Rane One - Case Options (Pro-X Case Review)

Rane One - Case Options (Pro-X Case Review)

John Roth

3 года назад

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@TreMoneyProductions - 03.05.2021 01:34

I use a pro x ddj 1000 case for mine. It fits with some modifications.

@PhiMobileSounds - 22.05.2021 08:10

I picked up the ProX case for the Rane One and it does look the same as this SRT 1000 case. I did not already have a case so I went for the new case option. I like the honey comb finish. ... still smaller than the NS7II Oddessey case

@Mixxwizard - 11.06.2021 19:46

Are their any other controllers that are the same size as the Rane one far as fitting in a case?

@chozenblue - 18.08.2021 23:44

What is it that your putting under the controller ? Where all the power is going Into? Could you send me a link where I can get one please did you have to screw into the bottoms of the case ?

@djgblaze1of1 - 06.09.2021 18:16

Mines Ns7 3 is falling out the case during transport any recommendations to keep it locked in place

@DJLueder - 17.11.2021 07:41

This guy has the exact case I want!

@djandsound - 24.12.2021 00:13

What is the total weight of the CASE with Rane One?

@edsonoliveira7969 - 07.02.2022 20:53


@jimineedles - 08.05.2022 21:30

Anyone got a dj backpack that fits the Rane One?

@michaelvanderwalt6015 - 28.06.2022 11:46

Hello John . on the rane one is it good for mixing house music an tech house

@maduroholdings - 18.07.2022 13:26

I'm contemplating having a wooden case made for day to day walk about transport not for flying

@DjTomWest - 30.08.2022 00:29

I bought the 2u version. I love the Rane One. I added a rack mount mixer with a power conditioner underneath. Great build!

@racefan31 - 13.09.2022 05:39

Well done. I just happen to have e that exact ProX Case for a DDJ-1000! Just bought the Rane One so I’m definitely doing this.

If you don’t mind me asking, what type of foam did you use?

@relaxsingh - 08.11.2022 23:53

where does the main wire go to hook up to an ac outlet?

@thedmjayproject - 17.08.2023 01:22

thanks bud.
