Separate Audio Tracks in OBS (Split Discord, Music, Game Sound)

Separate Audio Tracks in OBS (Split Discord, Music, Game Sound)


1 год назад

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xShAnGhEiGhX - 28.10.2023 03:23


Miaoppii - 26.10.2023 15:27

Hello! Do you know how to mute voice chat in-game (ex. Valorant) to stream but you still can hear your team mates/randoms?

VIB1ON - 25.10.2023 17:14

Very useful video

Kødguden - 25.10.2023 13:59

I have problems with my alert sounds cuz i can hear the alerts but my stream can't what to do?

Javier Castro
Javier Castro - 24.10.2023 22:22

Nice video, I been looking for this for a while. It's precise, to the point, and expeditious.
Well done!

OscarMike - 24.10.2023 14:58

I've done it this way. And I have 2 audio tracks for game, voice and discord. And I think they are both stereos. And I'm having issues fixing this. I tried switching to mono and I just got a high pitch whistling in Vegas Pro

Bio wyvern
Bio wyvern - 22.10.2023 17:05

Is there a tutorial to mute mic when switching scenes?

CheeseNMacz - 22.10.2023 06:04

was having a lot of trouble, this fixed my issues in actual seconds. cheers dude, thank you :)

Melon Tusk
Melon Tusk - 21.10.2023 11:47


Dalkiel Damion
Dalkiel Damion - 16.10.2023 07:57

Ok, so what about on play back? Let's say you just want to quickly check out a saved OBS clip to make sure everything is working. But you find out that either A) You only hear your mic or B) You only hear your game play.
Now I set it up just like you have in this video except I use .mkv
I record .mkv in OBS because I make really long videos to edit down later for Gaming. But when I went to just play it to check it in raw .mkv format I only hear me on my mic.

If I use OBS's Remux Recordings to convert it to MP4 and then play the video I only hear the game play and no mic.
I know you can't see my settings, and at this point I would be willing to share my footage and my set up screen shots because this sh** is driving me nuts. I have been experimenting with this for days now and this is the closest I got because the other why "they" LOL told me slash showed me how to, I had both game and audio in the video, but when I went to use my editing software both my game and mic where on one track.
When you do a video like this and do a raw take, can you see and hear everything before you go into your editing software?
I can take the .mkv file and go into my editing software and it has both audio tracks (mic and game sounds) on separate tracks. Is that normal?
I am really new to all this OBS, content creator stuff and I am trying to learn it before I start uploading videos or doing live stream.

I really appreciate this video, it has gotten me the closest to what I am trying to get out of it. So thank you very much.

But where are the videos on "When things go really, really wrong!"? LOL

Well again thank you, and I know this is a year old, but hopefully you will see this comment.
Be Well :)

VANESonGAMES - 15.10.2023 18:51

only getting game volume not my mic or discord

Dan M
Dan M - 13.10.2023 04:33

I don't know why the application audio capture doesn't shown when I installed v29, could anyone help me with this issue?

Pale :Jiyuu
Pale :Jiyuu - 12.10.2023 16:21


daddyDeuces - 12.10.2023 14:32

When talking with my friends with in game voice chat then the sounds of my friends aren't recorded.. Only the gameplay sounds and my mic sound is recorded.. I had to enable desktop sounds to record the in game voice chats with anyone.. Everything is perfectly fine..

DisequalOne - 12.10.2023 03:57

Took forever to find this.

fvlse_ - 10.10.2023 22:50

This is great but where do the audio tracks go? Do I conver to mp4 from MKV, put it in adobe premier and the tracks are there?

Stankye - 07.10.2023 07:20

Discord and Mic audio show up in monitor and output, but not in recording.

Islam Nasr
Islam Nasr - 06.10.2023 15:20

what is VOD?

Stumpling - 05.10.2023 18:33

FINALY! a video that, sorry about that let me give you your dues. a PERSON that doesn't just skin walk around the video and solve absolutely nothing! thank you for actualy solving all of my problems with recording audio.

Nova Cloud
Nova Cloud - 04.10.2023 03:47

its like echoing when im following this
