Is it WORTH playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution in 2024?

Is it WORTH playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution in 2024?

Kero Valentine

3 недели назад

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@KeroValentine - 24.04.2024 16:08

Dude, I STILL don't know how I fumbled the line at the beginning... lol

@yellaturd - 26.04.2024 04:17

My advice to newcomers is to give the game a couple hours before you write it off. I first played it back around release when I was used to flashy shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield so my initial impression wasn't very good. It was a little ugly and clunky at first glance.

Human Revolution really clicked for me when I needed to infiltrate a police station in the early hours. It actually got me roleplaying because I didn't want to murder any innocents. I was able to find creative ways to sneak in and use non lethal takedowns then hide the bodies inside vents. From there it just gets better and better.

@sarifdeji8639 - 26.04.2024 02:43

how do you do fellow young people

@lifipp - 26.04.2024 01:30

Man, the timing of this upload is honestly pretty crazy - I played DE:HR when it got released (I was 12 yo back then) and I decided to revisit it like a week ago. Just played through the "missing link" DLC (which I have not played back then) and decided I want to check out on some content that's out there on Deus Ex and stumbled upon your video. It is hard to explain, but I sort of connected with you big time through this video and through DE:HR - like and sub earned big time, my man - keep up the good content!

@AmanOfGod777 - 25.04.2024 12:26

This is my first time hearing about this game brother 🤣🤣 an I was born in 1990 🤣🤣

@AmanOfGod777 - 25.04.2024 12:26

Dub video brother!!

@erhanacar9462 - 24.04.2024 17:01

I finished mankid divided without killing anyone and It was so damn good. Deus Ex games are incredible.
