho no
ОтветитьEl orden internacional basado en reglas claro las tuyas eso no es democratico es imperar
ОтветитьLa otan es una organizacion criminal no hay por donde defenderla
ОтветитьLa otan moralidad vamos sera una broma a destruido sociedades enteras es un cancer para el mundo
ОтветитьThis video left out the gaping hole the genocide in Gaza has ripped in the western moral fabric, revealing its gross hypocrisy to the world and many in its own populations.
ОтветитьLibya Yugoslavia
Do they think that people are stupid
It’s a unipolar world now
So get used to it
NATO should mind the business of its region not for the world intact it's worldwide problematic based on what it has been doing in different countries such us Libya, Iraq, etc.
ОтветитьI can imagine the day nato has everything automated and everything is fought thru a tablet or something. And that be crazy
ОтветитьNATO was for Europe and was supposed to be dissolved after WW2! Asia doesn’t want NATO! Please leave Asia alone! …….😢…….
ОтветитьUntil NATO invite China or Russia it should not expand and that will never happen 😂😂 because NATO don't like compilation
ОтветитьWhy do they always put the word WORLD in to their political ambitions. As if they own the world
Ответитьkejte boten koke nuk kini meshire aspak
Ответитьper te mirin jam shum i dashun shum i bute. homore qdo njeri. e dashuroj me zemer po per njeriun keq jam shume. i keq
ОтветитьThis so-called "global south" is a joke. It consists of countries which by and large have never figured out what "self-government" means. Which is why they end up being ruled by corrupt and bloodthirsty despots.
Now all these despots are ganging up together against "the West," and using "the West" as a convenient scapegoat for their own failure of governance.
You got a brave one from my state i know you check my bravery in karungapalli work site with joy. I don't realised that I don't fear that North Indian workers. Just leave me.
Ответить'Europe has to grow out of mindset that its problems are world's problems' —Jaishankar
ОтветитьNato is so evil
ОтветитьPlese dont become global
ОтветитьPlese dont become global
ОтветитьNo nato in Global south leave us alone
ОтветитьNo nato in Global south leave us alone
ОтветитьRussia invade Ukraine is a violation of international law but Israel invade Palestine is not 💩
Ответить"democracy" for us; imperialism for you. Just like ALWAYS