Does The WAND Core MATTER? | Hogwarts Legacy

Does The WAND Core MATTER? | Hogwarts Legacy


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Bully Maguire
Bully Maguire - 14.09.2023 00:23

"It's said that the ones with an alder wood with phoenix core wand will leave their mark in the world"
Me after learning avada kedavra: OHOHOHO, i certainly did 😈

TheGuyWhoCallsHisFemaleSubTeacherMomByAccident - 27.06.2023 06:49

Wow, how utterly, absolutely, decievingly, dreadfully, completely, wholly, totally, entirely, undisputedly, downright, outright, unequivocally, fuckingly, fuckkitty, fuckedly, fucksake, fucking disappointedly ridiculously ridiculous. (No I'm not trying to be funny, I'm genuinely disappointed & frustrated)

They had so much potential with the wands & spells regarding stats & a leveling system but they decided to be lazy & plain boring. What a fcking shame 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

wxvz - 08.04.2023 10:51

Answer: nothing you pick matters just make it stylish though😎

PS have a good day

Laron Williams
Laron Williams - 05.04.2023 21:09

It should of been a difference I’m hoping a update on the game for the wand customization

Pike Stance
Pike Stance - 23.03.2023 04:53

One could deal more damage, per hit, while the other has lower cool-down times, while the other has a longer range or something in the middle. This could also be improved in the talent area, call it "Allegiance."

N. Holbrook
N. Holbrook - 20.03.2023 23:49

Its true, I wish there was just a little more thought put into these wand customization things - like why can't the handles have additional properties? Why can't the cores change the color of the magical casting? Why can't the wood change the sounds the magic makes? The biggest issue, though, is we should be able to collect wands from defeated foes because THAT is entirely canonical and would let us get more powerful wands as we played the game.

tSp289 - 19.03.2023 06:19

This sounds like one for the modders. Even something simple like...

Dragon: does additional spell damage and small bonus to duration and cooldown, occasionally fails to fire. More critical hit type damage bonuses.
Unicorn: increased spell duration and reduced cooldowns, longer protego prompt. Bonus to non-red spells. Never fails normal spells but frequently fails unforgiveables and dark arts (e.g. curse effect sometimes doesn't get applied).
Phoenix: Begins with debuffs and frequent failure to fire, but this reverses as levels are gained, occasionally casting protego even if you miss the prompt, or stupefy on an attacker who's about to hit you with an un-dodgeable attack etc.

After that you could add all kinds of stuff about wand woods, length and flexibility.

Kris Bright
Kris Bright - 18.03.2023 05:16

Umm actually there is no difference with Expelliarmus.

K3wlD3wd - 13.03.2023 01:56

Your wand doesn't matter, just like your Patronis doesn't matter.

You don't even need to be max level to beat the game, I beat it at level 31.

Games Cooky
Games Cooky - 11.03.2023 06:40

That's a shame. It would have certainly made the wands more unique.
Maybe make some wands deal more damage, but at the cost of cooldown. Or other wands deal less damage, but faster cooldown.
Seems like a missed opportunity. But oh well.

Tallenn - 09.03.2023 19:09

It is 100% a role play decision.

Solemn Ace
Solemn Ace - 09.03.2023 08:59

I figured there would be no difference, but if one did exist, I'd expect it be something simple. Based on the flavor text for each core, I'd imagine higher crit damage, but lower normal damage for dragon heartstring, higher normal damage but slightly lower crit damage for unicorn, and damage that slowly ramps up during combat for phoenix feather. (To a reasonable/balanced limit)

Azazel the Fallen
Azazel the Fallen - 09.03.2023 03:58

I think they wasted such a good opportunity to make the Opening Quest force decisions on you that would then come back around and determine your House instead all we got was pick a characteristic. It feels like only in the Quest design the Ambition that was required to build this amazing Game is lacking, the only exception being that darn PlayStation exclusive Quest.

MrPerry61 - 08.03.2023 16:14

should have something going for the wands, at least make the handles with different perks.

Hoigwai - 08.03.2023 11:15

Well, in the wand lore, it is really all about getting the right match. If you are paired with the wrong wand and that can be the core, the wood, the length, the spring, or the flex it will never be as good as the one you are correctly paired with.

Now, Olivander (the one from the books) was the first one I believe to only use dragon, unicorn, or phoenix he believed that other materials did not produce the best potential. Other wand-makers use other types of cores. For the game tho they made this Olivander only use the big 3.

Christopher Sanchez
Christopher Sanchez - 08.03.2023 11:06

Honestly Canonwise, Phoenix Core would fit our character as we are a rare Ancient Magic User, and a phomiex Core would suit our rare extraordinary power

RDKRL - 08.03.2023 00:51

Basically nothing in this game matters so I'm not surprised.

Gy Dante
Gy Dante - 07.03.2023 23:11

Ofc it doesn't almost nothing matters in this game. I like this game but it's siriously lacks of depth.

Arkalius80 - 07.03.2023 05:28

I'm actually glad they don't do anything. Forcing a player to make an important choice early without being able to know or understand the consequences is bad game design.

Bush Monster
Bush Monster - 06.03.2023 23:50

FMJ increases bullet damage 😂

Ghost King
Ghost King - 06.03.2023 22:23

Pretty sure the "Basic Spell" is the stinging hex, a simple and easily countered minor dark spell. Its simple wand movement "Point" allows for an unlimited amount of different movements to keep slinging it, with only your active thinking speed changing how quickly you can cast the spell, assuming you're doing so nonverbally. It's perfect for using over and over as a "basic combat spell" the way this game uses it.

While Hermione's use on Harry in the books was extreme, she likely overpowered it as much as she could to make his whole face swell up, since normally, it just causes a red welt, like a small scorch mark, to appear, which stings, appropriately enough.

If the cores actually mattered, the Dragon Heartstring would definitely do more damage, since it's the easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, while the Unicorn Tail Hair is the hardest, and users of that wand core should find themselves doing a lot less damage with any dark magic, and, theoretically, should have harder times learning any form of dark magic.

Furthermore, if the cores mattered, Phoenix Feather wands should randomly cast magic to protect the user when the user is in serious trouble.

They could have actually programmed in the nature of each wand core to make for more interesting gameplay, with phoenix feather wand users getting a chance at random spell usage against shields, when they're low on health. Especially so if their spell cooldowns are all in the process of being refilled.

Dragon Heartstring could simply cause more damage over all with damaging spells, while Unicorn Hair could have offered longer lasting effects to non-damaging spells.

It would all be fairly balanced by the fact that Phoenix Feather core users should rarely ever activate the effect if they're any good at the game, while Dragon Heartstring players would clearly be optimizing to for damage output. Unicorn Tail Hair users would be the one's most focused on controlling the battlefield.

It's not like the game is that difficult anyways, so even if there is a lot of potential for abuse with any of these cores, it wouldn't change much.

Yoda Man
Yoda Man - 06.03.2023 21:11

if the wand mattered everyone would just min/max and choose the same one anyway.

Eo - 06.03.2023 19:02

You can't change your wand later on so if it had a signigicant effect that would've felt pretty awful.

Brian Coy
Brian Coy - 06.03.2023 17:05

The only way i can think of to differentiate them would be to tie them in with damage and cooldown. One type would basically be middle of the road in both damage and CD while another was top damage but longer CD, and the last has a shorter CD with less damage.

GGsuper64 - 05.03.2023 21:26

Short answer: No.

Matt Evans
Matt Evans - 05.03.2023 19:29

Isn't there dialogue though for which type of wand you have? Telling you a little bit about the PC you have created. A bit like the houses. Sure, you could argue the PC should be more fleshed out from the start, but being able to add such flavour yourself isn't a bad thing, if you take advantage of it.

Titan Studios
Titan Studios - 03.03.2023 08:48

Actually the unicorn hair did 2 cancicitive shots of bombarda you can hear the audio and see it too 17 and another 5 the same core that goes with consistency..

Heartless - 02.03.2023 23:13

Idk why you made a video on this or why anyone does nothing in hogwarts is as detailed and immersive as you think it’s not a role playing game lol nerds

Christopher Robinson
Christopher Robinson - 02.03.2023 21:44

Thanks! I was wondering if I was messing up by not knowing.

Slay Skool
Slay Skool - 02.03.2023 15:42

Wand cores mean nothing, house choices mean nothing, brooms mean nothing, your "store" means nothing, good and evil mean nothing, "Shinies" mean nothing, your choices at the end mean NOTHING, etc...

sean jones
sean jones - 02.03.2023 14:15


A Gar
A Gar - 02.03.2023 06:29

What they should have done with the cores.
Dragon heartstring +15% damage -5% cast time
Unicorn hair +5% damage +5% cast time
Phoenix Feather -5% damage +15% cast time

baval5 - 01.03.2023 15:24

If they had wanted the cores to matter what they could have done is have the dragon core have weaker base damage but a stronger effect from traits while the pheonix is the exact opposite. Then for the last one they could have either made it the middle ground between the two or made it make basic attacks stronger.

That way the dragon would be capable of casting more powerful magic, and the pheonix would be weaker but capable of casting a wide variety. Both matching their descriptions.

Jake Drake
Jake Drake - 01.03.2023 14:38

does flexibility matter though?

Skeitch - 01.03.2023 08:23

Wait.. you got to choose!?

Jeff the Truth Bringer
Jeff the Truth Bringer - 27.02.2023 19:16

It looks like there's a good few things they wanted to add to the gane but simply couldn't do to time restraints or budget like Quidditch for example multiple time's you hear people in game complain about there being no Quidditch so it's clear that even the devs were frustrated about there not being Quidditch hopefully Hogwarts Legacy becomes one of thises gane that they keep adding content over time

Dirt Cobaine
Dirt Cobaine - 27.02.2023 12:48

I wish all the details you could pick all had a slight impact on the cosmetics of the basic cast on other spells. Like different combinations gets you different intensities, colors, sound, stability, the way it moves as you flick it or as you hold it. Maybe have unique effects on different spells. Like make the color of Lumps different, the color of your flames with incendio and Confrigo, the shape and color and the movement of the basic cast. Different animations for the streams of magic. Idk I just wish more was paid attention to wands. It’s just as important as customizing your wizards physical appearance imo like I was really hoping for full wand customization as far as it’s shapes, colors, textures etc as well and accessories more than just basic handles, even sheathes and decorations

DeadlineUNIVERSE - 27.02.2023 10:36

Phoenix Feather makes Avada Kedavra more deadly.

Ádám Kovács
Ádám Kovács - 25.02.2023 12:49

My question is how were you able to do those spells so early in the game? Story wise it doesn't make sense.

Araedi - 25.02.2023 12:25

The devs said that the wand options ate purely cosmetic so I thought that would be enough of a hint as to weather or not that mattered... apparently some people arent that smart...

Rockin Blaze
Rockin Blaze - 25.02.2023 07:07

Size does matter. I want that Big… Black… Wand. With the thicc handle and powerful core that just tugs on your… Dragon Heart String. Just oozing out power with Unyielding force.

Killuafanboy - 24.02.2023 22:35

I tried the unlock all spells mod and ot didn't work for me. Do you have to like have a new game for it to work or something?

Horse Wings
Horse Wings - 24.02.2023 15:50

The phoenix core once you win its allegiance, can get you a farther reach than the other cores. I was hoping they'd show that.

Netherwolf6100 - 23.02.2023 21:19

Thats a shame. Was hoping correct types and size would affect the cool down, proficiency and power of spells that you use and can acquire.

ValRavn Official
ValRavn Official - 23.02.2023 16:04

The wood, length, and core make no difference. IT IS ALL COSMETIC!

Jose - 23.02.2023 05:38

Does any aspect of the wand matter? I don't think so. Like so much of this game, it's overly simplistic to the point of being juvenile. It's a bit sad the lack of complexity.

This game is the perfect intro to open-world games.

Spirit of sound
Spirit of sound - 23.02.2023 02:56

It's about learning new spells where the cores matter.
Dragon = arrow moves faster
Unicorn = more boost from qte
Phoenix = less qte points

KrimzonFlygon1 - 22.02.2023 02:43

I’d have had the cores tied to spell cooldown. Dragon Heartstring for red, unicorn hair for Purple, phoenix feather for yellow. Like, the cores chop five seconds off their corresponding spell group.

Edit: I don't know why I thought the Force category was blue. I guess I had a brain fart and thought Force = deep blue and Utility = baby blue.

Mac Aroni
Mac Aroni - 21.02.2023 10:01

I was like 63

JJ Maybank
JJ Maybank - 20.02.2023 15:50

i wish it did when i did the test i got a larch phoenix core wand
