What are the Unity render pipelines and which to use? | HDRP vs URP 2022

What are the Unity render pipelines and which to use? | HDRP vs URP 2022

Brendan Dickinson

2 года назад

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Zeemis - 07.09.2023 14:51

So basically HDRP is a slug fest lol, got it xD

Kirby Sama
Kirby Sama - 17.08.2023 09:45

If you are developing 3D for mobile use built in still the fastest and more easy to work with

LuzuVlogs Gamer
LuzuVlogs Gamer - 01.08.2023 07:17

HDRP supports Camera Stacking they updated it before 2 years.

J Cruz
J Cruz - 12.07.2023 18:58

the example selection is great

Studio Shitake Takashita
Studio Shitake Takashita - 07.07.2023 05:31

Are you THE Bruce Dickinson ???

Photon Wolfsky
Photon Wolfsky - 27.06.2023 02:52

Personally, I use HDRP for my stylized game simply because it has many lighting features that I prefer over URP. These kinds of features are not restricted to "realistic" graphics games at all. In fact, I've found the performance overhead to be way better using HDRP's native volumetrics over implementing multiple 3rd party "fake" volumetrics in URP, while achieving a superior natural look.

These videos are definitely helpful, but it pays new users to know that HDRP isn't just for realistic graphics and URP isn't just for toony stylized graphics.

Genebriss - 18.06.2023 20:38

Why even make video on the subject you are clueless at?

David Townsend
David Townsend - 07.03.2023 15:26

Nicely broke down. Thank you!

Pop21 - 07.12.2022 20:19

Now we can use shadergraph in Built in Render Pipeline. I thought it gonna be deprecated.

leftyfourguns - 29.11.2022 05:36

Ray tracing really is an irrelevant feature. It's so hardware limited that it doesn't have any practical application outside of pre-rendered visuals. So at this point I think HDRP is really only suitable for pre-rendered projects.

ko ko
ko ko - 25.11.2022 11:20

It is Clear. thank you.

Daniel TABARES - 28.09.2022 01:46

please ! S.O.S

Daniel TABARES - 28.09.2022 01:44

ayuda !!!!Hola Brendan, pregunto: puedo poner en el oculus 2 el sample HDRP que viene con Unity (el que tiene 3 ambientes y aparece una bolo dorada con el logo de Unity)Y EDITARLO Y CARGARLO EN EL Oculus??? gracias

Duncan - 16.08.2022 10:24

URP is a mess. I keep thinking I'm missing something and switching my projects over to it, tweaking for about 2 days, and just give up switching back to built in. The performance sucks out of the box, most assets are incompatible or at the very least require quite some tweaking to work with URP, and the settings are so spread out and ratted away in different panels it's a huge annoyance to change stuff in it. Fun to experiment with but overall I find it a waste of time and effort.

pw hv
pw hv - 13.08.2022 23:23

loved how you showed examples of URP and HDRP, just what i was looking (your video title described it)

Tech Curiosity
Tech Curiosity - 28.07.2022 22:06

Checking if player is grounded with this: (controller.isGrounded) does not work in urp version but do in core version, the point here is that it could be some scripting syntax differences too (isGrounded is not known in urp version).

MaxMakesGames - 12.07.2022 17:22

Really cool video, thanks !
I have never really used Unity for 3D, only unreal engine and I'm surprised how good unity is now. I remember everything looking so bland. They really stepped up their game with these pipelines !

Iftieaq Murshed
Iftieaq Murshed - 04.07.2022 01:26

If I use HDRP and the game doesn't perform well, will I be able to switch back to URP?

Lex Hvesuk
Lex Hvesuk - 03.06.2022 23:02

Very high quality video, thank you

Andrew - 03.06.2022 13:25

This lego scenes looks amazing. I wonder if they are not possible to look the same with URP?

Peter Sedesse
Peter Sedesse - 10.04.2022 23:14

Honestly, the truth is that if you are asking this question, then you should just use the 3d built-in render pipeline (not URP or HDRP). 1. Probably 80% of the assets you get from the asset store have not been updated for SRP ( URP or HDRP) so will need a large amount of adjustments to make them useful for URP or HDRP. Any assets that have custom shaders will be completely broken etc. 2. You won't know how to use the SRP anyway (it is not a beginner or intermediate feature). 3. You will need a beast computer to make and run a game using HDRP. But just my opinion, if you are not an advanced Unity developer working on a real professional project, just skip the headache and don't bother with URP or HDRP now.. the built-in rp will give you all you need.

Panical - 25.02.2022 17:17

Nice video

Felxaga - 17.02.2022 09:04

Isn't deferred rendering for URP in the tech stream and not included in the LTS? I would expect to have to wait for the next LTS version for that feature to be available for production use.

Your Majesty
Your Majesty - 03.02.2022 15:18

If I use a URP, does that mean I'll have the exact same graphics I get in the editor on mobile as well?

Brendan Dickinson
Brendan Dickinson - 24.01.2022 21:31

Which Render Pipeline are you going to use?
