Middle Class Income, Life of a Baron: Retire in Tuscany - Pros, Cons and Cost of Living

Middle Class Income, Life of a Baron: Retire in Tuscany - Pros, Cons and Cost of Living

The Expat

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@marycolmenar1633 - 31.10.2024 22:51

Where can I find more information about tax treaty between Italy and U.S.?

@IndroneelMukerji - 05.11.2024 20:19

Any reason for an Indian retiree to move to Italy? Does Italy have the same high standards of healthcare as in my home city - Mumbai? Will I get fresh fruits and vegetables delivered to my home, as in Mumbai? Let me know.

@timlinator - 06.11.2024 19:29

I'm 57 y/o American who recently got my Italian citizenship by decent recognized and ready to make the move. I'm financially independent so don't need a job.

@tyhg22 - 08.11.2024 20:49

"Kafkaesque" in English, not "Kafkanian".

@irinasmirnofff - 08.11.2024 23:52

Grapes you didn’t count correctly. In US we don’t have kg, we have pounds, which are almost half of a kilos. Thank you for the video though.

@phaleen - 09.11.2024 19:10

I'm sorry, I need to cut off my news feeds. The disappointment is overwhelming. Thanks for all your hard work.

@thechristianbernal - 10.11.2024 04:48

Been looking into this, because of the program you mention. BUT- just watched something saying Italy has a gigantic unemployment rate. It’s hard for people beyond their 30s, even 20s, to get jobs. Doing anything requires some kind of license, or permit, if not multiple. That’s just what I can remember from the video. The video had tons of comments from people saying it was all absolutely true-

@m444ss - 11.11.2024 02:20

my Italian is not the best - did the application period end in July?

@rudolfhuijs4526 - 11.11.2024 09:42

Italy is overrated. Might be cheap for retirees, but is a poor country and soon they will try to r3cov3r through tax increase. Beautiful country, just be aware of high African migration, shitty infraestructure and noisy people.

@Factsmatter626 - 11.11.2024 15:01

Lucca. Lucca. Lucca.

@michaelvaughn7137 - 13.11.2024 00:34

Well yes but your still living under the EU !!! 😮‍💨

@neoanderson726 - 13.11.2024 17:23

store brand cream cheese here on the east coast of US is 1.79 for 8 oz. Also lots of american brands make better healthier versions of teh same product for european countries because those countries do not allow for certain very bad for your health ingredients .. Lots of YT vids showin g the ingredients those US companies make for Europe and how they different from the US. Hopefully RFK jr will fix that . Just so you know those store brands are NOT made by the store ( grocery stores do not make anything ) they are "PRIVATE LABELED " by the brand phildeplphia lets say for cream cheese meaning the manufacturing compniy for Philadelphia cream cheese will out that grocery store's label on their cream cheese sooo same product better price

@neoanderson726 - 13.11.2024 17:29

restaurants here in the US use lots of sodium salt on their food to make taste better and they DO NOT use the best ingredients because they are in market to make a profit . You know how expensive food is there is no way a restaurant can cook the same food and make a profit unless they are either using cheap products or they are a front for money laundering for some illegal activities ... watch breaking bad when the wife is ringing in money into the register for non existent customers at their car wash . Another good indicator if a restaurant is rarely ever busy but the owners drive nice cars, live in expensive houses, remodel their restaurant , go on expensive vacations ... math never lies..it adds up or it does not

@nicktw8688 - 14.11.2024 15:59

The only problem: Demographics of Italy are horrible; oldest country in Europe, it's population will continue shrinking, shrinking local economy, they elect increasingly right wing governments, taxes are horrible, infrastructure aged, effects of climate change accelerating.... lots of downsides long term.

@jrlingerfelt - 18.11.2024 00:55

What’s a great real estate website for Americans to look at homes for sell in these areas of Italy like Empoli?

@tamarakyiv1076 - 20.11.2024 08:27

Enter -32 K
Exit-64К 😂

@thecocktailian2091 - 21.11.2024 14:40

I couldn't live in Italy full time. But Id sure be down to spend weeks there every year.

@shannanbegley8189 - 23.11.2024 06:39

We are trying to move overseas.

@globalretirementus - 25.11.2024 10:23

Tuscany sounds like an incredible place to retire! I’m curious—what is considered a middle-class income in Tuscany, and how far does it really stretch in terms of daily expenses? Are there any hidden costs or challenges, like property taxes or healthcare, that retirees should plan for? Would love to hear more about the lifestyle there!

@peterz53 - 26.11.2024 15:41

thanks. But comparing to Miami or Boston is not really fair or identifiable for many of us. I live in Florida but not in a major metro area. But appreciate the cost of living data. Italy is certainly high on my list.

@Matt-ef5vl - 28.11.2024 18:34

For-eye-ners. LOL

@repetto74 - 06.12.2024 22:52

Italia svenduta alla potenza guerrafondaia. Che tristezza.

@thomasdidymus1855 - 07.12.2024 14:12

dont waste your time - from the cited website :" This call is not available for non-Italian residents".

@Barbara_M. - 20.12.2024 20:33

Hello! At 17.12 you speak about Lucca but you're showing Siena's Piazza del Campo😊

@RalphRutherford-l3e - 30.12.2024 11:17

The orange scene in “The English Patient “ was super gross

@caliberto5087 - 05.01.2025 13:06

Expat: a word that english speaking people use for themselves thinking to be better than other people. But they are immigrants as many others, just more arrogant.
Greetings from Florence.

@ji3946 - 07.01.2025 15:40

Con: humid as hell in summer. Con: so many mosquitos. Con: winter/cold. All I'm saying is, don't wear rose colored glasses

@tonychinnery - 09.01.2025 02:59

When talking about Lucca you show a video of Piazza del Campo in Siena. I know it well.

@HelloMartians - 11.01.2025 09:16

I like the graphs with data. Good work. Thanks for the video

@ednalottering6544 - 13.01.2025 01:50

Wonderful video. Unfortunately, nobody is addressing the fact that foreigners can stay for only 3 months in the EU

@fjordhellas4077 - 18.01.2025 01:38

You forgot to mention the unbearable summer heat in Toscana. Same goes for Umbria, Abruzzo, le Marche, il Lazio etc.. the summers have been getting worse and worse, nothing like the Italy of my childhood.. it’s ironic, people want to move to Tuscany and Italians are looking for other options to escape the excruciating and long summer heat and wildfires.

@patrickwheatcroft5507 - 19.01.2025 07:25

You lost me at 28% income tax....

@melissamoon-lp5us - 20.01.2025 00:01

its important to know the taxes on personal and estate taxes

@Joao_133 - 30.01.2025 21:57

who wants to retire in a place away from family, friends and all you know?

@Joao_133 - 30.01.2025 22:03

tuscany liveless transformed into a gigantic old people's assylum 😂😂

@peterezzell3865 - 03.02.2025 04:34

Can you recommend a reasonably priced tax consultant for US retiree who is a dual US German citizen?

@benjaminloper2154 - 10.02.2025 21:02

Ive lived in Mobile, Alabama my whole life and never realized how dangerous it is because I always thought it was normal

@mariachiaracappelli5217 - 11.02.2025 01:17

Se tanti giovani italiani vanno all'estero qualche motivo ci sarà. saranno mica tutti scemi questi italiani che se ne vanno. Inoltre se una casa costa poco è perché è in un paesino scomodo, un po' in montagna, praticamente abbandonato e la casa è completamente da rimettere a posto . e se la casa è in un borgo pittoresco, sotto la tutela delle belle arti, occorre sapere che con le leggi italiane occorre rispettare tantissimi vincoli. Una scemenza tanto per fare un'esempio. Se c'è da rifare il tetto e c'è la tutela di patrimonio paesaggistico occorre usare una buna quantità di tegole vecchie perché se si usassero tutte nuove il tetto sembrerebbe troppo nuovo e stonerebbe. Ovviamente riutilizzare le tegole vecchie non è veramente un gran risparmio, perché vanno salvate una ad una e trattate con cura per poterle riutilizzare, e non si possono neanche mettere molti pannelli solari. Una bella tenuta vicino a firenze non ha certo quei prezzi. informatevi bene prima. e non dimenticate di arrivare con un buon livello di italiano, lingua che per un madre lingua inglese non è proprio semplicissima. Se proprio vi dovete trasferire io al posto vostro penserei all'austria. Tutti i vantaggi dell'Italia senza gli svantaggi. In ogni caso sarà almeno il ventesimo video in cui mi imbatto che è di questo tenore. oh che bella l'italia (per certi versi è vero) come è meraviglioso vivere qui (parliamone) io non sono mai stata negli stati uniti, ma mi sembra davvero un po' esagerata tutta questa esaltazione della vita in italia e in europa.

@DMBall - 17.02.2025 21:51

One of the running gags on the American sitcom "Seinfeld" was that it was impossible to rent a villa in Tuscany, because it was so crowded.

@eddievonpapen6306 - 18.02.2025 18:51

I would prefer Sicily,but for the thievery all over Italy. SciIly is right up there. I spent a lot of time in the Northern Lakes region and even there, everything needs to be locked down. At night, the cars locked in the courtyards. Even your wiper blades get stolen all over the country. On t to he other hand, none of these on going crimes exist Greece. Especially in smaller cities and zero in the islands.

@teresamason5155 - 19.02.2025 06:07

For any country trying to attract new residents, especially through immigration programs, having an efficient and streamlined bureaucracy is crucial. A smooth process can make the transition easier and more welcoming, rather than a deterrent. If Italy or any country is looking to bring in talent and residents, improving administrative processes could not only make the experience better for newcomers but also help in retaining them long-term.

Clear and Transparent Guidelines: Countries should offer clear, easy-to-understand eligibility criteria, application procedures, and requirements for immigration. Clear communication reduces confusion and ensures applicants know exactly what to expect at each stage of the process.
Online Application Systems: Many countries are moving to fully digital platforms for immigration processes, allowing applicants to submit applications, track progress, and communicate with authorities from anywhere in the world. This reduces wait times and makes it easier for people to navigate the system.
Fast Processing Times: Streamlining the processing of immigration applications—especially for popular visa types (such as work permits, family reunification, or skilled worker visas)—can make a country more appealing. Implementing automated systems to handle common cases can reduce backlogs and speed up decision-making.
Dedicated Support Services: Offering multilingual customer service and dedicated help desks for applicants can make it easier for people to get the information they need. This also includes establishing professional services that guide applicants through the process, which can reduce mistakes and delays.
Simplified Visa Categories: Offering fewer visa categories or streamlining complex ones can simplify the process. For instance, many countries have specific programs targeting skilled workers, entrepreneurs, or investors that have clear, streamlined pathways to residency or citizenship.
Attractive Pathways to Citizenship: Creating clear, efficient pathways to permanent residency and citizenship can make a country more attractive. This can include fast-tracking naturalization for long-term residents or those who contribute significantly to the country’s economy or society (e.g., through investment, innovation, or specialized skills).
Incentives and Support Programs: Offering incentives such as tax breaks, relocation grants, or housing assistance can attract immigrants and encourage them to settle and integrate into the country. Some countries also offer settlement assistance, language courses, and job placement support to help newcomers adjust more quickly. Also providing follow up services and feedback in a timely manner. By implementing such measures, a country can ensure that its immigration system is attractive, efficient, and competitive on a global scale.
Additionally, implementing these processes will provide more jobs for the Italian people and help to retain some of their younger people from leaving the country to find this type of of work that doesn’t currently exist.

Thank you

@ikmarchini - 20.02.2025 03:58

All of this is true for almost everywhere in Italy, outisde of big cites. I had a 2-bedroom appt. in Spoleto, Umbria for $375. If you want to jump the line for quicker medical care the cost is minimal. I paid $75 for a same day sonogram, about $400 in the US. Find a town with a good hospital. Yes, the beureacracy could make a grown man weep, but the real secret is find somebody on the inside. In Italy it's who you know and all doors open. Difficult. Tuscany is crawling with American tourists but not elsewhere. And Italian is easy to learn and they are very supportive, unlike the French. Preparing my return.

@southerncharmcreative - 21.02.2025 14:51

DONT EVER move to Flint Michigan or Mobile Alabama 😂 one has poisoned water, and horrible crime (Flint) and one has horrible racism and crime (Mobile)

@arnvidhr768 - 22.02.2025 18:45

Italy has high prosperity level, higher than Spain, if I good remember (more expensive), but Italian language will be possible to use only in Italy, while Spanish in way more countries, what is my logic. The same about France or Porugal, or similar countries. On the other hand, from what I heard, Spanish, French and Italian, if you know one, easier to learn other of those languages, as they all are Latin origin, especialy, if you are local in some of those counties, but for foreigner from farer countries this is pretty big challenge. Another thing, already living in one of those countries, seeing how do you manage with language and stuff, you may move between them how you wish. They all are good, all this region for living, why I focus on this region also in my plans.

@Peterl4290 - 01.03.2025 13:22

I'll be 58 next year, and the prospect of retirement makes me shaky. I apologise to all of the people who have retired and filed for social security during this time after working for many years only to lose everything due to an unforeseen condition. Retired people who have no savings or family to rely on find it quite challenging.

@christinekara8674 - 06.03.2025 18:21

How do i apply for moving to italy and get paid for it?

@Smudge28 - 06.03.2025 19:16

My descended family is from Barga, and I am really considering the move with my family for the wonderful lifestyle it sounds like and to get away from a broken UK.

@gabriellerochelle4367 - 09.03.2025 22:42

I would love to leave uk to Italy, Christianity is disappearing, I would like to go to a catholic county that doesn’t force Islam on usxx

@romankacin8365 - 10.03.2025 06:38

Bad government policy has its advantages.
