Silhouette - Intro to Power Matte

Silhouette - Intro to Power Matte

Boris FX

4 года назад

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@andyb4553 - 27.12.2023 21:59

Thank you or these nice examples. The landscape power matte here - can this be used as a depth map also and to use this with a combination with a displacement map to make a 3d photo effect? Also, can the power matte be exported as a tiff/dng to use it as a depth map in Flame for example?

@itsvishnu6969 - 30.11.2022 04:36

I can't import image sequences in silhouette 2020. When i try to import image sequence nothing comes up on the source panel.what should I do?

@Subscribe_Mr - 28.11.2022 21:05

After that powermatte as we can use roto shapes?

@ghsnyc - 17.11.2022 04:40

AI could be useful here.

@rakmichal - 27.08.2021 18:30

This was again a very interesting and useful video. Power Matte seems to work great on still images, as you showed here.
I would be interested in the correct procedure, for the case with a moving shot. Is tracking several shapes the right way as with conventional rotoscoping? How to do it right to avoid flickering at the edges of the object? Is it possible with this technique (power matte) to rotoscope a moving object better and especially just as consistently as with conventional tracking data driven rotoscoping?
Thanks again for the great content.
