Witcher 3 Next-Gen ONE of the Most Requested Features Doesn't Seem to be Coming to the Update

Witcher 3 Next-Gen ONE of the Most Requested Features Doesn't Seem to be Coming to the Update

Hambone Gaming

1 год назад

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@Jonowono - 05.12.2022 02:31

I don’t understand what they’ve shown so far in their marketing approach. Like they showed crap nobody cares about like map filters instead of what we actually want to see.

They’ve only confirmed Netflix/Dandelion. I thought they were adding Netflix looks like the faces?

The cloak was one of the most obvious features to add, they said that they used community mods so it’s not like they had to do much.

That hud mod, another amazing mod they didn’t take advantage of. Many meaningful immersive hud options, the compass. Instead all they had was 2 or 3 useless hud options.
And why did they make the new camera an option in settings and not just an in game hotkey.

I hope they make some sort of improvements since that showcase. I know they spent a lot of time on the visuals but visuals aren’t everything.

@MR_IceBlood - 05.12.2022 03:00

I don't really care about cloaks I don't like them anyway I'm not a medieval superman

@sokol5805 - 05.12.2022 03:03

Photo mode is geared towards console players? Bruh there is a huge community on steam that is in to cinematic screenshots. Those reshade mods are for that comunity

@valo-x6714 - 05.12.2022 04:18

probably because of the sword clipping.

@ahmadsyazwan9693 - 05.12.2022 05:08

My question is

Gtx 1650s
i3 6100
16 gb ram

Can i run

@jahaelwilliams4807 - 05.12.2022 05:15

Is there going to be a new game plus plus

@bigjesse714 - 05.12.2022 10:12

I wish there was cross-save for xbox to ps5

@212mochaman - 05.12.2022 11:07

I thought they deliberately didnt give him a cloak cause he's not like triss, yen and ciri and doesnt need to hide from anyone. Ya know, lore reasons

@deimosok2003 - 05.12.2022 14:34

CDPR has turned into EA. Cyberpunk is still stuck in prealpha hahaha

@NicheVictory - 05.12.2022 15:51

I think they don t want to be compared to asssasin creed…

@ratnition132 - 05.12.2022 17:25

Cloaks are A LOT of work to implement

@LOW-KEY78 - 05.12.2022 18:11

What if the feline armor hood can go up and down...I think it's his swords would clip

@dylanbruce2605 - 05.12.2022 18:21

They did say in the showcase for the next gen update that they are listening to the community and may add or update with more things in the future!

@skytigerhd01 - 05.12.2022 18:24

I honestly never thought about the cloak but know iam with you

@INMATE2468 - 05.12.2022 21:57

They took time to model ballasack armor absolutely no one is going to use, instead of his cloak

@nd8490 - 06.12.2022 09:00

I was really hoping for an in world way point, really hope the mod I use for that works after this update. It is by far the best QOL mod I have ised hands down. No mini map, way point actually on screen.

@juliashenandoah3965 - 06.12.2022 11:51

But this is immersive. Geralts feet and ankles have gotten so damaged and weakened inside the bone structure, full of undiagnosed microfractures, he simply dies of internal hemorrhage and a sudden blood pressure drop when falling down bone-shattering one or two feet. That happens over time when using too much steel for the armor instead of ultralight meteorite Dimerithium compound Triss is recommending to all Witchers since 1223 A.D.

@robertboucherjr - 06.12.2022 17:18

Also first person… wish console got it

@Force-Multiplier - 06.12.2022 20:06

Transmog is all i want so i can finally use that Viper School Witcher Gear while having effective builds i like

also NG++ that's also important for me

@NBag-ni4ow - 06.12.2022 21:25

I couldn't care less about Netflix and its shitty addition to the Witcher.

@assassin3003 - 06.12.2022 22:27

I was thinking cape, better hair, and Henry cavill face

@gamingandreviews. - 06.12.2022 23:11

I'm 100% certain you can ng + more than once,I've done it several times for all my previous runs,on xbox.i don't see what yall mean with ng++

@KoZmoDoYmaj - 06.12.2022 23:37

imbxciles omggg

@FrankTank47 - 07.12.2022 15:49

It’s be so great if they rethink their decision honestly it’s for the fans 👍

@MisterWillow - 07.12.2022 23:40

Who cares about that cloak? I don't.
But you made a really interesting (casual) remark that I really loved: Make Witcher more 'survival'-like: He must sleep (instead of meditate), etc.
I always missed that in the Witcher 1. (And the follow ups also)

@le4-677 - 08.12.2022 02:48

Look at that terrible clipping. No wonder its not in the game.

@gamingcentral4730 - 08.12.2022 06:26

Saves from goty better be available on this.
No reason at all they wouldn’t be, and the limitation of only 1 ng+

@Sublight77 - 08.12.2022 17:06

Its social media so you guys have to find something to bitch about of course

@vrsaommo8193 - 08.12.2022 18:01

What I want is to have the ability to play unlimited NG+ (NG++)

@maziyarbozorgan6068 - 08.12.2022 20:42

The Cloak thing never gonna hapen even in the next witcher bc of that old thing cd red got with ubisoft assassins creed

@writerlairchannel2636 - 08.12.2022 22:53

you should not be disappointed of developers that work hard for a free update for a 7 year old game, camera and photo mode were experimental features, and netflix armor were for the fans of the show (reason to be interested in the games sorta speak), and hoods are not connected to netflix, if they would had been added, then it should had been happened with the original release, i like them, but cdpr have no reason to add them, this is not about what fans want, its about how the game should be played (cutscenes visibily of main charater's face, and so on)

@skrukken - 08.12.2022 23:52

the next gen update could have been one thing and I would still be hyped,
a crows perch fast travel point.

@SecretzOfMana - 09.12.2022 01:37

Grandmaster Cat armor being able to put the hood down without masks / glasses would be very nice lol

@ethanthedamonknightgod4418 - 09.12.2022 02:33

I just want some bugs fixed

@ReveredDead - 09.12.2022 03:04

Henry Cavil was the one keeping TW live series alive. With him leaving. It will likely fall flat on it's face.

@zanestice1137 - 10.12.2022 22:00

This is the only mod I was hoping they would implement. And of course...no. Like, how you gonna have an opening cinematic where he's wearing it, looking totally badass...and then when you start playing, the cloak is suddenly gone. It's bothered me for 7 years. I don't have PC so I was really looking forward to this being implemented with the update (especially because it's such a popular mod). Give me the Cloak over the lifeless, basic looking Netlfix armor any day. Black leather... exciting😐
I can honestly say that I am significantly less excited about this update. Missed opportunity, CDPR.

@trc1508 - 11.12.2022 16:11

The problem is, however, with the modded cloak, the swords come through the cloak, which annoys me and with the amazing hair effects on available I'd rather not cover it up

@inanimatejon1450 - 12.12.2022 12:55

Should've added transmog aswell

@Titanicwasaninsidejob - 15.12.2022 18:16

it’s not just another piece of armor, like what’s already in-game.. & it’d require a ton of work.

Imagine them having to add new cloth physics that behave naturally with the wind/water (when swimming).

Imagine them having to make sure the cloak isn’t clipping in gameplay/ cutscenes. Especially in combat, the cloak can’t obscure the player’s vision when Gerald spins, which it absolutely could.

A lot more to consider, but you get it.

Cloaks will likely be added to the Witcher Remake, & not this 7 yr old game running on it’s original engine.

@srebrybrek4238 - 16.12.2022 05:09

Yea i don't think soo

@jcksparrowfan - 22.12.2022 03:43

This is when it really comes in handy for PC players who can just use the NoFallDamage mod.

@MindEy3 - 22.12.2022 08:34

So is there no way to transmog armors? I feel like I’d rather have the look of one armor but the stats of another…

@olgastepanov8479 - 03.01.2023 02:28

Idk if I'm asking too much.
But I wish CDPR would finish/add that Northwestern village to the map in Tuissant.

@ryukjoga - 15.06.2023 09:07

This just proves how good this game is. Instead of being upset about basic features missing, or lootboxes making the game unfun, we're worried about cloacks ^^

@royceburger7929 - 17.06.2023 18:24

What is photo mode?

@drew2532 - 18.06.2023 00:53

I think Netflix dlc was pretty good

@afrz421 - 25.07.2023 19:23

Bro where did u go?

@mr.woowoo8826 - 22.08.2023 10:55

Coming back and playing the second time after the update your video's have helped getting back up to speed. Thank You!
