How to Buy a Car the RIGHT Way!

How to Buy a Car the RIGHT Way!

The Money Guy Show

1 год назад

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Joel Thorne
Joel Thorne - 16.09.2023 03:48

Why not finance and invest the money in a good mutual fund that would otherwise go toward paying cash?

tracers - 18.08.2023 01:35

Caleb Hammer mentioned your rules in a financial audit and I had to check out - great points! I cannot afford any cars with these rules, so I'm going to have to save up a lot more cash for a down payment!

Win - 03.07.2023 20:30

Shout out Caleb hammer

Halter12 - 28.05.2023 23:11

I'm not sure how well this has held up. According to these rules, as a mechanical engineer without debt, I wont be able to afford even a decade old Honda Civic?

Kevin L
Kevin L - 26.03.2023 21:08

Thank you so much.

Austin M
Austin M - 08.01.2023 03:03

8% of my monthly gross income is $5107 a month

s upton
s upton - 28.12.2022 03:37

Cars under $1,000? :) I went through a $200 truck in high school and later a $150 truck in college, and I'm younger than you. :) Just not nearly as financially wise (gauging by all the new ones that came later).

Good advice. It hurts, but good to hear all the same. My 24 year old beater is still going, but boy has my mind been doing all it can to justify a payment again. Even if it's high apr on used, it won't be as old! I have this nagging fear that if I save up for a year... in a year all the worthwhile used cars will simply have appreciated by that amount, keeping me at net sum zero.

FNQ ADV - 28.12.2022 01:07

The right way is with no car loan. Save up for 3 years and pay cash.

Kendal Washington
Kendal Washington - 27.12.2022 23:47

I hear you and agree, however 😄 if your over 40 and you have the opportunity to get the car of your dream, and you have to stretch that note out a few more years??? Go for it. Life is too short. (Assuming the house and kids are all doing satisfactory)

Blair - 27.12.2022 18:07

I won’t do either of the financing options. Ur averages from your other video on this topic, one consumer has a payment of 902 monthly (average car value, your terms) and another consumer pays 509 (average car value, average terms). Meaning that life adjustment gets made for that money to come out of the bank account. I’m a mutant so I would do this: beg, borrow, bicycle, bus, or ber for 3 months - put 900 a month in the bank. I’ve saved 150 a month insurance, so put that in also. Total $3150. Buy a car for $3150. Won’t be great, won’t need to be; only has to last 6 months. By then I have $5400 in the bank and I sell my first car for half what I paid 1575 total $6975 and buy a car for $7G. It lasts a year - 10,800 + 3500 buys me a car for $14,300. It lasts 2 years - 21,600 + 8000 (bit better than half now) buys me the example car for $29600 cash. Now I can cut back a bit and be average - save 400 a month for retirement and put 500 a month in the car fund. 6 years later I have 36,000 in the bank and my car is worth 10 so I can upgrade to a car worth $45G. My retirement account (400 after tax, 500 before, @7% for 6 years) is worth $44G. Repeat and repeat. I still drive a decent car for $45G each cycle, and my retirement fund is now worth $210G. Mutant thinking wins !!

John Bru
John Bru - 27.12.2022 17:32

20/4/10 has been around for a long time, I always figured Brian took that and went more conservative

Kyle Tauzer
Kyle Tauzer - 27.12.2022 17:22

Always have agreed on the 20 and 3 part. The 8 seems way way way too high to me. I think maybe 20/3/5 I would be comfortable with. Then again, I am always a cash buyer only.

SRTBoat - 27.12.2022 17:07

I was fortunate enough to buy my first car in cash. Took a lot of saving in high school, but 10yrs later, i'm glad i've never financed anything besides my house.

I know others will be forced to finance cuz they need a car, but for any of you who do have the choice, always do a cheaper car for cash. Old Civics and Accords are great cars for like $4,000.

domdrty - 27.12.2022 17:03

Right now is a tough time to buy a car. Used prices are still high. In general new cars are selling at MSRP, but interest rates are high.

CBEDH3 - 27.12.2022 17:02

Here comes the “ they’re out of touch” comments from viewers who want to buy cars that they can’t really afford.
