Why Atheism?

Why Atheism?

Abdullah Sameer

7 лет назад

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@samysalman6374 - 25.07.2018 05:49

Good Job. proud of you. I love people with brain. I mean smart brain!! not frozen, locked, shitty, brain!! who believe in all bullshit ,superstitious and Imaginative friend.

@rahul2maya - 27.07.2018 04:55

dont believe anything just know yourself before knowing god or allah.. meditation is the only key to know your self as well as god.. thnk u

@manithor7572 - 28.07.2018 16:26

There is no need to explain too long.
If allah created us to test to see 'who is gonna be good or naughty' why did it create entire universe which is useless for us; why didn't it just create the earth, sun and moon ONLY?!!!! Or just whatever a simple place is good enough for the created ones to survive!

If the entire universe is there, obviously there is no connection between the universe and the idea of creation for the purpose of testing us.

Because the ONLY reason that it created(!) us, just to test us; why go extra mile to create all of the other planets, etc. which are NOT necessary FOR, SO CALLED TESTING, at all.

If you wanna test only, one kind creature(us), why even bother to create all other stuff which have got nothing to do with THE SOLE PURPOSE OF TESTING(!)

Just creat one livable place and put them there, test them, punish them; satisfy your sadistic ego & BE HAPPY(!) and that's it!

@funboy4451 - 28.07.2018 17:07

اتمنى ان يكون للكون دورة لا نهائية فهذا يعني اننا سوف نحيا بعد موتنا و لكن بنفس الافكار التي عندنا الان و هذا يعني اننا كنا احياء من قبل اي نحن في دورة لا نهائة من الاحياء و لاموات 😂😂؟!!

@geraldinepebdani4972 - 28.08.2018 18:12

You are not an Atheist but Agnostic. If you were Atheist which believes their is no God then your behavior would be one without boundaries of morality that has consequences of your behavior. Example. Kill, steal, rape, pillage, plunder. You would not care about consequences. Your behavior shows a typical Judeo-Christian upbringing. You do not kill, steal, rape, pillage, plunder etc....
Have you ever asked Yeshua Messiah to reveal Himself to you?

@ethanseven8972 - 08.09.2018 18:52

unstable matters presume there was time,.. it's impossible, no time before the big bang

@deanaranha6578 - 09.09.2018 01:35

How do I know if I was not alive billions of years ago..

@maxten - 23.09.2018 18:15

I believe in Malacath

@UFOTUBE7 - 25.09.2018 22:58

I think the same thing but call myself a non-theist ... Big bang is only a figment of a priest! There is no beginning, the cosmos is infinite! We do not have to know everything, we just have to know that monotheism is BS! Atheism is a spot name devised by believers!

@theylaughatmynickname4860 - 18.10.2018 03:11

Why atheism? Why not agnosticism, pantheistiam, deism or panentheism?

@trommelbiel - 21.10.2018 16:53

Brother please kindly join a prophetic church where you can see the lame walk and the blind see. Islam was never a religion. It is a political cult. You couldn't find God there because Allah is not God.

@troyevitt2437 - 24.10.2018 10:21

Former Christian. My mother is a Jehovah's Witness, my Father is a Southern Baptist. They believe in the same Bible, but each interpreted it differently hence their divorce. I figured out BOTH were delusional, because both couldn't be right.
Watching Muslims and Christians debate is kinda like watching Marvel Comics and DC fans debate

@mosapedoterrorist7529 - 25.10.2018 14:21

I am also into science-but i reckon existence is more than u reckon upon live and die is not the end,

@zeeshanakram823 - 04.11.2018 18:25

fuck you you lying bastard

@speedtribejp - 10.11.2018 13:28

Increased Atheism is a sign of human evolution to higher sophisticated mental capacity.

@stevemallard3493 - 25.11.2018 03:59

Love the way he says the rest was easy

@dumbseekingtruth7634 - 27.11.2018 12:11

any relative subjects will not able to get information about "the absolute*" thats why * choose any from relatives to bridge the info for u ...

@albusai - 30.11.2018 00:06

If he gave an scripture with hundreds of fulfilled prophecies one might believe

@exmuslimchronicles - 02.12.2018 03:44

If you aren't sure there isn't an All Powerful Creator, it makes you an agnostic. Which is excellent IMHO. but yes i agree with u, if "God" is what any religions on earth described, then there is no God.

@Lion_of_Sparta - 14.12.2018 04:11

You sound like a bitch. I dont think you understand islam at all. U probs havnt read quran or anything. So instead of you trying to prove your point. GIVE SOME EVIDENCE FFS.

@Lion_of_Sparta - 14.12.2018 04:13

Is everyone in this chat a superhero fan..when you think god do u think someone from marvel. You need to think of his mercy and lovingness compared to his power.

@jeannemerle7025 - 14.12.2018 15:23

Being atheist is very natural and ovious if you are born in an atheist family, as i did. For me, believing in a god is NOT natural. I would have to force myself to concieve an idea of a god.

@bubbleteakun - 14.01.2019 05:57

sad stuff. I was atheist too until i realized how fallacious of a belief it is. You have to be completely intellectually dishonest with yourself to deny God’s existance. Just because he is calm does not mean he is right. Go throw your subjective biased morals in the trash bin. And for revelation I’d like to see you and anyone whod wanna help you, create a religion that can be as influential as the abrahamic religions. You say it was made by some uneducate illiterate person. You who has figured it all out and with all your scientific knowledge, go create a timeless verse/chapter/book that can compete. You talk about proof yet start to explain how the universe exists without any evidence to support ur claim. Even if that is true it cannot be eternal. Energy would be less every rebirth

@mcmemmo - 19.01.2019 07:59

Before making any statements about infinities, you should at least have a fundamental understanding of the mystery that lies at the heart of mathematics, which was proven to be real by Kurt Gödel with his two incompleteness theorems. It lead one prominent mathematician to say, "We know that God exists because mathematics is consistent and we know that the devil exists because we cannot prove the consistency." -- Andre Weil.

@RoguishlyHandsome - 25.01.2019 02:27

"The beauty and wonder is still there"
Exactly. Most believers seem to think that atheists can't feel any wonder and awe at the universe and it's complexity. That they must be jaded. My opinion is that the non-believers are in a better position to have these feelings, as they have the option and often the desire to discover, learn and understand as much as they can about the universe. The universe is theirs to try and demystify - because there is no incentive not to, no taboo - whereas the believers are just told what the universe is, how it came to be, all in absolute terms. Whatever cannot be explained is by default attributable to god.

@laderrickwynn8458 - 05.02.2019 17:53

Ur so smart ur dumb..

@EvenStarMN - 20.04.2019 09:53

Atheism is the reality

@drkim4077 - 25.06.2019 01:55

Wow, I’m just so surprised how alike we think, I’ve come to the exact same conclusion about consciousness

@ajrwilde14 - 05.07.2019 18:10

the scriptures (Torah and Qur'an) are corrupted but they did come from God

@sarfarazansari8153 - 12.11.2019 01:07

Your Atheism is not convincing ... Ex-Muslim Sarfaraz

@afifkhaja - 12.11.2019 06:42

There is no evidence for a god or gods. If there were, then I would believe in it (or them)

@ankitanandy6076 - 08.12.2019 12:48

I believe in God. Also I believe all should have the right to decide for themselves.

@gianniformica8235 - 28.01.2020 17:03

"We started out with many Gods, now we are down to one, so at least we are getting closer to the truth."

Thats not my idea, but I cant remember where I heard or read it.

@George-iv1hi - 29.01.2020 17:12

God does not solve anything. He is not existent.

@kevinmzi6586 - 04.03.2020 13:00

You have to have at least graduated high school to believe in the "Big Bang" Theory, because in high school three things happen:

First, you're persuaded the impossible is possible,
Then you become persuaded the possible is probable,
Finally you become persuaded the probable is certain.

It takes at least 3 years for this. Children will never buy everything came from nothing.

@suripsuparjo907 - 05.03.2020 02:08

Sameer, the Murtadin, an atheis,The Disguisting smiley, so you may have the skin of Islam n leave out by the motivation, it was happen from the ancient on common, knowledge n science can not able to answer the all thing about the world so how can understand the creator of the Universe, even the knowledge and science are very limited, but must be started from beginning, who make the beginning, inisiated, your life have beginning n then dead, just like animal, life not purpose, believe in God even you can not talk to make conversation, who are you, you need learning Islam to the best Ulama
Hope Allah Almighty forgive us

@nabilsayyed1059 - 07.03.2020 22:07

Because rizwan, David wood and you cannot defend Christianity

@mjsg8476 - 28.03.2020 03:36

Good informative talk.

@prad949 - 26.05.2020 16:26

Righteous even if atheists may achieve divinity.

@chopin65 - 03.10.2020 18:30

Let's be even more clear. Atheism is very much like an act of faith in a doubt of the existence of God. Almost every atheist I have ever spoken to in the past has made blanket claims without proof, and disguising doubt as evidence. They frequently do this so in an aggressive and disingenuous manner. This is especially true of New School Atheists. In fact, they can be quite viscous towards religious people. An insisting claim is merely a claim, but it is not a fact.

I am a classic old school agnostic. My definition of which is the following:

Q: Does God exist?

A: I do not know. I have no way of proving the existence of God. I have doubt only, not in the existence of or non-existence of God, but in my ability to answer the question. I am incapable of intelligently saying either way.

There, it is that simple. Sometimes saying I don't know is the best reply. It is honest. It is realistic.

If at some other time I were able to make a factual claim I would. Atheism cannot prove their claim anymore than a priest can prove God does exist. That really is the truth. They both choose deception over reality. They two sides of a deluded coin. They use tricks and fallacies to comfort themselves.

If you want to really understand, start by saying you "don't know".

@cjalisyas - 14.10.2020 21:29

THE ONLY TRUE GOD IS THE ONE WHO SHOWS HIM SELF TO EVERYONE. NOT FAITH BUT FACTS. Adults who believe in imaginary beings are stupid.

@palebluedot285 - 09.04.2021 15:24

Religous person : God did it

Athiest: we don't know yet

@fabiolazzati6958 - 25.01.2022 02:41

Clear and sincere. Go on with your job to educate believers to reasonably drop their religious scam!

@fabiolazzati6958 - 25.01.2022 02:48

I wish you could present these issues to a muslim audience, in place of the several liars (like Ahmed Deedat, Zakir Naik, and so on.)

@joshuamartinpryce1237 - 16.11.2022 15:13

Its true that humans are naturally prone to believing in a God. But that is because the evidence is all around us. Think about it, evidence is found when we look for it. The saying is nothing falls in your lap, this applies to spirituality. Spiritual living is made on development of the mind and the focus of the heart and personal intentions. This works for all relationships including the spiritual one. Jesus Christ loved you enough to sacrifice Himself, which He still does to this day. He is pulling strings and using people to bring you closer to Him. The Holy Spirit supports the spiritual journey as a Christian and lots of Christians are forgetting that.

@whatthefanart - 19.04.2017 19:53

Very interesting and provocative video. The one topic I would address is on theistic belief being "instinctive". I would say it's more accurate to say that it's simpler to believe in supreme supernatural forces at work... in the absence of understanding. Where does lightning come from? What makes fire erupt from the volcano? What causes the ground to tremble? Why do the seasons change?

Before science, early primitive cultures were left with lots of questions and no answers. And as fear of the unknown is a powerful driving force (right after fear of death), the need for answers becomes necessary to alleviate that fear. And left only to speculate on the inner workings of the world around them, a powerful but also invisible deity is the simplest explanation for the various acts of nature. If the people aren't in control of that, something... or someone else must be. It's satisfying to have closure on the subject, so becomes all the more compelling to accept this "answer" without too much investigation.

Of course this answer leads to another conundrum of a question; WHY? "Why did this or that god shake my house down with an earthquake? Why did they not give us rain when we needed it most? Why did did our crops we worked so hard on get left to spoil? Why did our village suffer from disease and not the other?" The speculation becomes endless, in why this individual or village was struck with tragedy, what did they do to deserve such cruelty, what did they do to offend the higher power, and what can be done to appease them? What do they want from us? Many cultures have developed rituals in the hopes of crops being blessed. For all that is beyond their control, comfort is gained in the hope that someone above who does hold such power will exercise it to their benefit... so long as they do what ever He/She wants.

So while it is simpler to believe in invisible protectors, it's by no means accurate when tested against real life circumstances, and not instinctive, just motivated by the need for answers. And as science advanced, through endless and meticulous testing, that's when we got real answers. Answers that are proven by consistent results in cross examined research. Which is far more confident to go by than speculation and assertion, such that we no longer have to rely on postulation.

So following that, atheism is no more instinctive than theism, and isn't "un-instinctive" nor requiring explanation when it isn't trying to submit answers for what we honestly can't provide. Atheism is merely the position of not accepting supernatural explanations in the absence of evidence to support the claims that can only assert themselves as explanation.
