Arabian Perfume Haul Shaghaf Vanilla Toffee, Tobacco 01, Tiramisu Speculoos, Banana Bliss

Arabian Perfume Haul Shaghaf Vanilla Toffee, Tobacco 01, Tiramisu Speculoos, Banana Bliss

Simin Shaikh

4 месяца назад

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@cp_honey - 07.11.2024 22:54

Then I will definitely look out for Musk pour Amber, I've already been obsessed with Bayn Al Asrar it this whole autumn and I would love a variation on this awesome unique theme!
Btw I'm glad you're getting PR to talk to us about, and hearing it straight up from honest creators actually makes it more so I think.

@karenaspencer8460 - 08.11.2024 00:16

Thanks and I always looking forward to your review. I also didn't like eating banana let alone wearing it. 😊

@carlinos9440 - 08.11.2024 00:18

👋 👍 👏

@vanessarobison2791 - 08.11.2024 00:25

Hi Simin, I’m so happy you reviewed Tiramisu! I was waiting for a full review because I trust you and feel like I can blind buy. In your opinion, do you like Tiramisu or Eclaire better? For reference, I love Cheirosa 71!

@Nadrielle961716 - 08.11.2024 00:29

Vanilla Toffee smells like burnt sugar to me and it stays, I get maybe 25 seconds of toffee in the beginning which was delicious, after that only burnt sugar for hours. I got rid of it, didn't want to wait for it to macerate 😂.

I'm waiting for tiramisu speculoos to arrive, I'm excited about that one 😊. I happen to just buy Treaclemoon cinnamon bun shower gel, I think it would go with Tiramisu speculoos perfectly 😊

Have you tried Eclat de lune from Maison Alhambra? I bought it for the pretty bottle without knowing any of the notes but I actually really like the scent, I just don't know what I'm smelling 😂 it's a soft sweet perfume

@sharonps7510 - 08.11.2024 00:58

Swiss Arabian perfumes in Australia are $150. So basically unaffordable

@blayde_warrior7507 - 08.11.2024 02:09

Ohhh so many perfumes here that I’ve been hoping you’ll talk about ❤ Thank you so much for always bringing the best content to us Simin darling! Just a few minutes in and I’m already LOVING the video! So happy you got another bottle of opulence of dubai 😍❤️ You absolutely deserve it!

@blayde_warrior7507 - 08.11.2024 02:16

The fact that you always give your honest opinion on fragrances is what I value the most about you ❤ Thank you so much Simin hon for talking about Vanilla Toffee. I hope it gets better with time but I think I’ll wait for your maceration/maturation update video before investing in this one. You’re always helping us make the best perfume decisions 😘😘

Edit: hahahahah I hate banana everything too 🙌🏽 im so so happy I waited for your review before deciding on Banana bliss. You always always steer me right! ❤

@blayde_warrior7507 - 08.11.2024 02:29

Thank you so much for enquiring about my travel dates hon. I’m afraid my trip already ended 😭 it was a very short trip of 2 days and my dad fell really sick once we landed so we didn’t do much. I just spent the entire time being super anxious, running to pharmacies and worried sick about him, but thankfully he’s doing much better now. I would have so LOVED to have met you. It would have made my entire year. But I know if we visit Dubai again, the thing I would want MOST would be to see you hon ❤ It’s something I look forward to.

@rea2725 - 08.11.2024 02:56

Vanilla Toffee is a love. It did not smell strong at all , It smells very soft and light to me especially when you first spray out. Its not a loud scent.

@jannie20009 - 08.11.2024 03:02

Buklava is a Greek pastry and has walnuts in it. Does it have walnuts notes???

@Tseringlhatso - 08.11.2024 03:08

So with you on the banana thing - banoffee pie is the biggest abomination in the world of desserts! Why would anyone want to smell of banana, unless you're under the age of 5! 💕

@alisalavine1052 - 08.11.2024 03:52

Simmie! Gorgeous girl, oh my goodness. You know that I love your clothes. What you're wearing now is my absolute favorite! So beautiful! The colors are magic on your skin.

I saw the surgeon today. I'm having a minor procedure in a few weeks as a diagnostic tool. It's all terribly complicated but I'm in good hands. Keep me in your prayers.❤

It was a hectic day but I saved this video for when I put on my pajamas and got into bed with my electric blanket. It's officially Fall and I'm finally getting to wear my new sweaters and use my blanket on my sore joints!🍂🍁😂

I'm going to watch this now. Sending so much love and support.❤❤

@charletfoster8917 - 08.11.2024 03:55

Thanks for reviewing these new releases, I’m 🛍️🛍️🛍️🙏🏿😊

@bodacioustness5054 - 08.11.2024 04:42

You're often a bright spot in my week but this week in the US has been especially dark, so hooray for the Sim Squad!

@DMSqueen1 - 08.11.2024 05:46

Sim, so glad to have you back❤!!! Your review of vanilla toffee was very helpful, I think many people think it’s girly girl sweet and are disappointed, I will wait. It’s expensive in US. I love banana bliss and tiramisu speculos, but I have never seen such a horrendous cap. The bottle and cap represents the brand, so that’s a big fail. Can’t wait for more Khadlaj

@rebeccaaguilar8127 - 08.11.2024 05:50

Simin, you are so beautiful

@mdhebert7345 - 08.11.2024 06:23

Glad to see you😊 I have slowed down on buying because everyone has jumped on the middle eastern fragrance train, prices are no longer affordable for me😢 but I will still watch your videos ❤

@sakshikalsi - 08.11.2024 07:37

happy diwali simin 🥰

@nickygrujovski4932 - 08.11.2024 10:11

If it works for you don’t fix it!. Interested in the guidance dupe. Even though I have the other. Love your review. Take care.

@Marlena_Q - 08.11.2024 12:06


@MsTammi125 - 08.11.2024 12:51

I have been getting banana everything lately so a banana perfume made me laugh I'll proudly get it soon lol ❤

@a.r.p.-x6255 - 08.11.2024 13:39

Please review zimayas - tiramisu too both the variants actually .! Ministry of gourmand tiramisu vs zimayas tiramisu

@lallydirar8583 - 08.11.2024 14:35

I heard it smells similar to Sticky Dates from Lush which I ADORE ❤

@NataliaPullen - 08.11.2024 15:49

Love your video ❤❤❤

@Corazon246 - 08.11.2024 17:25

Yo era de las que pensaba que iba a ser un perfume dulce caramelizado y goloso. Menos mal que vi esta reseña. Quitado de mi lista de compras y más que no está tan barato.

@ZahidaligalaZahidaligala - 08.11.2024 22:48

Al riyan khadlaj attar nice🇵🇰

@barryryan1948 - 09.11.2024 09:12

Hey my lovely hon. You look so stunningly beautiful. So lovely to watch your new video. I am so sorry that it was so exhausting for you and that your Rode microphone is damaged. I know these are not cheap but wonderful microphones. Gerry just bought himself one for his music ( for vocals). I hope it will be fixed soon without much cost. I felt overwhelmed just watching coverage from the Beautyworld Exhibition and I was watching from the comfort of my own chair. So many people, so many fragrances, it is so easy to get overwhelmed. Such interesting perfumes.
Gerry has some holidays now and needs relaxation pretty badly.
My blood test results were pretty concerning, to say the least but I am hoping they will ( magically perhaps .... 😅) improve, with rest and doing all the right things ( started on the heathy life style changes ) and not get worse. I was shocked how much my results had worsened within 8 months or so. I also was diagnosed with Anemia , which explains why I am so pale ( I have gold olive skin and a tan but am actually very pale compared to last year) and so extremely fatigued. At least that can be helped with a script of high dose iron treatments. But the other results not so much, except for trying to drink a lot more water for my poor kidneys.
I am taking things a lot slower right now and not going online as much. But just wanted to say thank you and I love your video as always, smoochies to dear Markus, purrs from Pushkin and Sunti and so much love ❤and light 💛💫to you dear friend. Forever yours, Tia ❤🧡❤

@christinelecher1406 - 09.11.2024 19:43

Tiramisu bottle is completely WRONG. They should have used that bottle for a fragrance that had something (anything!!) to do with an alcoholic beverage note, or accord.
The bottle makes absolutely no sense as it relates to this fragrance.
Some people should not be in the marketing field. 😳

@christinelecher1406 - 09.11.2024 19:54

Yes, Sim!!! I hate bananas!! The texture, the smell, all of it. My niece was addicted to mashed banana and cereal when she was a niblet and I had such a hard time feeding her. You know how babies spit out, like, half of their bit and you have to stick it back in their mouth?? Well that...with mashed banana...was my WAKING NIGHTMARE 😩🤢🤮🤮🤮

@IlyzaChelseaYlanan - 10.11.2024 00:41

Hi Simin!
I've been watching your videos since last year and I always come back to your reviews whenever i'm interested to buy a certain ME fragrance. I actually bought my first one (bint hooran) because of your review ❤️

My fiancè and i will be getting married next year and i'm looking for the perfect perfume for the both of us to wear on our special day. Perhaps you have recommendations on what we could try? Thanks! 🫶🏻

@clarebrad6002 - 10.11.2024 18:58

You have so many fragrances, what would be your ride and die frags you couldn’t live without if you lost them all and had to repurchase?

@TheJuladada - 10.11.2024 20:47

I didn’t like the toffee one, it feels really masculine on me. But the tobacco was such a great surprise 🥰 I really love it

@patricesc82 - 11.11.2024 00:24

Is Swiss Arabian going to release the Cities Collection again?

@hope0.2 - 11.11.2024 01:57

Adoro le tue spiegazioni! E ti ho scoperta da poco! Ho comprato silkyRose di lattafa e me ne sono innamorata!!! 🤍 grazie per le recensioni

@katherineellis98 - 14.11.2024 05:42

Earlier this year, my uae friend gifted me shaghaf oud elixir and ahmar (red bottle), I love shaghaf oud elixir, it’s last on my clothes for a week and 5-8 hours on my skin although I live in hot humid climate.

I asked my friend to bring me the Abyad (white bottle) cuz the notes look interesting, but I don’t know if it a good idea. I don’t mind masculine scent. Now I also considering about vanilla toffee, but I don’t like too sweet scent?

@chimbukachibangulula5635 - 14.11.2024 14:56

I love the Tiramisu fragrance. So interesting 😊

@SUITSANDSCENTS - 14.11.2024 20:28

Loved the video

@DIVEnSOME - 15.11.2024 10:00

Speculoos is actually a spice biscuit from Belgium , if you’ve ever had lotus biscuits it’s exactly like that

@MrFirstdance2000 - 15.11.2024 20:14

The stale note could be reacting top a chemical used in your wash or dryer sheets? It's in the mail...thank you!

@GlitterBunnyNL - 22.11.2024 00:34

Your next video in my queue erased the drafted comment 😢😢😢 but I wanna tell you how much I love your video ❤❤❤

@vanessarobison2791 - 22.11.2024 01:38

Oh my goodness, my Shaghaf Toffee arrived today. It needs time as I am not a fan of the smell right after the initial caramel spray, it’s almost burned maple syrup incense. After a while the dry down is much better but I’m putting it away for a bit!

@a.r.p.-x6255 - 28.11.2024 19:17

Hi simin, can you please do a review for Paris corner black cherry vs afnan cherry bouquet 💐
Love from India

@tereamusic - 02.12.2024 03:39

Tiramisu Speculoos is definitely THAT GIRL 🔥🔥🔥

@KWM07 - 05.12.2024 20:12

Hi Simin which other gourmand similar to tirasimu speculoos and love would you recommend

@OllieSmiless - 11.12.2024 20:39

I smell coffee shop from Paris Corner Tiramisu and I smell Cinnabon from Lattafa Khamrah.

@raymondandmelaniebolton3775 - 13.12.2024 06:40

Hi Simin, so many of these sound so delightful. Sorry you had some malfunctions early on. It sounds like a big, fun event to attend. Iḿ sure there are sooo many vendors and fragrances that your nose probably screams for relief!! Thank you for the lovely descriptions of each perfume. The Tobacco 01 sounds very interesting.

@sarahfatajo9726 - 15.12.2024 23:02

Just received my Musk Pour Amber. Testing it against Bayn and both Guidances. I smell amazing right now haha. I find this sweeter and smoother than Bayn. I think it’s more like the Guidance 46 and Bayn is closer to Guidance OG. At the
moment it’s not very strong once it dries down. Maybe it’ll change with some time.

@shrenika - 04.03.2025 09:06

Hey Simi , what are your thoughts on the shaghaf vanilla toffee now ? Is it better! I just hope I had watched this video before ordering mine yesterday 🙄

@shrenika - 06.03.2025 14:31

Shaghaf vanilla toffee any one else gets like toffee in the pickle dabba and burnt sugar???? Liquorice not may be 🤮and am the one who thought it will be something like eclair 😂😂😂😂 and spot on you described the perfume so well!!!!!
