The Last of Us Part II - SPOILER Talk

The Last of Us Part II - SPOILER Talk

Jeremy Jahns

3 года назад

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Tylers NotSlickBaby
Tylers NotSlickBaby - 23.09.2023 19:29

we need more game reviews brotherrrr loving em

Mitch James
Mitch James - 05.07.2023 12:23

The story should of been about Ellie discovering the truth on what happened at the end of the first game, runs away and is about Joel goes looking for her. He ends up finding her, makes amends, they get attacked and he sacrifices himself so she can escape. The epilogue is you playing as Joel’s brother and travelling with Ellie to retrieve Joel’s body and take him back to there home to bury.

mazen taifour
mazen taifour - 26.05.2023 21:14

I know i’m too late but i just finished the game . Literally 30 minutes ago
And i dont agree i empathized with abby cuz imagine someone killing your dad , at the end i started seeing abby as the evil one . And she got what she deserved which is nothing left for her 😁
P.s i loved her but i empathized with abby more

Ariel Marlin
Ariel Marlin - 07.05.2023 07:42

"You got your revenge but at what cost?" Is what every revenge movie did... in this case I liked more the way it was! 😉

Blue Collar Men Productions
Blue Collar Men Productions - 28.04.2023 07:05

Nah the perspective thing was awesome

Geran Ball
Geran Ball - 13.04.2023 14:49

Even after all this time I'll never understand how anyone could like this dogshit game

kevboogie - 12.04.2023 02:13

Except for that amazing doctor who created the vaccine for polio.

Nicholas Moore
Nicholas Moore - 06.04.2023 15:02

I believe many misunderstand the simplicity of no one being good or bad in this world and that everyone does something morally terrible. The Last of Us Part II has an exceptional and deep story that may take more than one playthrough to fully digest. The only parts I feel that fail are developing Abby's dad a bit more, the use of animals to cheaply make us care, and I feel Ellie should realistically be more rational about Joel's choice as even if she wanted to die for the cure, no one can be sure that, that'd be a good thing. Plus, taking into account the procedure to do it from a doctor that was what age when the cordyceps hit? Taking into question their ability to achieve their goal.

This game is not telling you to fully get on Abby's side nor that what Joel did was necessarily a bad thing (in fact, his send-off through flashbacks should get you on his side), but it also takes into question Ellie's revenge. Oh, and every single character aside from Owen on Abby's side was unlikable. Some have good qualities but ultimately all say or do things that put them on the unlikeable side more. It did a good enough job at getting me to like Abby enough to where I didn't want her to die, and had me disliking Ellie's choices in the end. It successfully shows why revenge in both their cases was not the solution.

A few things: everything would have been better if 1. The Fireflies woke Ellie up at the end of Part 1 to ask what she wanted with Joel there so they can all make a decision, and 2. In Part II Ellie and Abby actually effing talk, as hard as that would be. Admittedly, although I love the story in both games, some things could have realistically been done to squash some of the issues going on.

Dan the man
Dan the man - 31.03.2023 07:21

Playing as Abby fighting Ellie seemed so wrong. I did what you did, but the game said I had to continue. I was thinking ok, I have to continue, but there's going to be a cutscene where Ellie successfully kills Abby and she'll see Abby's ally (forgot their name), and she'll realize what she did

TheDude187 - 29.03.2023 09:21

Literally the OG was was Ellie kills Abby and that was deemed "to dark for her character" which make her "irredeemable". WHAT THE ACTUAL F%$#?!?!?!?! AFTER how many people she killed? Included Mel who was PREGNANT!!!

Rafael Unplugged
Rafael Unplugged - 28.03.2023 20:44

No one talks about what if they killed Ellie but failed at a vaccine anyway. The vaccine was never a guarantee just another hail Mary

Jakob Desanandreas
Jakob Desanandreas - 26.03.2023 21:24

This aged incredibly well

Brandon S.
Brandon S. - 25.03.2023 14:37

Anyone else getting recommended this now after the finale?

Kevin the Cleric
Kevin the Cleric - 23.03.2023 17:57

TLOU = The Empire Strikes Back
TLOU2 = The Last Jedi

pink menace
pink menace - 20.03.2023 03:37

i cannot like this game no matter how hard people try to convince me because it’s a painfully typical revenge plot with no compelling themes. it’s like a children’s show as far as it’s complexity just with gore.

J.J Jameson
J.J Jameson - 20.03.2023 03:12

This game was better than the first

Hayder Neamah
Hayder Neamah - 19.03.2023 00:41

I just played both games and i still don't get it the state of mind of most people in the comments 😮. Just because I played as Joel doesn't make him a hero or Ellie. In fact I don't see any good thing they have done all villainous act . Yes they protected each other and bonded but that's fine ,villains bond and also protects Thier family in fact that partly what makes good villains . But yeah literally everything they've done was selfish and has no good in it .
The only group close to good people The Fireflies and Abby . Fighting for democracy ,to restore humanity, looking for cure . As for Abby is the contrast a person who was raised by a good Mentally Healthy father who taught her to help dogs and animals,to help people in need other than herself in fact she did nothing for herself. Never killed anyone who wasn't trying to kill her accept for Joel which is justified after what he did to humanity but that also broke her .or unarmed .compare to Joel and Abby 😢just disgusting human beings killing doctors , pregnant women.

Antonio Soto
Antonio Soto - 18.03.2023 22:31

This game doesn’t do Justice to the character of Joel 😪

Daniel Kurtz
Daniel Kurtz - 18.03.2023 12:44

Cyberpunk Edgeeunners is a perfect example of how to write a cautionary tale, with a depressing finale, while making making character deaths meaningful

McDonald Trump
McDonald Trump - 16.03.2023 16:47

Girl seeking revenge kills literally everyone except the person she wanted to kill in the first place : going to the mall to buy bread and coming back with a new car, a new gf, a new credit card and a new dog but no bread

ThaGauddy Gawd
ThaGauddy Gawd - 15.03.2023 15:55

Damn Looking back at this Jeremy may have made part 2 better. I hope they do this on part two can you even imagine the impact once this happen. It would be more gut wrenching than the game for people who dn't know, maybe even gut wrenching for the people that do.

Dilaudid281 - 15.03.2023 00:46

Perspective was already the big focus of Last of Us 1. Everything Joel did, as a player, was justified based on what we experienced him go through with the loss of his daughter at the start. He protected those close to him at all cost, because he didn't want to experience that pain again.

I would have completely flipped everything in the sequel. My perfect idea for Last of Us 2 would have been making Joel the villain of the game. Mostly perspective just like they did, with Ellie not understanding completely why Joel did what he did at the end of the first game, but also with just his expanding ruthlessness based in a shrinking justification.

LEE - 14.03.2023 22:37

Watching this after the show and... my god... I hope they don't follow the game b/c it sounds terrible.

Alejandro333777 - 14.03.2023 17:49

I literally just beat the first game February 18th as the show was going on and just beat the second one like two weeks ago never caught the spoilers cus this was a game I was interested in until the show not a zombie game guy zombie 🧟‍♀️

Kimberly London
Kimberly London - 14.03.2023 03:34

I hope you are given writer credit for seasons two and three because this is exactly how they should do it.

ButteryBao - 13.03.2023 19:50

Last of Us I made us question our own realities, as in what would we do in Joel's shoes? In Last of Us II, not a single person playing the game got to the farm and said "hey you know I still want that Abby chick to die." By pushing that narrative Naughty Dog disconnected with the audience, making the last push by Ellie to catch and kill Abby pretty pointless. And like Jeremy said at the end of the day it doesn't seem like she really learned anything.

Kenji Ryuma
Kenji Ryuma - 13.03.2023 11:07

Fireflies were always the villains in my opinion, they could have easily asked Ellie for consent. Or at least killed Joel instead of disrespecting him and expecting him to drive back home. 😂

ZillaTheTegu - 13.03.2023 09:59

I also want to add that Ellie was not the first kid to be immune brought to the Fireflies. There were like a dozen kids before her, that got murdered dissected, and they still got no cure. The Fireflies were killing multiple kids to get a cure, does anyone really thing that they were going to be heroes and hand out that cure freely to all people once they found it? So Ellie would have died giving birth to a new immune evil super power, or died for absolutely nothing. Meaning Joel was 200% correct in doing what he did.

Hablando Shet
Hablando Shet - 12.03.2023 20:29

I was attached to Abby. Joel’s death was kinda sad, but he still fucked up.

Terry D
Terry D - 11.03.2023 23:21

Just watched this review randomly having not played the game but maaannn I loved the show presently and now knowing Joel dies and everything happens then😢 it'll be like those moments waiting for it to hqppen😢😢

Bobby Fischer
Bobby Fischer - 10.03.2023 11:56

This game is perfect in my opinion

LazOps - 08.03.2023 17:10

If it had switched between Ellie and Abby each day, I think it would've been so much smoother. I like the story overall, but restarting is jarring. Would've been way easier to keep track of everything day to day

Chauncey Kelly
Chauncey Kelly - 08.03.2023 17:08

His idea for LOU2 would've been amazing!

Sonic - 04.03.2023 10:07

The entire game feels like a waste of time tbh, you accomplished nothing and lose everything.

Juan Islas
Juan Islas - 03.03.2023 11:55

it wasn't tough you're just a bitch lol.

Alberto Restrepo
Alberto Restrepo - 28.02.2023 03:24

I enjoyed this game for the game play and characters but in the end I realized I was never going to play it again, I couldn't even recommend it to my friends. Its just too damn depressing, nothing about it makes you feel good by the end

Chew Her
Chew Her - 24.02.2023 20:23

Ellie needed her life to mean something, Jeremy needed Joel saving Ellie to mean something.

Ben Carlson
Ben Carlson - 24.02.2023 08:48

It’s like the opposite of having your cake and eating it too. Ellie ultimately did NOT take revenge and also paid the price for taking revenge…

Hosnaaa - 21.02.2023 21:46


Mitchell Lerich
Mitchell Lerich - 21.02.2023 17:06

Finally got to this game.... what a stupid pointless story. Abby is such an unrelatable character. And ellie being mad makes no sense. Pretty sure Joel killing a bunch of guards and doctors to save her isn't as bad as doctors murdering a little girl for a maybe cure.

Vivid_Dreamer - 20.02.2023 13:15

I’ll never like Abby. I don’t care. She killed Joel. I jumped off a cliff as Abby and deleted the game. That’s my ending. Joel lived while Abby killed herself due to not being able to find them. Love it.

Fj - 19.02.2023 22:34

lou2 is to long

Brent T
Brent T - 19.02.2023 08:09

I know this video is almost 3 years old but I just recently played this game, and that is EXACTLY what I did as Abby during that fight as well hahaha

J. Francis Ward
J. Francis Ward - 19.02.2023 04:32

For that matter, what if in the second game Ellie falls in love with Abby, then Abby leaves to get her gang and kill Joel in 3

Cristina - 19.02.2023 01:49

I did not care about abby at all. it was garbage for me

Inverted Free Solo
Inverted Free Solo - 17.02.2023 21:22

This was the one and only time I've asked for and recieved my $ back on a video game. I hated it so much.

And ugh you're ending was so much better. Hopefully they learn for the tv show.

BAGGS the Augmented Eyes
BAGGS the Augmented Eyes - 17.02.2023 16:46

In my head canon for this game, I'm also a character in the game, and I'm the one who hunted down Abbey and spent days torturing her to death. And that satisfies me immensely.

Luiza Henry
Luiza Henry - 17.02.2023 15:54

I stopped playing when they killed Joel, I watched gameplays after to see where the story was going, but couldnt play anymore. At the end I think kill Joel didnt pay off.
