KoS Factorio Framework System - How to Use My Blueprints - WELCOME SWITCH PLAYERS! - Tips

KoS Factorio Framework System - How to Use My Blueprints - WELCOME SWITCH PLAYERS! - Tips


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Fabrizio Mazzeo
Fabrizio Mazzeo - 24.09.2023 20:08

I'm a really noob. I've downloaded your book but i don't know how import in the run i play followuing your video. PLS help me.

Jody Canfield
Jody Canfield - 06.04.2023 22:15

Trying to copy and paste into the game and it says this is not a valid link. I am not sure what is wrong. I was able to use your smaller ones. Is there a way to view the book before I copy and paste it? Sorry if I sound like a noob but I am 50 and love this game and your videos.

Redsbull - 23.02.2023 04:56

Jokes aside, thank you!

SwiftKD - 08.01.2023 01:20

Its not letting me take your bluepritns from your doc gives me an error ingame

Josh Williams
Josh Williams - 05.01.2023 22:10

Do you have to blueprint for the builder train please and ty

Gacha_Cyzie - 05.01.2023 03:15

Uhm sorry to be a bother but how do you download these onto switch 😅😅

ALAW_Perth - 20.12.2022 11:24

I have the starter base blueprint and 3 of the assembly machines dont produce anything. Are these producing items patched out of the game?

Zikes - 07.12.2022 02:38

Your original "Entry Level to Megabase" series totally changed the game for me. I always enjoyed the game but smoothly making progress felt like such a chore, and I always wound up with a mess at the end that was difficult to build upon. No matter what other blueprint sets I've used, yours have always been my gold standard, and I'm so glad to see them updated!

Kenneth O'Neal
Kenneth O'Neal - 02.12.2022 15:41

Hey idk if youll every see this but.
I wouldnt have played Factorio without your blueprints and to see youve updated them so many times i just wanted to say thank you!

Robert Underwood
Robert Underwood - 27.11.2022 16:19

I downloaded the KOS Factorio Framework but when I tried to paste the string in the game on PC it errored out. Looking at the string in the google doc download there is a blank space. I had to post it in notepad then copy and paste into game and it worked. Thanks for sharing this BP book.

speedy808 - 16.11.2022 16:50

But how i can do it on Switch?

canebro1 - 09.11.2022 00:25

Thank you! I love your mall. Ended up creating my own version, but drew heavy inspiration from yours.

LiCiTone - 08.11.2022 05:26

I cant figure out how to import the whole book like you have

iiTs Jay
iiTs Jay - 05.11.2022 01:11

I think this would be a better better for the switch players to actually use the switch version to show how to get the book on that version. Cause I among others are clueless to get it.

Josh Lee
Josh Lee - 02.11.2022 14:06

Pretty dope

Jacob T
Jacob T - 29.10.2022 19:28

So wait. I’m finding out that you can’t import blueprints on switch? Is there a way?

Jacob T
Jacob T - 29.10.2022 16:42

Ok holy crap I’m buying this straight away😊

Lubo Stankosky
Lubo Stankosky - 29.10.2022 13:17

This is huge! Thank you so much

Крачко Андрей
Крачко Андрей - 29.10.2022 07:42

Oh, I've came to pretty the same solutions with train stations. And btw thanks for idea with mall, but I've splitted it in to pieces to build on demand when get required tech, the same way as you made with belt stuff.

Geeky_stone - 28.10.2022 22:28

Thank you!!! You have been saying no for a long time and thank you again

Sarah James
Sarah James - 28.10.2022 17:42

Thank you 🤩🤩🤩
So much effort, thank you

Shidela - 28.10.2022 13:06

AHHHHH I have been wanting exactly this for when I wanted to just build and vibe with other parts of the game. I've always loved your blueprints and this new book is a set I see myself using a ton.

Thank you for all of your work on your malls especially throughout the years KoS :) All hail the belt queen!

New Zealand Geologist
New Zealand Geologist - 28.10.2022 12:24

Great work Katherine. Thank you.

Kabluey2011 - 28.10.2022 12:01

This is such a labor of love. Thank you So much KOS. I've always loved your designs. Such work goes into them. I look forward to the satisfaction of hooking up some of the bigger arrays and just watching the resources flow. My favorite part of factorio honestly. You are an amazing individual and I appreciate all that you bring to the communities
