How to sell AI-generated images on Adobe Stock and earn $$$

How to sell AI-generated images on Adobe Stock and earn $$$


1 год назад

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@cahiterayeldemir7716 - 23.12.2024 00:07

What will happen if 20 people produce the same image with the same code and upload it to a stock photo site? Who will own the copyright?

@vjatseslavjertsalov2829 - 20.12.2024 17:20

Correct me if i am wrong but Midjourney makes mistakes with hands still too often comparing to other models like Flux. Prompt adherence is not the best. Midjourney is better to use for artistic staff like illustrations, drawing because of it's cinematic nature. I tends to always create something cinematic or artistic. So it does not feel like real photo. I personally found that Flux 1.1 Ultra works better for photograph type of images. But that is only my opinion, and i am not yet on the Stock market but in Print On Demand

@himalimaddumabandara7410 - 01.10.2024 07:00

I did it the exact way you have shown here. But I get this message when I try to upload the image "couldn't be uploaded because its resolution is too small. Images must be at least 4 MP and vector previews at least 15 MP" how can I resolve the issue? Many thanks in advance

@jessiejane5228 - 25.09.2024 13:03

Hi i followed your tutorial but my images are low resolution not suitable for stock sites (even when upscaling) could you please advise how you managed to get your images high enough resolution to sell and exactly what resolution that your getting? Thank you! :)

@BlackPlusRich - 13.07.2024 02:08

Excellent video. Thanks.

@rosikaakaroski2446 - 13.06.2024 10:57

You can’t upload as PNG

@rosikaakaroski2446 - 13.06.2024 06:42

Don't we need to use Upscales or photoshop to upscale the images before submitting? is Midjourny upscaler enough?

@МаксимСергиенко-г2э - 07.06.2024 10:40

Shutterstock not acepted AI!! You lie!!!

@МаксимСергиенко-г2э - 07.06.2024 10:38

Adobe stock not allow AI Generated!!!

@ProtestDonald - 13.05.2024 23:23

You chose photo. Since it's an AI Image can it still be considered a photo or Illustration? Does it matter?

@caribbeanqueen44 - 08.05.2024 06:52

You need to upscale the images before uploading.

@wyfiz4485 - 16.04.2024 13:56

I requested a prompt and Midjourney gave me 4 options/images just like you did. If I want to upscale/vary all 4 of those images does it count it as the amount of prompts i get to use based on my subscription plan? Or did I just use one of my prompts for that generated images? I need to know because this would help me alot if I want to be careful with spending my given prompts.

@AvanaVana - 09.04.2024 17:20

I found your image on Adobe stock. It is $80 for the extended license lol. Has anyone used it?

@blackdogsmystery - 07.04.2024 10:41

I really appreciate your video man! great content and genuine, thanks!!

@JadenAMusic - 01.04.2024 08:20

Please tell me, Should I submit Realistic Fantasy type images (Eg. Futuristic Towns, Buildings, Robots etc.) as Photos or should I submit those as Illustrations (since they are not real) ?

@englishroadmap7799 - 25.03.2024 14:45

My 151 files are rejected

@TristanFaransa - 20.03.2024 10:41

Did Adobe accept this image with these weird hands?? I guess, we can see so many weird AI images on this stock...
Guys who lift barbells without even holding the bar... Guys who run on treadmills but across the treadmill... Runners with misshapen legs...

At the time, your Stock Photo Keywords seemed interesting to me, then looking more closely at the keywords it found for your image... earrings, gold, necklace... Me, in as a contributor but also a client, if I look for an image to illustrate gold, I will be disturbed by your image (and therefore many others) which will pollute my search by making it more laborious, longer. This Stock Photo Keywords still has some interest but you need to do some cleaning, cut some and add some. So for now still I prefer options like shutterstock Keyword-Tool.

Thank you, this video is nice.

@annet_here - 01.03.2024 02:28

Can I publish the same photos in both wire stocks and adobe ?

@user-hd7kr7im2t - 19.02.2024 21:59

You can tell the difference between images taken from real models and the ones generated by AI. The fact that you use AI content for your website can lead to, eventually get penalised by Googleland in the long run.

@BlairBryngelson - 19.02.2024 14:07

I need to start

@halalsmile - 13.02.2024 16:46

Great Video. Thanks a lot.
I have a question. Do I have to change the image format to JPEG, because it says in the requirement? Or can I upload the file in PNG directly from the Midjourney if the image is in right resolution.

@Arneallan - 12.02.2024 10:48

Would be interesting to know if you've made any money with the strategies on your channel!

@lab1749 - 11.02.2024 14:49

thank you so much for sharing this information , please can you tell me good upscaling software for mid journey pictures

@RhiannonLlewelyn-e2b - 02.02.2024 12:26

An AI generated image of a "person" VS a real, authentic image of a real person that has a model release.That is what you are paying for.

@ConstantineM - 25.01.2024 15:35

I earned 6 dollars for half a year on Adobe :D
I have 500 AI images right now in portfolio.

@arikshahinyan5432 - 24.01.2024 19:25

Hello, you made an excellent and very useful video. I really liked it. only I had a problem. I can't use the link "Stock Photo Keywords custom GPT" that's what he writes when I click on the link "Sign up for ChatGPT Plus to chat with Stock Photo Keywords" please, if possible, help me solve this issue. thank you

@mudithmadhushan9859 - 20.01.2024 10:20

Good video, Keep making more videos about this

@zasxoxo6341 - 17.01.2024 23:29

Hey Thanks for the informative video.I wanna know can I upload images upscaled with mid journey or Leonardo AI? Or I need to upscale with other app.

@SHEBIQ - 16.01.2024 11:25

I agree, i've been selling AI photos for the past year on adobestock, and getting weekly around 35$. I've stopped uploading images around 3months ago. But still constantly getting regular 35$ a week. Right now i've uploaded around 12500 images in total. If anybody got any questions, feel free to ask. I can share some tips and techniques i've done to do it faster.

@TheBlessingReport - 16.01.2024 05:29

great gbt

@Kal-el23 - 15.01.2024 02:18

Just out of curiosity, why didn’t you use to describe command in midjourney instead?

@certainlysoup508 - 14.01.2024 05:12

this is unethical

@brazzilianboy - 13.01.2024 02:22

you've forgotten to tag the title with Ai Generated at the end, but it's a nice tutorial

@palm715 - 12.01.2024 04:23

I’ve never done anything with AI or used ChatGTP or even had a Discord account. By following this tutorial, I making freaking cool AI-generated images. Mahalo! One question: how can I take an image and regenerate it into different ratios to give the most options for all my new customers on Adobe Stock?

@TheMacsima - 11.01.2024 20:53

Thank you! One thing: In midjourney you can use every aspect ratio you want, e. g. --ar 123:89 if you need. I prefer 16:9.
It might be too late for upload new images for Valentine"s Day to Adobe Stock, because they need a month for the review in average.
I sell images at Adobe Stock, and I realised that they review images they are looking for way faster than images with themes they have tons from.

@eurossocial - 11.01.2024 20:03

Thank you very much for sharing the whole process of this. Your video great! It has everything I wanted to watch to help me with my decisions. I hope to see more similar videos of you generating different niches for selling on stock sites. You Have a New subscriber to your channel. 👍😊 By the way, you did the correct choice to select the "Upscale Subtle", it is the best upscaler now in Midjourney. You can see the big differences on the detail enhancements, when you download your images in your computer and zoom them out and compare them. One more thing, I wonder why people consider chatgpt the top? No, for me Bing chat is the top, it has more extended knowledge than ChatGPT (chatgpt knowledge is still behind on 2021). Bing can also describe images extremely well, and the best it is of course free to use, and private, people can not find your chat conversations. in, chatgpt is not private, people can find and read your prompts.

@user-lb6un2ru3m - 10.01.2024 12:56

Does somebody here know a good discord for people that want to make money online with AI? would like to find/build a good community. Together we can be stronger!

@tichpo8411 - 10.01.2024 10:20

How much do you get paid from Adobe Stock for photos? And is it monthly or daily?

@YourSeasonalMood - 10.01.2024 04:13

Hey Wes, thanks a lot for this video! I am trying this out for a month and ill let you know my results. So far the wait time for reviewing images is quite long. I've been told it can be a while. let's hope we get reviewed quickly! Thanks again for opening my eyes to this idea!!

@Hope2BHappy - 10.01.2024 03:25

How long is it taking for adobe to review things these days. Last year it took me 14 weeks I'm hoping it is not that long now.

@user-lb6un2ru3m - 09.01.2024 20:31

Great idea, thank you! How do i upscale images the best if i use DALL-E for Image generation?

@SuperModelFlaze - 09.01.2024 11:09

what sizes do the images usually need to be?
mines tend to be around 4608 x 3072 of ai art and I am still having a hard time getting sales

@tttttt1000 - 09.01.2024 03:22

Hi Wes, your instruction is so spot on, thanks for your videos. I tried this and got graphic images. How do I get photographs?

@CM-zl2jw - 08.01.2024 10:01

👏 🍾🥂. And the Golden Globe goes to WesGPT. 😁.

Q. Should you upload multiple sizes and ar of the same image? Is there a way to streamline and upload multiple images in one click?

Does Adobe allow unlimited uploads?

Can you create a video showing me how to use crisper to clone myself now please 🙏. I’m still working on my instagram side hustle… fun but requires time and I have to reach out to the business owners. That was my favourite video so far but you are an amazing teacher. I bought your course. 🤞🤞

@NiazMohammad - 08.01.2024 08:56

Hands are still not always correct, so you will need to have skills to fix them in order to sell them. No one would buy faulty hands images.

@GregBrownell - 07.01.2024 23:33

Another amazing video Wes. Great information here. I was curious if you feel Midjourney is a better pick than Leonardo for photo real images? Also, can you tell me the tool you use to capture your screen when doing videos?

@stewartmackay - 07.01.2024 23:23

This will be clipped on the head before you know it. AI images have no place on paid stock image sites.
