The secret to lower your credit utilization with no money

The secret to lower your credit utilization with no money

Rival Consultants

4 года назад

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@robindanner4296 - 13.02.2020 15:25

Man...putting this shady strategy out is the reason I un-subbed from Jay. You've got some solid moves Nick...but this isn't one of 'em. Anyone, especially anyone who owns a business who's made choices that backs them up into such a tight-assed corner as this needs to STOP and just re-think their whole game. This is the quickest way I know of to get shut down and black-listed. Looking forward to the next video! Thanks

@percystarr9691 - 13.02.2020 15:48

Hey Nick, is it me or do Citi bank authorized user only post to one credit bureau. If so that's kinda trash tho.

@samsmith472 - 13.02.2020 18:10

Nice bro

@samsmith472 - 13.02.2020 20:07

Can most definitely use this if you're in a bind

@everythingbyjohn - 13.02.2020 20:11

Bro why u ain't tell me about this lol u know I need a strategy like this asap in my situation to get that truck.

@lobod.suerte6431 - 21.02.2020 14:01

This is exactly a quick solution I require for at least one Month to get approved for loan and take my personal to business

@creditplug - 28.02.2020 05:24

Clever. This type of move is all about timing and execution. I did something along the lines of this way back in college. They didn’t let me register for classes if I owed a past balance so I submitted an ach payment request to trigger in their system that my account is paid and current. But I knew it took a week before the payment bounced and came back even though temporarily it shows as being paid. In that short week I’d register for classes which would then activate my financial aid and refund check. The refund check would then cover any fees for the bounced check, the rest I pocketed.

@oscarp2629 - 16.04.2020 04:23

Keep the vids coming! But, PLEASE raise the treble on the mic. I can barely hear you! Thanks!

@Jess2daleft - 31.10.2020 16:51

This is a bold move, but you will kill your relationship with the bank you have. Then they will not increase your credit limit dramatically. Your bold to put it out there as well. I did this with chase back in 2008 they shut my card immediately. Chase don't play games
