Worst MMO Ever? - Dungeons and Dragons Online

Worst MMO Ever? - Dungeons and Dragons Online

Josh Strife Hayes

1 год назад

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Dungeons & Dragons Online
Dungeons & Dragons Online - 10.05.2023 21:55

We just really wanted to thank you for checking out Dungeons & Dragons Online. We'll be digging further into quite a bit of your feedback as well. Team says hello!

SonySteals - 07.11.2023 02:21

6 months later - UI is still unplayably tiny. Shame, because I’d love to play it more and I get serious headaches with that scale xdd This game is really good and it’s so sad it doesn’t get some small fixes or modernizations that would make it more playable to wider audience. And to be clear, I’m not talking about changing anything in game, all I care for are small things like UI size, maybe a beta for a gamepad system (like ff14 or ConsolePort for WoW).

Daniel Duffee
Daniel Duffee - 07.11.2023 01:58

Huh, I remember starting in Stormreach back when I played this...

DeeGee - 06.11.2023 08:37

oh god i loved playing this game back in the day and i hope they actually improve and fix this game, and maybe add a bit of animation when u and enemies get hit because hits felt weighless but it was kinda fun back in the day!

HashTagLoveBacon - 06.11.2023 05:58

Been playing DDO since the beginning... love this video. So accurate for what I went thru over the years. But, still love DDO.

きたない - 05.11.2023 16:48

I loved DDO, have over a thousand hours there, and would play it to this day, but the unscalable miniscule UI is unfortunately a dealbreaker for my poor eyesight. I really hope they do something about it.

Beau Peterson
Beau Peterson - 03.11.2023 08:22

Sure, Tomb Raider is a good introduction to game mechanics, if you enjoy spending hours learning how to platform with a janky ass tank covered on molasses.

Terri Richardson
Terri Richardson - 02.11.2023 03:12

I've been playing this game for years, I don't remember exactly when I started, but it was either when it came out, or shortly after. And I can't take this review seriously. While the game does have it's fault, I won't deny that, a lot of those mentioned here are either nitpicking, or the consequence of Josh not paying attention, or reading what is right in front of his face, which is something he should understand to do if he plays tabletop even rarely. He's stated several things that are outright lies because of his lack of paying attention/reading. Such as when he picks up a quest from Linus in Korthos, and says the map tells you to go to the tavern. It doesn't, and Linus himself tells you where to go, which is the warehouse directly across from him. The Favoured Weapon issue he had is a similar case. It isn't hidden "deep with no easy access" like he claims. You literally get told what it is and does during character creation when picking a deity to follow for Divine classes. He also mentions slow leveling, which is not the case for a fresh, early level character. He had a full XP bar at the bottom of the screen, with all the rank pips filled, for quite some time. Finding out how to level isn't hard either. You're in an RPG, you're supposed to talk to NPCs, especially if they have symbols over their heads, when on what is very clearly the tutorial island. I could list more examples, but I'll stop here. Just please, while I'm glad you ultimately enjoyed the game, if you're going to do a review about something, at least given it a modicum of respect and actually pay attention to the obvious, instead of missing it completely and then complaining things are hidden from the player.

Nik Waggoner
Nik Waggoner - 01.11.2023 20:14

Dnd 3.5 is by far the best dnd with pathfinder and Adnd being next then everything else

Lourthain001 - 01.11.2023 02:54

Love you , think this review is perfect in that muggles be muggling these days, This has been my #1 back up game between triple A's since ought 6, there is a reason why this game has the highest capita per player amongst ALL mmorpg..

Memitim - 01.11.2023 02:00

Interesting thing about this game, even though it's not really an MMO (Silence heathens!) it's one of the very few, if not the only, MMO-like games where you can actually play it with friends all the way through, without ever feeling like you would progress faster alone or being told "No, you have to do this bit alone". And that really tells you everything you need to know about the state of the genre today...

Early Bird
Early Bird - 30.10.2023 16:22

how do wotc fail so hard at getting someone else to design their world in a game

in4theride75 - 29.10.2023 08:04

DDO is an MMO that was built during a different time. You can tell it was rushed and built by a large team that didn't really communicate well. Lots of great ideas and lots of MMO firsts but riddled with bugs and "spaghetti code" because it was built with being launched ASAP to capitalize on the MMO bandwagon with no longer term maintenance as a consideration. Now they are in a catch 22 where the player base is so small that if they don't spend all of their time making new content for players to purchase they can't stay in business, and a dev team so small that is all they can really work on and they don't have the money to go back and revise all the broken systems so they just slowly bleed players until everything dies. Sad because they game's core is fantastic and had great potential.

Keovar - 29.10.2023 07:09

Delera's Tomb is the adventure which has some voice lines spoken by Gary Gygax.

23"13 - Steep as that ramp is, it's only wheelchair-accessible to a powered chair with a full battery and rollback preventiin.

Gontear - 29.10.2023 05:49

This video summoned the spirit of nostalgia inside me.
You have to understand, my friends and I played this game when we were young, and at the time, not many MMOs focus on instance-based story-driven adventures. It was the first MMO we played that had a narrator, and that the story had BRANCHING PATHS. I have to admit the idea of instances you have to purchase really limited the experience for us (as we were thriving on our allowances at the time) but we were able to get hold of adventure packs relatively cheap on sale. I see the game has changed a lot since we played - for one, the starting hub world was Stormreach, basically progressing the opposite direction you were going in the video. There were no Dragonborn nor premium classes at the time. Turbine was the company hosting the game.
I have many fond memories of this game. For me, the ideal way to play is with friends you know, and blind. Some highlights:
1) Catapaulting ourselves into a minotaur stronghold while the narrator says with increasing amusement "oh look, more minotaurs!"
2) Avoiding an entire boss fight altogether by successfully intimidating the boss (one of us made a barbarian, luckily).
3) Scrambling to get Boots of Featherfall IMMEDIATELY as a lot of dungeons kick our ass with fall damage.
4) Siege of Stormreach Castle which was so epic, at least at the time.
5) Multi-layered maze of a SEWER system with a huge central atrium, but... fun?!
6) Gimmick bosses! It's not just hitting each other until someone dies.
7) Rogues WILL make some adventures less painful by avoiding corridors with traps.
8) EXTREMELY steep learning curve when it comes to building a character. I had to create character several times (there were no reincarnations at the time). It was my first exposure to anything DnD and I didn't even know what feats were.
I also like to note that the bugs you mentioned in the video were not there when we were playing. It also seemed to look better? There was an engine upgrade at some point but this may just be rose-tinted glasses talking. Also, the ladder animation would have been done by the developers of the base game while the email bug would have probably been done by a different team entirely given that it's outside the game itself and the hosting changed companies at some point.

Arqvyle - 28.10.2023 13:46

The end of this video was a treat. From the wholesome miniatures to the 3.5 modifier joke. This whole video was great.

Joze1685 - 28.10.2023 04:05

Jordan Piccarillo, I just want you to know, I see you and thank you for supporting JoshStrifeHayes

arturat - 28.10.2023 02:51

i love this game.

Sasspiria - 27.10.2023 23:13

This gives me so much nostalgia, i remember playing this game when i was in 9th grade. this game was great at its peak.
